

单词 bwindi
释义 bwindiCOCA¹⁰⁴⁷⁴³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The hand of a mountain gorilla pokes from the rain forest in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda.
一只山地大猩猩的手从乌干达布温迪密林国家公园的雨林中伸出。 yeeyan

The number of endangered primates has stabilized at some 780 in Bwindi and the Virunga Mountains parks of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda.
在布温迪以及刚果、乌干达和卢旺达三国交界处的维龙加山公园内,这种濒危灵长类动物的数量稳定在780只左右。 yeeyan

Alert to human visitors, a young mountain gorilla and its mother sit tight in Bwindi Impenetrable Park.
一只年轻的山地大猩猩紧贴着它的妈妈坐在布温迪密林公园的树林里,警惕地盯着人类的来访者。 yeeyan

As in Bwindi, most are barred from their ancestral forests.
在 Bwindi,阻止大多数他们的祖先的森林。 ecocn

Stanford has spent years visiting the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda, Africa, studying the relationship between mountain gorillas and chimpanzees.
斯坦福花了很多年的时间用来观察乌干达布温迪国家公园中,山地大猩猩和黑猩猩两个种群之间的关系。 yeeyan

Today, mountain gorillas are known to be communal, largely docile herbivores that live in the Virunga Mountains in Central Africa, and in Bwindi National Park in Uganda.
如今,非洲中部的维龙嘉山脉和乌干达比温蒂国家公园生活的山地大猩猩被大家所熟知,它们是群居食草动物。 yeeyan




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