释义 |
詹姆士 基本例句 JamesonJamesJoyuce 打了一副十分糟糕的牌后,詹姆士认为输的钱太多了,因此退出了赌局。After a run of bad cards,Jamesdecided he had lost enough money and threw in his hand. 的确,现在一切不顺心的事都小心瞒着詹姆士。Indeed, anything untoward was now kept fromJames. 詹姆士荒废了一个下午。Jamesdally away the afternoon. 学徒期满后,詹姆士为英国最伟大的造枪巨子及其所在时代的一个传奇人物乔·曼顿工作。但是他并不愿意沾任何人的光。After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime. ButJameswas not content to bask in anyone's reflected glory. |