单词 | 言不由衷 |
释义 | 言不由衷 辨形“衷”,不能写作“哀”;“忠”。 辨析言不由衷和“口是心非”;都指心口不一致。但言不由衷多形容以敷衍为目的;不坦率;形容虚伪欺骗时成分要轻得多;“口是心非”多形容虚伪欺骗的言行。 辨形“衷”,不能写作“哀”;“忠”。 辨析言不由衷和“口是心非”;都指心口不一致。但言不由衷多形容以敷衍为目的;不坦率;形容虚伪欺骗时成分要轻得多;“口是心非”多形容虚伪欺骗的言行。 法文paroles insincèreslangage hypocrite 俄文словá эти не от душисловá идут не от сердца 德文die Worte kommen nicht von Herzen nicht aufrichtig sprechen 郑庄公知道这件事后,对周平王特别不满。周平王非常害怕,赶紧向郑庄公解释说,他没有让忌父取代郑庄公的想法。为了取得郑庄公的信任,他和郑庄公互换人质,让周太子狐到郑国去作人质,而郑公子忽则到周朝来做人质。 公元前720年,周平王死去,他的孙子姬林继位。称周桓王。周桓王也想让忌父代替郑庄公当卿士。 掌管朝政。郑庄公知道后大怒,派大夫祭zhài 足领兵马,到周朝的温地收割麦子 ,并全部运送到郑国。到了秋天,祭足又带领兵马到周朝成周,把那里的谷子全部割掉,运回郑国。从此,两国之间的关系愈加恶化,彼此间结下了仇恨。 说的话不是发自内心,即使互换人质也是没用的。这是当时的史官对这件事精辟的评论。 【注意】❶注意言不由衷的衷是衷情的衷。❷多用于贬义。❸注意和口是心非的区别。口是心非是有意心里想一套,嘴上说另一套,而言不由衷有时是指在不得已的情况下说违心的话。 反义词 “ But if she's one of us, I'll enjoy the spectacle better, ” he continued, but he didn't mean a word of it. Feeling a twinge about its own hypocrisy, the US Senate recently passed“ buy-out” legislation for tobacco farmers, so that Washington might stop subsidising an industry it also vilified. But the administration cannot be disingenuous or obtuse. One would consequently expect to observe such opinion change after a person has been forced or induced to say something contrary to his private opinion. Buddha said that if so, you muddle through some words. His statement is nothing but a left-handed compliment. He observed his own inconsistencies in dwelling upon accidents in Tess's life as if they were vital features. They gave me a backhanded compliment when they said I was smart for a girl. She wasn't entirely sincere when she said she liked me. I can't pretend that I do like them. He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely. Come to think of it, a virtual monument might not really be that insincere, as we had initially thought. In this case, people say these things without thinking, in response to what they consider a typical sales call. Gradually a sense of the insincerity in her words began to bother her. At worst, they are perceived as insincere or dishonest. And above all don't say things you don't mean. She might be painfully surprised to learn that not all your yeses were indeed yeses. Wake up, and even dream sleep, become empty, a decadent lonely, the tears of Ta good irrigation still flickering. They have to please voters by saying things they do not mean or do not believe in at all sometimes. |
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