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词汇 訓讀
释义 訓讀 xùn dúa reading of a written Chinese word derived from a synonym typically;a vernacular synonym e.g. in Mandarin;投子tóu zimay be pronounced as its synonym 色子shǎi zi;and in Wu dialects;二 is pronounced as its synonym 兩|两 liahn;to pronounce a word using such a reading;Japanese linguistics kun-reading;a pronunciation of a kanji derived from a native Japanese word that matches its meaning rather than from the pronunciation of the character in a Sinitic language at the time it was imported from China Note: A kun-reading of a character is distinguished from its on-reading(s 音讀|音读yīn dú. For example;山 has a kun-reading yama and an on-reading san.)简体训读




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