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词汇 bypasses
释义 by·pass·es 英'baɪpɑːs美'baɪpɑːs COCA⁴⁸³⁰⁵BNC⁴⁸⁹⁶⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the centera surgically created shunt usually around a damaged parta conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current
avoid something unpleasant or laborious;

You cannot bypass these rules!

bypass surgery分流手术bypass valve旁通阀coronary bypass冠状动脉架桥术,冠状…bypass line旁路线,旁通线路…bypass flue旁通烟道bypass engine双路式涡轮喷气发动机…bypass ratio旁路比bypass channel分水槽bypass pipe旁通管bypass procedure旁路程序bypass switch旁路开关bypass flow旁通流bypass filter旁通滤波器,旁路滤波…bypass capacitor帝路电容器bypass operation捷径术gastric bypass胃旁路术cardiopulmonary bypass心肺分流术
近义词 skip跳过avoid避免evade逃避blink眨眼skirt裙子detour绕路get around规避circumvent绕行ring road环行路go round足够分配go around四处走动sidestep向旁侧避让get round消息传开short-circuit引起短路circumferential圆周的shunt使火车头等转轨…ringway=ring roadbeltway环形公路

用作及物动词If webypassthe town we'll miss all traffic.我们绕城外走,就不会受交通拥挤之累了。
If webypassthe town we'll miss all the traffic.如果我们绕过市区,我们就会避开所有的车辆。
You cannotbypassthis question.你不能回避这个问题。
Hebypassedhis colleagues on the board and went ahead with the deal.他未征求董事会中同事的意见就做了这笔交易。用作名词If we take thebypasswe'll avoid the town centre.我们走旁道,就能避开市镇的中心。
The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of abypass.村民一致反对修建旁道。
Traffic in the town has dropped off since thebypassopened.这条旁道通车后,城里来往的车辆就减少了。 It bypasses banks and money markets, and puts money directly into people’s pockets.
政策绕过了银行的货币市场,把金钱直接送到了人民的口袋。 yeeyan

On the other hand, Russia’s planned South Stream pipeline, which bypasses Ukraine, is seen as a threat in Kiev.
而另一方面,俄罗斯提出的南溪天然气管道项目,由于要经过乌克兰而被认为对基辅构成威胁。 ecocn

“The IAT bypasses a large part of conscious cognition and taps into something we're not aware of and can't easily control,” Banaji says.
“ IAT绕过了绝大部分的有意识认知,检测我们无意识和不容易控制的事情。” Banaji说。 yeeyan

Air that is inhaled through the mouth bypasses the nasal canal and the paranasal sinuses and is not filtered, warmed, and humidified as it is when inhaled through the nose.
从嘴巴进入的空气绕开了鼻泪管和鼻旁窦,不通过鼻腔的过滤、温暖和湿润就被人体直接吸入。 yeeyan

Also, users might hack their own custom page to submit data that bypasses all client-side validation, so you can't necessarily depend on it.
同样,以黑客技术处理自己的定制页面,以便能够在绕开所有客户端验证的情况下提交数据,因此您不能完全依赖客户端验证。 ibm

Another value of your testimony is that it bypasses intellectual defenses.
个人见证的另一个珍贵的地方,是他避免了一些智性上的防卫。 ebigear

Because the vagus bypasses the spinal cord, the women were still able to feel cervical stimulation.
因为迷走神经绕过了脊髓,这些女性仍然能感受到子宫颈刺激。 yeeyan

But since one of the benefits of QE is that it largely bypasses the banking system, it is less helpful to small firms that rely on banks for finance.
但由于量化宽松政策的一个好处就是它在很大程度上可以绕过银行体系,这对于依靠银行融资的小企业帮助很少。 ecocn

Direct I/ O bypasses the use of the file system buffers, and therefore is more efficient for reads and writes that go to disk.
而直接 I/ O可以避免使用文件系统缓冲区,因而对于磁盘的读写更为高效。 ibm

Faced with the prospect of loss, the person who gets depressed bypasses disappointment and rushes to the end of the story, even before the story begins.

Has no interest in engaging in damage control via a platform that bypasses editors and media filters, when bad press about your company is all over the news.
当关于自己公司的坏消息铺天盖地的时候,并没有想到对公关危机通过某平台进行相应的控制,相反而是置编辑和媒体部门于不顾。 yeeyan

HSBC, another carbon- neutral bank, finds the market for offsets so murky that it bypasses all brokers and devises its own projects.
另一家支持碳中和的银行汇丰认为补偿市场太过浑浊,因而绕过经纪人,计划自己的项目。 ecocn

I demonstrated the generic Twitter Search API, which conveniently bypasses the need for authentication.
我展示了通用的 Twitter Search API,它可以方便地绕过对身份验证的需求。 ibm

In addition the cervix uses the vagus nerve which bypasses the spinal cord, and explains how people who have been paralysed can still orgasm.
此外,子宫颈还借助在脊髓旁经过的交感神经来传递信号,这就解释了为什么身体瘫痪的人仍然能够享受到高潮的快感。 yeeyan

In this setup, the client bypasses the Web tier and communicates directly with the business tier session beans using the IIOP protocol.
在该设置中,客户机绕过了 Web层,并使用 IIOP协议直接与业务层会话 bean进行通信。 ibm

None of these drugs or interventions addresses the basic causation of disease and not surprisingly the disease progresses with the need for more drugs, stents, and repeat bypasses.
但是没有任何药物或治疗措施能根除病因,这样毫不意外地,随着疾病的进展,就需要更多的药物、支架和旁路手术。 yeeyan

Rock music connects immediately and directly with what they feel inside, but in a way that bypasses their mind and understanding.
摇滚乐与他们内心的感受迅速地并直接地联系在一起,但是从一种方面来说却超过了他们的思想和理解。 yeeyan

The Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi.
中国已经投资开矿,海上采油行业,以及一些大的基础项目,比如为内罗毕修建新的环市公路。 ecocn

The team found that, similar to birds, air bypasses certain tiers of bronchi, or airways-- only to flow back through those bronchi before being exhaled.
研究小组发现,和鸟类相似,空气绕过了某些通往肺部的支气管或气道,仅在被呼出时才回流通过这些支气管。 yeeyan

The benefits erode with the passage of time as the stents and bypasses may themselves develop blockage.
它们的益处随着时间的推移会消失,因为这样的手术本身就可能引起血管阻塞。 yeeyan

The design of the wedge lens bypasses this problem, explains Bathiche.
而微软设计的楔形镜片则不存在这些缺点。 cnbeta

There is an approach to net training that bypasses this kind of assumption about the input space.
这是一个网络培训的解决方案,迂回地解决了这个输入空间的设想。 ibm

To chat with someone you normally need to ask for permission, but this feature bypasses the annoying question because Google assumes you really know that person.
要和一个人聊天一般都要先得到许可,但是这一功能绕过了这个烦人的问题因为 google认为你和那个人认识的。 yeeyan

Triple coronary bypasses, not routine doctor’s visits, are where the real money is, so insurance is essential.
三方的冠状动脉旁路手术,不属于医生例行探视的职责,但却是真正需要花钱的治疗。所以医疗保险非常重要。 yeeyan

You may need to hold down the Shift key during boot to see the prompt, as a system may be configured so that it bypasses the prompt.
引导过程中可能需要按住 Shift键才能看到提示,因为系统可能配置为绕过提示。 ibm




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