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词汇 记忆犹新
释义 记忆犹新 jì yì yóu xīn 常用成语
remain fresh in one's memory繁体記憶猶新近义历历在目;言犹在耳反义时过境迁;浮光掠影正音“犹”,不能读作“yōu”。
俄文свежó в пóмятивсё ещё хорошо помнится
德文etwas noch frisch in Erinnerung haben恭王因为皇帝的告戒,记忆犹新,在这些加官进爵的事上,要避把持的嫌疑。高阳《玉座珠帘》下册主谓式:作谓语;定语;指对过去的事记得清;中性词。宋·刘克庄《后村全集·跋章南举千藁》:“仆曩官健上,多识其士,友去之数十年,犹记忆如新相知;今屈指故交存者十无一二。”解释: 犹:仍然,还。过去的事情仍然记得很清楚,就像新发生的一样。袁鹰《散文探索二题》:“这些至今音响长存的正气歌,都是我们亲身感受;记忆犹新;历久不忘的。”
池莉《致无尽岁月》:“老伯却说得很兴奋,一副对罕见的事物记忆犹新的样子。”近义词 念念不忘浮光掠影历历在目时过境迁事过境迁耿耿于怀念兹在兹时刻不忘无时或忘言犹在耳
反义词 浮光掠影时过境迁即景生情事过境迁
16年前我游巴黎时见到的美丽景色仍然历历在目,记忆犹新。The beautiful scenery of Paris where I travelled sixteen years ago still dwells in my memory.
对於那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.
那孩子已死去多时,我对其面容仍记忆犹新。The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages.财务人员仍对网络泡沫的破灭仍记忆犹新,尽管在这次金融危机中他们循规蹈矩,但还是卷入了这场争论。
WITH memories of their drubbing in the dotcom bust still fresh, accountants have kept their noses clean in this financial crisis. Once again, though, they are being dragged into the fray. ecocn

但这种温和的大棒加胡萝卜的政策在象土耳其和巴尔干这样的地方有用吗? 战争的在当地人的头脑中还记忆犹新。
But will this gentle stick- and- carrot approach work in corners of Europe’s neighbourhood, like Turkey or the Balkans, where the thump of gunfire is fresh in locals’ memories? ecocn

对于那些生活在新兴亚洲国家的人们,1997-98年毁灭性的地区金融危机仍然记忆犹新。 但现在,曾沾沾自喜的欧洲人也被自己的债务危机击垮。
For those living in emerging Asia, the memory of the devastating regional financial meltdown of1997-98 is still fresh, and now they see smug Europeans struck down by their own debt crisis. yeeyan

And she has a vivid memory of her last day on the job. yeeyan

He clearly remembers how frightened he felt the first time he went down the maze of mine tunnels. yeeyan

I remember vividly the little grey- haired lady with the large handbag who came to my high school to talk about “the first time”, true love, the effects of alcohol and how to use a condom. yeeyan

I always remember that. I want to like my stuff, but hold on to it with a loose grip. yeeyan

Many investors are former entrepreneurs and they still remember what it's like. fortunechina

The memory of a fun weekend still fresh in the mind, returning to all the problems left behind on Friday and the endless expanse of time until next weekend. yeeyan

In South Korea the subject is extremely touchy— memories of Japanese colonisation remain fresh. yeeyan

I still remember the day12 years ago when my daughter was born. yeeyan

I still remember being an audience member in a presentation on Occupational Overuse Syndrome. yeeyan

A politician touring Uganda remembers hearing from each agency how well it was doing. But when he got them together to ask who was choreographing their effort he met an embarrassed silence. ecocn

I remember most vividly the frightening pace of the lectures. ebigear

It’s easy to forget that, when this war began, we were united, bound together by the fresh memory of a horrific attack and by the determination to defend our homeland and the values we hold dear. yeeyan




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