词汇 | 装模作样 |
释义 | 装模作样 辨形“模”,不能写作“摸”。 辨析一装模作样和“装腔作势”;都有“故意做出姿态”的意思;但装模作样偏重在虚假和不真实;含有“装样子;借以欺人”的意思;“装腔作势”偏重在以某种身份;地位;架势来吓唬人或引人注意;可用于说话;文章;表演等方面。 二参见“矫揉造作”。。 辨形“模”,不能写作“摸”。 辨析一装模作样和“装腔作势”;都有“故意做出姿态”的意思;但装模作样偏重在虚假和不真实;含有“装样子;借以欺人”的意思;“装腔作势”偏重在以某种身份;地位;架势来吓唬人或引人注意;可用于说话;文章;表演等方面。二见“矫揉造作”。 歇后语王瞎子看告示;无病呻吟;瞎子看书 法文disposéaffecté 俄文манерничатьделать вид 德文sich affektiert benehmen sich aufspielen 【注意】❶注意“装模作样”的“模”读mú。❷含贬义。 反义词 Yet it needs, as a political matter, to pretend to be doing something. At four, Hans found himself pretending to read ghost stories in nursery class to a circle of terrified small friends. It's more embarrassing when I'm with a new partner because often they think I'm putting on an act and I worry that it scares them off. And though I never voted for George W. Bush, I give him great credit for leading, even as Congress postured and squabbled. Most material from this late Qing era is stuffy, formal and posed, but Thomson's work is full of life. You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor. Your airs are funny now, but you'll grow up an affected little goose, if you don't take care. If your stress reaction is anger, punching and kicking are wonderfully salubrious, even if you're just shadowboxing. And if your best joke makes people yawn, how do you keep your chin up and your clown nose on? But in both countries repeated feints at reform since their relatively young kings took power a decade ago have not much changed the underlying rules. He bluffed me into believing that he was innocent. He has no need to hammer the point— but“ Red Plenty” is also a lesson against any Western smugness. Why should he be falsely modest and pretend? He only used his personal dishes, an affectation the captain called it, but part of the ritualized necessities that kept him going. They are not on a war- footing, and don’t seem to really want to fight. It’s posturing. All my politically correct posturing about the evils of globalisation, Nestle, Coca- cola and Doritos vanish and I'm buying what I can carry. My paper, “ Bluff your way into a new job,” is all about stretch growth. Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and fool myself into believing I am at the world's best-educated Harry Potter convention. If only both sides gave up posturing, they would agree that the European rescue funds should be used to stabilise Ireland’s banks, insisting only on certain budget targets in return. At a press conference this week Mr Obama said that America had put itself on the right side of history while never pretending that it could or should dictate the outcome in sovereign countries. The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend! Has the military really ceased to be the big, bumbling bureaucracy it was always taken to be? Parts are even dryly humorous in describing the absurdities of war: There was no lack of greed, racist stereotyping, bureaucratic bumbling, infighting and aggression on both sides. |
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