

单词 buzzers
释义 buzzers 英'bʌzəz美'bʌzəz COCA⁶⁸⁵³⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
名词 buzzer:
a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pusheda signaling device that makes a buzzing sound It is inefficient to target infantry one at a time with buzzers.
让蜂群一次攻击一个步兵得做法Practice是效率很低得。 www.hgs521.com

When testing meters, buzzers can eliminate delaying damping of the meters, and they are most used in aerospace industries for testing meters.
蜂鸣器是在调试仪表时消除迟滞阻尼的一种装置,在航天航空工业调试仪表中用得最多。 cnki

Disintegrators will do more damage, Buzzers can counter infantry, and both can attract fire sometimes.
粉碎者可以造成比较多得伤害,蜂群用来对抗步兵,并且两者都可以吸引一定注意力。 www.hgs521.com

Funding has been cut off, our foundation board having decided that the remaining money might be more profitably spent on some joy- buzzers.
资金中断,我们的基金会理事已经决定将剩下的钱花到某种逗乐蜂鸣器上,那也许能带来更多利润。 douban

Gates in their small courtyards were equipped with buzzers.
大门口装上了蜂鸣器,各家都有一个装着大门的小院。 blog.sina.com.cn

In addition to clearing structures Buzzers can also garrison them.
此外,蜂群清除建筑物后可以驻守在里面。 www.4349.cn

Steps led up to a silver panel of buzzers.
走上台阶有是一个银色的门铃面板。 yeeyan

This eliminates the need for annoying buzzers and other noises.
如此便帮我们省去了恼人的闹铃和其他噪声的烦扰。 www.ell.com.cn

To get Buzzers to the Structure you will need to either send in a group of them or summon the swarm.
要想让蜂群到达建筑物,你需要派出一组几个蜂群或者使用召唤蜂群技能。 mypcera

Vending machines equipped with security cameras and emergency buzzers have recently been installed along school routes to protect children.
最近,学校沿途装置配备监视用摄影机与紧急电铃的贩卖机,以保护孩童。 jukuu

Buzzers were later used at all the guns to give the signal for firing.
后来就给各炮安装下达开火令的响铃。 theautoindex




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