词汇 | 见利忘义 |
释义 | 见利忘义 辨形“利”,不能写作“力”;“忘”,不能写作“妄”。 辨析见利忘义和“利令智昏”;都含有“为私利而做坏事”的意思。有时可通用。不同在于:①见利忘义的“利”;一般指钱财或其他物质上的好处;“利令智昏”的“利”;一般指私利;范围广。②见利忘义有“忘义”;忘记正义的意思;“利令智昏”的“智昏”即头脑糊涂的意思。 辨形“利”,不能写作“力”;“忘”,不能写作“妄”。 辨析见利忘义和“利令智昏”;都含有“为私利而做坏事”的意思。有时可通用。不同在于:①见利忘义的“利”;一般指钱财或其他物质上的好处;“利令智昏”的“利”;一般指私利;范围广。②见利忘义有“忘义”;忘记正义的意思;“利令智昏”的“智昏”即头脑糊涂的意思。 歇后语拾钱不识街坊 这时,大将军灌婴联合齐王刘襄等刘家军,回京师欲诛吕氏家族。郦寄与吕禄本是知交,吕禄听了郦寄的话,终于把北军归周勃指挥。前相国曹参的儿子曹??zhu又配合朱虚侯刘章控制了南军,在未央宫杀死了吕产。其余吕氏大官,也都被周勃派人抓获,一一斩首。吕氏势力全被消灭后,周勃;陈平等大臣迎立代王刘恒为帝,就是汉文帝。在诛吕这场斗争中,郦寄也出了力,所以袭父爵为曲周侯,但舆论说他出卖朋友。 《汉书》记载说:“夫卖友者,谓见利而忘义也。”作者班固认为郦寄不属于“见利忘义” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 The Portuguese say that Telefónica is cynically taking advantage of the euro-zone financial crisis, which has reduced Portugal Telecom’s market capitalisation. Look around the selfish close friend, i know that a man lives only for itself! Last Friday's atrocity and Gen al- Ahmar’s defection have made this neutral pose look studiedly cynical. His defence team tried to argue that his fault was naive garrulousness rather than venality. To forsake good for the sake of gold is not for me. Some people have sacrificed principle and sought profits at the expense of public interests. They have crossed the moral baseline. A moral community should form in Asia, one that displaces its leaders' usual cynical calculations of power in order to jump on the right bandwagon. Originally, on9 made benevolence, his parents took him to carry batch of important material and goods into Thailand, considers the become sworn brothers forgetting father, will he parents killed. This cynical strategy won Bush and Mr. Cheney four more disastrous years in office. What we should do is to enjoy our own share at the common wealth of the human beings. |
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