

单词 语词
释义 语词 yǔ cí ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰¹ᴾᵃ¹⁰⁴⁸⁹
However closely word meaning and sentence meaning intertwine, I shall maintain that word meaning is independent of sentence meaning and they belong to different categories. cnki

The words once boiling hot, after eruption, like the scenery formed by the rock- magma, then can be appreciated by people. yeeyan

But we do need to be very careful about how we use them, and in what context. yeeyan

In contemporary Chinese public discussion, the word“ nationalism” always gets on the sensitive nerves of the spirit of the age. sinoss

The construction of the words of an Act is for the court and no one else. translation168.lingdi.net

而我找到的最早的、可以看成是一个单词的缩略语则是1934年的 Gestapo盖世太保,来自于德语词“秘密国家警察”Geheime Staatspolizei。
The earliest acronym I could find that I actually recognized as a word was Gestapo from1934, built on the German words for “ secret state police.” yeeyan

You also have these people that come to be called the Hasidim, it's on your hand out, that's from a Hebrew word meaning the holy ones or pious ones or something like that. open.163.com

When it is clear what is meant by the words used, the rules of interpretation are irrelevant. translation168.lingdi.net

With head slightly tilted he would mince his carefully selected words in a deep voice. yeeyan

He talked tough this week, promising to cancel the elections and resume direct rule in earnest if either party looked less than committed. ecocn

Her feelers have stretched out to the life story one by one, and behind her words there are the emotions accumulated in many years. yeeyan

I seemed to return back to the late80s, those days of falling thick and fast in words and phrases. I believed in my youth age that living in garden, a rose can be got in fingertips. yeeyan

Our words continue to make passable sense because of continuity of change of theory: we warp usage gradually enough to avoid rupture. blog.sina.com.cn

Obviously, we are not going to throw out all of these terms, nor should we. yeeyan

The administration coercion causes confusion in its subordinate concepts because of different choices of words and linguistic contexts. cnki

Therefore, as a general rule only the words used may be referred to. translation168.lingdi.net

English has borrowed many words from French.《21世纪大英汉词典》

There are several Yiddish words to describe social misfits. yeeyan

In a remarkable show of efficiencyto say nothing of creativity, the agency managed to find 1, 100 words and phrases in English and nearly600 in Urdu. yeeyan

And this will be helpful for exploration of the basic processes of Chinese word recognition. cnki

This is a kind of meta- literary allegorization that I'll be performing here: you could also think of Milton the poet as being stuck at this same juncture. v.163.com

This is an activity that could never have happened before the age of electronics and a word that could never have happened before the age of globalization. yeeyan

And with the Sharps and Flats of my Autumn, not only was there the play of cloud-effects in the sky, but out of the ground crops were to be seen rising. yeeyan




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