释义 |
觉察 jué chá ★☆☆☆☆v.动词⁰·⁰⁰¹³ᴾᵃ⁸³⁵⁰ 基本例句 v perceive; sense; discoversuspicionbe alive tonoticedetectionperceivedetect DETbecome aware of繁体覺察她觉察到她的机会。She awoke to her opportunity. 这位女秘书一心忙于勾引新来的经理,简直未觉察到办公室里人人都在暗中笑她。The secretary was so busy getting her hooks into the new manager, that she hardly noticed that everyone in the office was laughing at her. 她觉察到他的论点有几处略微有些自相矛盾。She noticed several minor inconsistencies in his argument. 他立刻觉察到了新环境的宜人之处。He immediately noticed the amenity of his new surroundings. 我觉察出他的话里微带恶意。I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks. |