词汇 | 视而不见 |
释义 | 视而不见 辨析视而不见和“熟视无睹”;都有“看见就像没看见一样”的意思。但视而不见偏重在“不注意;不用心”;看到了只当没看见;或装作没看见;“熟视无睹”偏重在“漫不经心”;不放在心上。两者常可通用。 辨析视而不见和“熟视无睹”;都有“看见就像没看见一样”的意思。但视而不见偏重在“不注意;不用心”;看到了只当没看见;或装作没看见;“熟视无睹”偏重在“漫不经心”;不放在心上。两者常可通用。 歇后语瞎子看戏;顶着笸箩望天 俄文закрывать глаза на 德文über etwas hinwegsehen die Augen vor etwas verschlieβen 对于危害人民生命财产的坏人;坏事,我们绝不能视而不见。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 But the reason overwhelmingly cited by veterans and active-duty officers alike is that the military personnel system— every aspect of it— is nearly blind to merit. We cannot be blind to her selfishness. Afterwards, she kept e-mailing his work account rather than having direct conversation. She ignored all of his notes he sent to her personal e- mail account. Was he greedy, or gullible, or stubbornly blind to the truth? A flocking bird is blind to the grace and cohesiveness of a flock in flight. However, blind faith has its limitations. Because if we just focus on how we want the future to be, we may be blind to opportunities along the way. Virtually everyone has a stake in keeping the game going and turning a blind eye to edicts from Beijing. Despite the collective blind eye they turned to a fraudulent election, America and its allies want that speech to outline a crackdown on corruption. He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself. Their bosses, hoping for big paydays themselves, turned a blind eye to the dangers. By then, the economy and the way it was financed had become far too complex for traditional guidance, and the state’s sense of omnipotence had blinded it to the need for structural reform. I saw her two weeks afterwards in the same club and just ignored her. When we invaded Iraq we were blind to the social problems that would be involved. For a last few days he remained deaf to the sounds of his own country, blind to the disaffection with him and his reign. He closes his study by condemning Kennan for having “ blinded” himself to the fact that, in Mr Gaddis’s opinion, Reagan brought Kennan’s “ strategy to its successful conclusion”. As it is, it is simply a problem that governments prefer to ignore. As a friend, we're there on the sidelines trying to help them but they are so blind to their surroundings and so set in their ways that they are like a run away train that nothing can slow down. Don’t worry about becoming a raging egomaniac or blind to your faults; the beauty of being able to celebrate and love yourself is that it allows you to deal with your shortcomings in a productive way. In a sense the crowd is blind to its own wisdom. It ignores evidence and arguments that do not suit its thesis. Here, escape is not a preoccupation with the past, but a determined focus on the present and the future that is blind to the legacy of the past which brands us and with which we must live. |
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