词汇 | 讳疾忌医 |
释义 | 讳疾忌医 辨形“讳”,不能写作“诲”。 辨析讳疾忌医和“文过饰非”;都有“隐瞒自己的缺点或错误”的意思。但讳疾忌医偏重在“怕人批评;不肯接受帮助”;“文过饰非”偏重指寻找各种理由或借口来掩饰错误;缺点。 辨形“讳”,不能写作“诲”。 辨析讳疾忌医和“文过饰非”;都有“隐瞒自己的缺点或错误”的意思。但讳疾忌医偏重在“怕人批评;不肯接受帮助”;“文过饰非”偏重指寻找各种理由或借口来掩饰错误;缺点。 法文dissimuler sa maladie par crainte du traitement 俄文замáлчивать болéзнь и уклоняться от лечéния 德文sich aus Angst,daβ die Krankheit entdeckt wird,nicht behandeln lassen 十天以后,扁鹊又去见桓侯,说他的病已经发展到肌肉里,如果不治,还会加重。桓侯不理 睬他。扁鹊走了以后,桓侯很不高兴。 再过了十天,扁鹊又去见桓侯,说他的病已经转到肠胃里去了,再不从速医治,就会更加严 重了。桓侯仍旧不理睬他。 又过了十天,扁鹊去见桓侯时,对他望了一望,回身就走。桓侯觉得很奇怪,于是派使者去 问扁鹊。 扁鹊对使者说:“病在皮肤里,肌肉里,肠胃里,不论针灸或是服药,都还可以医治;病若 是到了骨髓里,那还有什么办法呢?现在桓侯的病已经深入骨髓,我也无法替他医治了。” 五天以后,桓侯浑身疼痛,赶忙派人去请扁鹊,扁鹊已经逃到秦国了。桓侯不久就死掉了。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Mr Chetana thinks that the state’s intolerance of criticism, even such mild stuff as this, reflects a deep malaise. Unfortunately, late diagnosis reduces their chances of survival. Men are notoriously bad at seeking medical help, and even more so for sexual problems. Men are notoriously bad at seeking medical help, and even more so for sexual problems. Although this is an area with high success rates, it often goes untreated. People are not afraid of illness, fear or no fear cure. So, female friends must hide nothing from thy physician, regular gynaecological check-up can let we detected gynecological diseases, thus coming on earlier will complete cure disease. Fourth, seek professional treatment: nearly Qicheng men suffer in silence with depression. The secret addictions that consume our souls. And the diseases we deny which affect our judgment. |
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