词汇 | 见机行事 |
释义 | 见机行事 辨形“事”,不能写作“是”。 辨析见机行事和“见风使舵”;“随机应变”;都指随着形势的变化;灵活应付。但见机行事偏重在“机”;即抓住机会;“见风使舵”偏重在投机取巧;左右摇摆;“随机应变”偏重在“变”;即能自如地应付不断变化的情况。 辨形“事”,不能写作“是”。 辨析见机行事和“见风使舵”;“随机应变”;都指随着形势的变化;灵活应付。但见机行事偏重在“机”;即抓住机会;“见风使舵”偏重在投机取巧;左右摇摆;“随机应变”偏重在“变”;即能自如地应付不断变化的情况。 歇后语老鹰捕食;高射炮手;黄鼠狼觅食 法文saisir l'occasion favorable pour agiril faut tendre la voile selon le vent 俄文действовать в подходящий момент 德文der Situation entsprechend handeln 反义词 Strike the iron while it is hot . I'd be surprised if Sven plays Walcott, but he might have to at this moment in time with the way things are. if it is no, then they can experiment with more nuanced responses, such a lopping off a tainted product or sacrificing a rogue division. John decided to play it by ear when he went for his interview. When choosing which channels to get behind with marketing, the cable companies act accordingly. |
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