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buzzing about短语⁶⁰⁴¹⁹ 基本例句 跑来跑去 Files are buzzing about. 苍蝇在到处嗡嗡地飞。 hotdic That participants are buzzing about the fear of recession and the dramatic falls in world equity markets. 与会者都对经济衰退和各国股市大幅度下跌表示担忧。 tingroom The first image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man was released today, and the online world is buzzing about what it could mean for the upcoming reboot of the blockbuster film franchise. 今天发布了由安德鲁•加菲尔德所饰演的蜘蛛侠首张剧照,网络世界正热议这可能意味着重启这鸿篇巨制的系列电影的时刻到来。 hjenglish If we constantly worry about this fabricated “ stinking skin bag, ” buzzing about in a daze for the sake of living comfortably, then our banal life will be over soon enough. 若光是日日为个虚假的“臭皮囊”犯愁,昏头昏脑地为其衣食住行的欲乐而忙,转瞬就过了庸庸碌碌的一生; ccfy In addition to the choreography, fans have also been buzzing about the clip's climactic fight scene, which finds Britney dueling it out with another version of herself. 除了舞蹈,球迷们也被匆匆忙忙地剪辑的高潮的打斗场面时,发现其决斗“小甜甜”布兰妮和另一版本的自己。 blog.sina.com.cn She flicked them off with her fan, as if they were no more than flies buzzing about her head. 她弹了弹他的扇子,好像除了苍蝇没什么在她耳边嗡嗡。 cndkc The bees are buzzing about among the flowers. 蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡作声。1stenglish Well, it didn’t take long to see the divergence: TV thinks we’re still buzzing about MJ. 嗯,不需要多长时间就能看出分歧:电视觉得我们仍在谈论 MJ。 yeeyan |