

单词 buttress
释义 but·tress 英ˈbʌtrɪs美ˈbʌtrɪsAHDbŭtʹrĭs ★☆☆☆☆高四GMS宝COCA²⁶¹²⁵BNC²⁷⁹⁶⁶iWeb²⁹⁴⁴⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a building
reinforce with a buttress;

Buttress the church

make stronger or defensible;

buttress your thesis

发音释义:'bʌtrɪs n.拱墙;拱壁;扶壁;支柱;支撑物vt.支撑;用拱墙支撑
结构分析:buttress = butt拱、顶+ress名词后缀,表物品→拱墙
词组习语:flying buttress飞拱;buttress brace支撑梁;buttress up支撑flying buttress拱扶垛angle buttress转角扶壁,角扶壁…buttress weir垛堰buttress sands支撑砂层arch buttress飞拱,拱扶垛…masonry buttress圬工支墩arched buttress飞扶壁,拱式扶垛,拱…buttress dam扶壁式坝buttress thread偏梯形螺纹,锯齿螺纹…buttress pier扶壁墩buttress head垛头hanging buttress悬扶垛buttress brace加强梁,加劲梁,垛间…buttress wall扶垛墙
GRE红宝书读: 8trees. 用8棵树来支撑一面墙-扶墙
butt buttocks的简写臀部 + rest 人坐着休息时臀部是支持;butt + press, stress;粗端 + 压力;承受压力的底端;
分割记忆: but-tress, tress 意为“一束头发”, 是GRE常考词
butt抵触+ress不详,可视为形容词和名词后缀→用来抵触支撑之物⇒扶壁。GRE难词记忆buttress 音“把垂死”→把垂死的伤员放在扶墙边比较记忆mattressn.床垫;buttn.粗大的一端词根记忆butt树桩,把柄近义词 prop支柱jetty码头support支持prop up支撑hold up举起shore up支撑reinforce加固structure结构strengthen加强dependence依赖embankment堤防supporter支持者reinforcement增强flying buttress拱扶垛buttressing动词buttress的现…

用作名词He was abuttressagainst extremism in the party.他是党内反对极端主义的中坚分子.
I don't think they have anybuttressbehind them.我认为他们背后没有什么支持力量。
To stabalize the building, the concrete walls next to the stairs are built asbuttresswalls.为了稳定整个建筑,靠近楼梯位置的混凝土墙设置了扶壁柱。用作动词Hebuttressedup the argument with lots of solid facts.他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。
You need more facts tobuttressup your argument.你需要有更多的事实来支持你的论据.noun.brace, support
同义词 abutment,column,mainstay,pier,prop,reinforcement,shore,stanchion,stay,strut,underpinningverb.support, bolster
同义词 reinforce,strengthen,upholdbrace,bulwark,carry,prop,shore,sustainback up,beef up,build up,jack up,jazz up,step up
bolsterverb help
aid,assist,bear up,boost,brace,buck up,bulwark,buoy,carry,cushion,help,hold up,maintain,pick up,pillow,prop,reinforce,shore up,stay,strengthen,support,sustain,uphold
bolsteringverb help
aiding,assisting,bearing up,boosting,bracing,bucking up,bulwarking,buoying,buttressing,carrying,cushioning,helping,holding up,maintaining,picking up,pillowing,propping,reinforcing,shoring up,staying,strengthening,supporting,sustaining,upholding
bracenoun support
braceverb support
bandage,bind,bolster,buttress,fasten,fortify,gird,hold up,prepare,prop,ready,reinforce,shove,steady,steel,strap,strengthen,support,tie,tighten,uphold
bulwarknoun fortification, support
columnnoun pillar
brace,buttress,caryatid,colonnade,cylinder,mast,minaret,monolith,monument,obelisk,pedestal,peristyle,pier,pilaster,post,prop,pylon,shaft,standard,stay,stele,support,totem,tower,underpinning,upright Whilst I was yet looking down upon these grave- stones, I was roused by the sound of the abbey clock, reverberating from buttress to buttress, and echoing among the cloisters.
我正俯视着这几块墓石,耳旁突然传来大寺的悠扬钟声,回荡于一垛垛扶壁之间,于是整个拱廊响彻了回声。 putclub

