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词汇 byte
释义 byte. baɪt

a sequence of 8 bits enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data processed as a single unit of information计算机术语中,一个字节是8个bit比特二进位制信息单位。但是为了与单词bite baɪt n.&v.咬;刺痛相区别注意bite和byte读音也不一样哦,拼写用半元音/y/来代表/i/。可以比较下单词tire的名词含义和tyre都是轮胎的意思呢。byte stuffing字节填充check byte检验字节address byte地址字节error byte错误字节byte mode字节方式,二进制位组…byte multiplexing字节多路转换…byte computer字节计算机byte instruction字节指令byte manipulation字节处理byte memory字节存储器byte serial字节串byte offset字节偏移command byte命令字节byte monitor字节监视程序…byte synchronous字节同步slack byte无效字节byte mask字节屏蔽control byte控制字节byte socket字节存储插件,位组存…bit byte比特字节
PexabyteE字节G Pbyte千兆字节M Pbyte百万字节Pterabyte太字节Pgigabyten.吉字节Pkilobytesn.千字节Pmultibyte多字节的Pkbyte千字节1024字节Phalfbyte关字节半位组Ppetabyte10的15次方字节Pmegabyten.兆字节百万数元组Pkilobyten.计千字节1024字节

用作名词Class is designed forbyteinput and output.类设计用于字节输入和输出。
The carry from bit3 to bit4 needed for adding packed binary coded decimal number correctly, where two binary coded decimal digits reside in one8-bitbyte.在两个用二进制编码的十进制数字同居于一个8位字节内的情况下,为了正确地对装配型二进制编码的十进制数进行相加所需的从第3位到第4位的进位。noun.unit of computer memory
同义词 data,uniteight bits This byte code level change, although a big step, does not in itself bring us to true bootstrapping because we are still left with the JDK dependencies.
推进到字节码级别虽然是前进了一大步,但并没有给我们带来真正的开端,因为我们依旧没有摆脱对 JDK的依靠。 cnblogs

ABAP is interpreted byte code with no JIT compilation, so we do in fact run an interpreter inside another interpreter.
ABAP是用字节码解释的,与 JIT不兼容,因此我们实际上是在一个解释器中运行这另一个解释器。 infoq

All SCSI commands should begin with an operation code as the first byte. This indicates what operation it represents.
所有 SCSI命令都要以操作代码的第一个字节为开端,以表明它所代表的操作。 ibm

And for that I need a byte of volunteers, alright?

Another problem is that compatibility with MRI suffers, especially in the multi byte support.
另一个问题是损害了与 MRI的兼容性,特别是在多字节支持上。 infoq

As we have seen in the above example, reading message bodies is not complex, especially if you are only using JMS byte or text messages.
正如在上面的示例中所看到的,阅读消息正文一点也不复杂,尤其是在仅使用 JMS字节或文本消息时。 ibm

Each number is the address of the corresponding byte.
每个编号都是相应字节的地址。 ibm

Each byte will represent a letter or a space.
每个字节代表一个字母或者一个空格。 ibm

Every byte in memory has to have an“ address” for a process to be able to locate it.
内存中的每一个字节都必须有一个“地址”,以便让进程可以找到它。 ibm

However, the length of“ A” is one byte and that of“ Latin capital letter A with ring above” is two bytes.
但是,“ A”的长度是一个字节而“上面带圈的大写拉丁字母 A” 的长度则是两个字节。 ibm

I can simply use a5- byte array of zeros as its content.
我只是使用一个全为零的5字节数组作为其内容。 ibm

It also allows us to perform extensive optimizations during deployment, potentially scanning byte code and optimizing code paths, without impacting online systems.
它也允许我们在部署期间执行广泛的优化,即潜在地扫描字节码和优化代码路径,而不会影响在线系统。 ibm

It gives double the LENGTH function value if double- byte data type is used as input.
如果使用双字节数据类型作为输入,它就会给出双倍的 LENGTH函数值。 ibm

It is inefficient; by using only6 bits of each byte, it adds about a third to the length of a message.
它是低效的;通过使用每字节仅6位的编码,它添加了大约消息长度的三分之一。 ibm

Items in the constant pool are variable length, with the first byte of each item identifying the type of item and how it should be decoded.
常量池中各项的长度是可变的,每项的第一个字节标识项的类型以及对它解码的方式。 ibm

Now that you've eliminated the branch, you need to load your conversion factor into every byte of the conversion register.
既然已消除了分支,接下来需要将转换因子加载到转换寄存器的每个字节中。 ibm

So this is what we know as a byte.

The first trick is to turn an object into a byte array.
第一个技巧是将对象转变为一个字节数组。 ibm

The difference here is that we read the payload into a byte array instead of a String, because that makes parsing it a little easier.
这里的不同之处在于,我们将该有效负载读入字节数组而不是字符串,因为这使得解析它比较容易。 ibm

There has been some analysis of source code versus byte code analysis and which provides the better results, but that discussion is beyond the scope of this article.
已经存在一些源代码分析与字节代码分析以及哪种分析提供更好结果的比较,但是该讨论超出了本文的范围。 ibm

Therefore, the ASN.1 byte array representations need enough bytes to hold all three portions.
因此, ASN.1字节数组表达需要包含所有这三部分的足够空间。 ibm

These characters each have a single byte of display and multiple bytes of internal storage.
每个这些字符都有一个显示字节,以及多个字节的内部存储。 ibm

This is because on most operating systems, a char maps well to one byte.
这是因为在大多数操作系统上,一个字符能很好地映射成一个字节。 ibm

We begin by creating the necessary input streams, then loop through each record, storing its contents in a byte array.
首先创建必要的输入流,然后遍历所有记录,把其中的内容存储到一个字节数组。 ibm

You can even load binary classes directly from byte arrays or streams, and create new classes from scratch.
甚至可以直接从字节数组或者流中装载二进制类,以及从头开始创建新类。 ibm

You can also control the size of the output files and whether the resulting files contain whole lines or just byte counts.
您还可以控制输出文件的大小,以及控制结果文件中包含的内容包含整行或是仅包含字节计数。 ibm




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