

单词 by heart
释义 by heart 英baɪ hɑːt美baɪ hɑːrt 6研I短语¹¹⁶⁸⁵
牢记; 凭记忆; 熟记

by committing to memory;

she knew the poem by heart

at heart,by heart


at heart意思是“在心里”、“心底里”或“本质上”from the heart,from the bottom of one's heart or essentially。

by heart意思是“背诵”、“熟记”by rote;to learn so well that one can remember it perfectly。

learn something by heart谙记know something by heart谙记get something by heart谙记
近义词 at heart本质上
The actress knew her linesby heart.那位女演员已牢记了她的台词。
Only in this way can you learn itby heart.只有这样你才能把它牢记在心。
All compositions must be played by memory.所有曲目必须凭记忆演奏。
He is bind, but he can play many beautiful songs by ear.他是个盲人,但他能凭记忆演奏许多动听的歌曲。
The orator had conned itby heart.演讲者已把它熟记在心。
People with good memory can keep long poemsby heart.具有良好记忆力的人能熟记长诗。 All children were required to learn the Green Book, and some could recite passages by heart.
全国所有孩子都被要求学习绿皮书,有些章节甚至需要身心投入地背诵下来。 yeeyan

All the programme is perfectly worked out and learnt by heart.
所有的节目都被演员完美的表演并铭记在心。 yeeyan

And I could only call the handful of numbers that I know by heart.
而且我只能拨打我记得住的为数不多的一些电话。 ebigear

Every fireman must get the rules by heart.
每个消防队员都必须记住规则。 ebigear

He portrays a bibliophobic generation of teens, incapable of sustaining concentration long enough to read a book. And learning a poem by heart just strikes them as dumb.
他描述了青少年的恐惧时代,不能长时间保持专注来阅读书籍,而默读理解诗歌的时候也是呆呆地看着文字而已。 yeeyan

He pulls up his students for their poor use of grammar. He wants them to recite texts by heart—and many, but not all, of them eventually do so.
他纠正学生们使用语法不当之处,希望他们用心去诵读课本,许多学生,但不是全部,最终都做到了这一点。 ecocn

I may not recite the whole text, but I will read every line at least once and tryto remember them by heart. And for unfamiliar words, I will simply read more times.
我喜欢在演讲前反复练习,虽然不能把整个讲稿背下来,但每一个句子都背过一遍,不熟悉的词多念几遍,这也有助于现场克服紧张。 hjenglish

I also like poetry and I know many poems by heart.
我还喜欢诗歌,并能够背诵其中许多。 who

I only knew one Stones song, “ Satisfaction” — but I knew it by heart.
尽管我只知道《满足》这一首歌——但是我是用心去体会的。 yeeyan

One of my classmates learned an essay template by heart and wrote the same essay in more than10 exams.
其中一个人还背下一篇范文并且在10多次考试中,他都写出一样的文章。 iciba

One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. Yet this is not always the case.
人们都期待他们把自己那部分台词谙记在心,绝不允许结结巴巴地吐词。然而情况并非总是如此。 jukuu




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