

单词 Byblos
释义 Byb·los 英ˈbɪbləs, -ˌlɒs美ˈbɪbləs, -ˌlɑsAHDbĭbʹləs, -lŏs' COCA¹⁰⁸⁶⁸²BNC⁶⁶⁷⁰¹

an ancient Mediterranean seaport that was a thriving city state in Phoenicia during the second millennium BC; was the chief port for the export of papyrus; located in Lebanon to the north of Beirut; now partially excavatedThe city ofByblosoffers 6000 years of History & Culture such as the Roman amphitheatre.比布鲁斯城拥有6000年历史和文化,罗马歌剧院即一个典型的代表。
Solomon's and Hiram's workmen and men from the city ofByblosprepared the stones and the timber to build the temple.所罗门和海勒姆的男女工人从巴比伦而来,准备了石头和木材来建造庙宇。
BC in 1276 , Egypt sent troops first occupied the south of the other Syrian Ritter andByblos.公元前1276年即拉美西斯二世即位后的第4 年,埃及首先出兵占领了南叙利亚的别里特今贝鲁特和比布鲁斯。
Much later, in the 6th century BC, Hecataeus affirms that Philo ofByblossubsequently adopted into his mythology as his eponym for the Phoenicians: “Khna who was afterwards called Phoinix”.更晚以后,在公元前6世纪,赫克特斯断定,比布罗斯的腓罗随后把它纳入到自己的神话里面,使腓尼基与之同名:“Khna迦南后来称为Phoinix腓尼基。”
City Site ofByblos比布鲁斯城址 Byblos Bank, in whose Syrian subsidiary Rami Makhlouf, the president's cousin, has a big share, may be hit.
黎的毕卜鲁斯银行可能受到影响,巴沙尔的堂表兄弟拉米·马克鲁夫在该行的叙分行中持有相当大股份。 ecocn

Roman,1st century AD, from a temple at Byblos in the Lebanon.
古罗马作品,公元1世纪,出自黎巴嫩比布鲁斯的一座寺庙中。 panran.blog.artron.net




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