

单词 buzz about
释义 buzz about bʌzəˈbaut 6短语⁶⁸⁵⁶²
The cloud- storage concept is catching on in lots of ways, but music, as buzz about Amazon's new service shows, seems to be the next frontier in this cloud expansion.
云存储概念在很多方面正流行起来,但在音乐领域,就像这次 Amazon推出的新的服务一样,是“云”发展中下一个前沿领域。 watchstor

But at Munich’s Technical University TUM, which the Roding’s designers attended, there is even more buzz about the Tesla, a battery-powered car from California.
但在慕尼黑工业大学 TUM的 Roding的设计者们都出席的论坛上,来自美国加州的电池动力车特斯拉却引得更多的关注。 ecocn

CNN for causing a buzz about malaria, a leading killer of children and refugees in Africa.
我向阿什顿•库奇和美国有线电视新闻网致敬,他们唤起了人们对疟疾——这一非洲儿童和难民头号杀手的关注。 un

Despite buzz about a “ nuclear renaissance, ” the industry has had trouble attracting private investment, and relies almost exclusively on government subsidies and support.
尽管有人嚷嚷着“核电复兴”,但核能行业在吸引私人投资方面是有困难的,核能几乎完全依赖政府补贴和支持。 yeeyan

Doug Richardson, the man in charge of Apple's accessories merchandising, told her Apple had been tracking the buzz about Lark for six months.
主管苹果配件销售的道格•理查森告诉胡,苹果已经关注 Lark六个月时间了。 fortunechina

Even by the laid-back standards of Arkansas, there is not normally much buzz about Beebe.
即便按阿肯色州的安静标准,毕比的比平日喧闹得不正常。 yeeyan

The campaign also worked across multiple countries and brought together winners for all over Europe, so building even more local and regional buzz about the campaign.
这个活动也在其它多个国家进行,并集合欧洲各地的获奖者,所以该活动建立了更多具有地域性的信息。 ebigear

There are many such tools with a marketing buzz about the magic of service recording, which has very little to do with governance.
很多工具都打出了能够“记录服务”的标语,而这其实与治理并不相干。 infoq

There is a buzz about entrepreneurship in the UK that has led some to call it the new rock’n’roll, according to Rebecca Harding, the GEM report’s author at London Business School.
《全球创业观察》报告作者、伦敦商学院 London Business School的丽贝卡o哈丁 Rebecca Harding表示,在英国有一股创业热潮,人们甚至将其称为“新型摇滚”。 kekenet




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