词汇 | 触目惊心 |
释义 | 触目惊心 辨形“目”,不能写作“木”。 辨析触目惊心和“惊心动魄”;都可形容使人十分震惊的事;但触目惊心仅用于能看得见的对象;“惊心动魄”适用范围比触目惊心广;不论看得见或看不见的对象都可用。 辨形“目”,不能写作“木”。 辨析触目惊心和“惊心动魄”;都可形容使人十分震惊的事;但触目惊心仅用于能看得见的对象;“惊心动魄”适用范围比触目惊心广;不论看得见或看不见的对象都可用。 法文spectacle sensationnel,effrayant,saisissant,foudroyant 俄文потрясáющий 德文durch den Anblick abgeschreckt werden entsetzlich 反义词 Once a centre of Arab learning and an exporter of teachers to the Arab world, Egypt has seen its education standards decline alarmingly. Today, the graves act as a stark reminder of the past and a useful warning to future generations. Despite the glaring headlines, New York, located in the northeastern U.S., is one of the safest cities in the U.S. Ash clouds like this are impressive to see, and they can have a dramatic influence on air quality and vegetation, including crops. You might describe an extremely unusual situation, reveal a shocking statistic, or vividly portray an alarming problem. The stunning images from NHK, Japan's national broadcaster, of the northeastern coastal towns completely destroyed by the tsunami that devastated them, had everyone's attention. Her duties as a UN goodwill ambassador have seen her travel the world highlighting the plight of refugees and victims of war and poverty. A year ago, this shocking scene on the balcony of a Berlin hotel again brought serious questions about Jackson's behavior. This year's more disgruntled mood is striking because public concern about unemployment and economic problems has returned to its pre- crisis level see chart5. Diamond mining continues along the shore in the southern part of the new park, and from the air the excavations show up as massive trenches. This is an alarming gap. It is a shocking event that reminds people of some more basic risks that may threaten the economies of the densely-populated and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelago. The stakes are enormous: An increase measured in tens of centimeters could wreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low- lying deltas and island nations around the world. These reports showed us the latest development, the rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Iraq, which we are reluctant to see. We are shocked by what we have seen and heard. Her morbid, provocative sculptures are part of the show“ Dead and Alive, ” currently on exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. It’s a mashed- up, debased language that spectacularly disables our young people, because nobody will give them a job if they talk like that. The dramatic transformation we have seen so far has been driven mainly by the20 percent of the world's population living in rich nations. The pictures are awful and they are stomach-turning in terms of the level of destruction and the force of nature. |
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