Academics have concluded that Japan’s quantitative easing had little benefit except to buttress expectations that its policy rate would be zero for a long time.
经济学者的结论认为,除去巩固了有关维持长期零利率的预期之外,日本的定量宽松策略几乎毫无裨益。 ecocn

Accountability techniques, then, can be quite supportive because they provide some objectivity to your self- perceptions and at least provide some evidence to buttress against this negativity bias.
负责任的技巧,可以很有说服力,因为责任在你的自我知觉里设立了客观目标,至少为消极的偏见提供了否定的证据。 yeeyan

American regulators are set to raise the proportion of ethanol in fuel to 15%, which may buttress prices.
美国监管者准备将沼气在燃料中占据的比例升至15%,这可能使价格上涨。 ecocn

But in recent years knots of people often gathered there to watch an odder creature creeping, by feet and hands alone, across the high sheer face of boulder, buttress or cliff.
最近几年,时常有人不畏骄阳,前来观摩一个举止更为怪异的“爬行动物”:此人匍匐着身子,单凭原始的手脚并用,便能越过峻峭的巨石、扶壁或悬崖。 ecocn

But there are other reasons why the BRICs might damage the global economic system, rather than buttress it.
不过还有很多原因解释为什么金砖四国可能损伤而不是扶持国际经济体系。 ecocn

Concrete buttress dams when subjected to severe shaking have developed horizontal cracks at the elevation high in the dams where the downstream buttresses intersect the vertical“ chimney” section.
混凝土伏扶壁大坝受到强震时,容易在大坝高处形成裂缝,在那里下游坝面扶壁横贯垂直的“烟筒”部分。 yeeyan

Have some background information available to buttress your case, including links and citations.
有一些可用的背景信息支持你的案例,包括链接和引用。 yeeyan

In public George Osborne, the Conservative chancellor of the exchequer, keen to buttress his austerity- era promise that “ we are all in this together”, has made much of efforts to plug tax loopholes.
在公开场合,财政大臣、保守党成员奥斯本热衷于支持他的紧缩时代诺言“让我们团结在一起”,为堵塞税收漏洞,他可没少费力。 ecocn

In those circumstances, the temptation to prolong wage subsidies and buttress benefits will be great.
在这种状况下,延长工作补贴和支持福利的诱惑是很强的。 ecocn

Official figures buttress that view.
并且官方数字也可以支持这一观点。 yeeyan

Rely on examples from your career to buttress your argument.
通过你职业生涯中的一些例子来加固你的论点。 yeeyan

So the West must hold its nerve, increase the military pressure, buttress the rebels, and accept that the campaign may last several more months.
所以,西方世界必须继续绷紧神经,加大军事压力,支持叛军,并且接受这次革命可能会持续更长几个月的事实。 ecocn

The aim is to withdraw the long-standing public guarantees that buttress many of the world’s biggest banks without blowing up either the economy or the financial system.
改革的目标是:不再扮演长期以来为避免经济和金融体系受到破坏而给众多世界大银行提供担保支持的角色。 ecocn

The historical figures had to be tortured to buttress this claim, but the prime minister remains inordinately proud of his success as chancellor.
为了支持这个声明那些历史数据就不得不被修改,但是首相仍然非同寻常地为他任部长时的成绩感到骄傲。 ecocn

Those who say no have seen plenty of recent evidence to buttress their case.
最近大量的事实证明了那些持否定意见人的看法。 ecocn

To buttress this apparently formidable firewall, three dozen states have imposed constitutional or other legal bans.
为了支持这条看似强大的防线,三十几个州以州宪法或者其他法规的形式,强制颁布了同性婚姻的禁令。 ecocn

Try to buttress the points you make in these chapters with some details.




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