

单词 buttressed
释义 but·tress·ed 英'bʌtrəs美'bʌtrəs COCA⁴⁴⁶³⁷BNC⁴³²⁶⁹Economist¹⁶¹⁵⁹
a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
reinforce with a buttress;

Buttress the church

make stronger or defensible;

buttress your thesis

flying buttress拱扶垛angle buttress转角扶壁,角扶壁…buttress weir垛堰buttress sands支撑砂层arch buttress飞拱,拱扶垛…masonry buttress圬工支墩arched buttress飞扶壁,拱式扶垛,拱…buttress dam扶壁式坝buttress thread偏梯形螺纹,锯齿螺纹…buttress pier扶壁墩buttress head垛头hanging buttress悬扶垛buttress brace加强梁,加劲梁,垛间…buttress wall扶垛墙
近义词 prop支柱jetty码头support支持prop up支撑hold up举起shore up支撑reinforce加固structure结构strengthen加强dependence依赖embankment堤防supporter支持者reinforcement增强flying buttress拱扶垛buttressing动词buttress的现…

用作名词He was abuttressagainst extremism in the party.他是党内反对极端主义的中坚分子.
I don't think they have anybuttressbehind them.我认为他们背后没有什么支持力量。
To stabalize the building, the concrete walls next to the stairs are built asbuttresswalls.为了稳定整个建筑,靠近楼梯位置的混凝土墙设置了扶壁柱。用作动词Hebuttressedup the argument with lots of solid facts.他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。
You need more facts tobuttressup your argument.你需要有更多的事实来支持你的论据. The Market's harmony must be constantly buttressed.
欧洲共同市场的和睦关系必须不断加强。 tianya

The plots of ground were extremely small and each one was buttressed by a semicircle of rocks to prevent the earth from sliding away.
一块块梯田面积极为狭小,地边用石块垒砌成半圆状的堰,以防水土流失。 chinashakestheworldbook

This distribution of intrinsic value down to every individual bit of life is buttressed by Nietzsche's metaphysical claim that everything is essential.

A buttressed wharf damaged severely after collision by ship.
某扶壁码头被船碰撞后损坏严重。 dictall

Existing non- proliferation agreements should be buttressed with beefed up inspections and “ real and immediate consequences” for countries caught breaking the rules.
现有的防治核扩散协议需加强监管力度以巩固,发现违背条约的国家将尝到“切实直接的后果”。 yeeyan

Existing non- proliferation agreements should be buttressed with beefed up inspections and “ real and immediate consequences” for countries caught breaking the rules.
现有的不扩散约定应当通过强化的审查以加强,同时那些被发现违反该约定的国家要承担“实际且直接的后果”。 nbradio

First, there was a legal system overwhelmed by the nature of the crime committed by these young people, buttressed as it is by gangs and organised crime.
第一,法律制度被这些年轻人所犯罪行的本质所击败,加上它是有组织和群体的犯罪行为。 yeeyan

It's built with something called a buttressed core: you have a strong centre section with legs that buttress it all the way up.
它的建造依赖这一个支撑核心:你有一个坚强的核心部分来保证整个塔是直的。 yeeyan

Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside;
犹太法受到社会凝聚力的支持,由于外界的压力而强化; xici

Mr Bogdanor favours proportional representation buttressed by lots of direct democracy, from party primaries to frequent referendums and Citizens’ Assemblies.
波格丹诺赞成由众多直接民主制支撑起的比例代表制,从党内初选到频繁公投和公民大会。 ecocn

Next, when she has restored her own strength by some invigorating drink, she shall carry the Forest of Caledon in her right hand, and in her left the buttressed forts of the walls of London.
下一步,她通过精神充沛的饮料来恢复了自己的体力,会把 Caledon森林携带到右手上,左手是伦敦城墙堡垒的扶壁。 chinaufo.com

She buttressedup her argument with lots of solid facts.
她以确凿的事实支持她的论点。 tdict

That marks another break, this time with the tradition that Britain’s constitution exists merely in virtual form, scattered across the statute books and buttressed by precedent and convention.
那会是另一次突破,过去英国宪法只以道德形式存在的传统,将为法令全书所打破并受到判例和惯例的支持。 kekenet

The builders buttressed that wall with stone structures.

The demands for jail sentences are buttressed by the populist notion that Wall Street is basically a Ponzi scheme.
判处监禁的要求得到民粹主义观念的支持,即华尔街基本上是一个庞氏骗局。 yeeyan

There the Catholic church, buttressed by military dictatorships, kept“ strong family” traditions alive.
在那里,由武装的独裁者支持的天主教堂使得“强力家庭”传统保持鲜活。 ecocn

Unlike the pound, the dollar is being buttressed by its unique status as the world's reserve currency and the vehicle for transactions in U. S. financial markets, including Treasury bonds.
美元和英镑的一个不同之处是,美元作为全球储备货币和美国金融市场包括美国国债市场主要交易币种的独特地位使其获得了天然的支撑。 blog.sina.com.cn




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