

单词 Byers
释义 Byers ˈbaɪərz 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.拜尔斯¹⁰⁰原型byer的复数 As well, most toddlers haven't yet developed a fear of the water, Byers noted.
当然,拜耳也表示,很多蹒跚学步的幼童还没发展出对水的恐惧感。 yeeyan

Both Gordon Brown and the former Industry Secretary Stephen Byers will be hoping they are not directly criticised in the report.
戈登·布朗 Gordon Brown和前贸工部大臣斯蒂芬·拜尔斯 Stephen Byers都应该祈祷报告没有直接批评自己。 yeeyan

Steven Byers, a fourth year science student has been leant a lot lately. But his late studies are.
史蒂文•拜尔斯是一个科学专业四年级的学生,最近,他学到了很多。但是他最近所学的。 noorislam.org

“ At this altitude and in this environment, this rubbish will be here for1,000 years, ” Byers said.
“在这种海拔高度和环境下,这垃圾将会在这儿呆上一千年。”拜尔说。 yeeyan

“ Children have drowned in the shallow parts of wading pools, ” Byers said. “We even had one child who drowned in a bucket.”
“曾经有过孩子在浅水池溺亡的案例,”拜耳说:“甚至有过一个极端个案,孩子淹死于水桶里。” yeeyan

“ Thirty years ago, there was no garbage. There was no plastic, ” said Byers.
“三十年前,这里没有食物垃圾和塑料垃圾,”拜尔说。 yeeyan

“There is no race for Arctic resources, and no appetite for conflict, ” says Michael Byers, author of the book“ Who Owns the Arctic?”
《谁拥有北极? 》一书的作者迈克尔拜尔斯曾说:“对北极资源,各国无需争夺,也无意争论。” ecocn

And with a holiday weekend approaching, Byers said, “ I suspect there will be more.”
随着放假的临近,拜耳女士表示:“我怀疑这个数字还会增加。” yeeyan

But by the time Byers took his shot in 2007, much of the glacier had melted into a vast but stunning blue lake.
但2007年 Byers拍摄到的照片显示,映佳冰川的大部分已经融化成一个大得惊人的蓝色湖泊。 yeeyan

But Byers points out that the benefits of increased exercise disappear rapidly after training stops, so any improvement in endurance resulting from juvenile play would be lost by adulthood.
但是 Byers指出,在停止训练之后,这种受益会迅速消失,所以青少年在耐力方面的进步会在他们成年时失去。 ebigear

Fourth- year science student Steven Byers has recently joined the Muslim faith, one of the latest converts to one of the fastest growing religions in North America.
史蒂文·巴尔是四年级理工科学生,最近皈信了伊斯兰-----北美发展最迅速的宗教之一。 www.2muslim.com

Judge Charles Byers said it was a“ sophisticated operation”.
查尔斯拜尔斯法官说这一案件是一场“精心策划的犯罪”。 yeeyan

Transport Secretary Stephen Byers admitted to the BBC there were major problems with British transport.
英国交通大臣斯蒂芬.拜而斯在接受 BBC采访时承认英国交通问题确实严重。 xici




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