

单词 actuate
释义 ac·tu·ate 英ˈæktʃuːˌeɪt美ˈæktʃuˌetAHDăkʹch›-āt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝COCA⁵⁷³⁸⁷BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb²²⁶²⁷

put in motion or move to act;

trigger a reaction

actuate the circuits

give an incentive for action;

This moved me to sacrifice my career

failure to actuate不动作actuate message起动信息actuate size实际尺寸
词根ag-动, 移动, 活动,驱动,行动,作用,做事 来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为act-。它和希腊词根agon-竞赛,竞争及agog-引领,驱动最终都源自原始印欧语词根*ag-动。
act动,活动,行动+u连接字母-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→使动起来⇒开动,驱动,使活动,激发…行动。GRE红宝书act行动, uate动词后缀-使...行动
act 行动 + ate 表动词→使行动。
act行动+uate动词后缀 →使...行动
词根记忆act行动+ uate动词后缀→ 使行动 ⇒驱使近义词 put放push推draw拖up向上fire火light光prick刺set放置urge驱策fuel燃料prod刺针lead引导sway摇动spur支脉goad刺激awaken醒turn翻转stir激起move移动trip旅行start开始rouse唤醒impel驱使drive开车begin开始force武力about关于bring带来spark闪烁incite煽动ignite着火kindle燃烧arouse叫醒induce引起compel强迫weight重量motion移动switch转换propel推进inspire鼓舞inflame激怒fire up生火stir up搅拌on在 … 之上into到 … 里turn on打开activate激活prompt迅速的inspirit激励excite使兴奋commence开始initiate开始persuade说服trigger使发生stimulate刺激get going出发instigate教唆energize使活跃animate使有生气bring about带来spark off使爆炸trigger off引起effectuate使实现set off出发,动身touch off草草写发射…set in motion使 … 运动switch on(用开关开启…off表示状态的关闭或离开…motivate激发兴趣或欲望…put into action使行动起来使开始工作…

He wasactuatedsolely by greed.他完全是受了贪欲的驱使。verb.start a function or action, motivate
同义词 activate,animate,arouse,cause,drive,energize,excite,impel,incite,induce,influence,inspire,instigate,mobilize,motivate,move,prompt,propel,quicken,rouse,spur,stimulateegg on,fire up,key up,put up to,turn on,work into lather,work up
反义词 bore,calm,check,deaden,delay,depress,discourage,dissuade,dull,halt,hinder,lull,prevent,quiet,repress,retard,slow,stop,weakenimpede
activateverb initiate something;start a function
actify,arouse,call up,energize,impel,mobilize,motivate,move,prompt,propel,rouse,set in motion,start,stimulate,stir,switch on,take out of mothballs,trigger,turn on
circulateverb flow
actuate,circle,fly about,get about,get around,go about,gyrate,mill around,mobilize,move around,radiate,revolve,rotate,set off,travel,wander
convertverb change belief, especially regarding religion
actuate,alter conviction,assimilate to,baptize,be born again,bend,bias,brainwash,bring around,budge,cause to adopt,change into,change of heart,convince,create anew,impel,incline,lead,lead to believe,make over,move,persuade,proselyte,proselytize,redeem,reform,regenerate,save,see the light,sway,turn
convertingverb change belief, especially regarding religion
actuating,alter conviction,assimilating to,baptizing,be bearing again,bending,biasing,brainwashing,bringing,bringing around,budging,causing to adopting,change of heart,changing into,convincing,creating anew,impelling,inclining,leading,leading to believing,making over,moving,persuading,proselyting,proselytizing,redeeming,reforming,regenerating,saving,seeing the light,swaying,turning
determineverb conclude, decide
actuate,arbitrate,call the shots,cinch,clinch,complete,dispose,drive,end,figure,finish,fix upon,halt,impel,incline,induce,move,nail down,opt,ordain,persuade,pin down,predispose,regulate,resolve,rule,settle,take a decision,tap,terminate,ultimate,wind up,wrap up
determinesverb conclude, decide
actuates,arbitrates,calls the shots,cinches,clinches,completes,disposes,drives,ends,figures,finishes,fix upon,halts,impels,inclines,induces,moves,nails down,opts,ordains,persuades,pins down,predisposes,regulates,resolves,rules,settles,takes a decision,taps,terminates,ultimates,winds up,wraps up Before about2000, the Greek already used the water conservation to actuate the machinery.
大约2000年前,希腊人已经使用水利驱动机械。 yeyaba

Conclusion: This method was convenient, sensitive and actuate, and suitable for the quality control.
结论本法简便、准确、灵敏,可用于该制剂的质量控制。 http://dj.iciba.com

In order to restrict the conduction and emission, consequently actuate the EMC index to reach the GJB151-97, this essay introduces the grounding design of a certain radar shelf EMC .
本文介绍了某雷达机柜电磁兼容设计的接地设计,目的是抑制传导发射,以使该项电磁兼容性指标能够满足国军标151-97的要求。 cnki

In order to build harmonious society in socialistic country, local government must actuate all positive factors to boost up the whole social creativity;
构建社会主义和谐社会,地方政府必须调动一切积极因素,增强全社会的创造活力; ebigear

It can actuate firms to make its qualification and circumstance matching dynamically. Through this process can firm develop and enhance its performance.
企业在实行战略创业的动态运作过程中,得到成长发展,实现绩效的提高。 fabiao

The over molded actuate arm can not also be treated as the actuate arm alone by using chemical or magnetic polishing directly putting it into solution tank.
也不能象单独工件一样,直接放入溶液中进行化学抛光或直接放入磁性湿态抛光盆中进行磁性湿态抛光; cnki

The coil must generate a strong field to actuate the relay completely. Several parameters contribute to the determination of the force necessary to actuate the relay, among them.
线圈必须产生一个强磁场来完全地激励继电器。有几个参数决定了激励继电器所需的强度,其中包括。 eefocus

This paper also expounds how to respect the demands of these two veins and actuate the continuity of traditional culture of Chengdu.
并论述了在城市建设中应如何尊重两大脉络需求,促使成都历史和传统文化的延承。 iciba

Waterflow indicator used to sound alarm, light signal, actuate relays or starter switches for motors, pumps, etc. , when no flow occurs.
流量开关用于声音报警,灯光报警,当无流量时启动电机、泵等继电器或起动器开关。 h6688

Write down sincerely, washing machine of actuate of the ability when leaving home, no risk at all!
谨记,离家时才开动洗衣机,便万无一失了! hicoo

A downhole device or tool component designed to catch debris or objects, such as balls, darts or plugs dropped to actuate downhole equipment or tools.
一种井下装置或工具部件,用于抓捕投入井内操纵井下设备或工具的球、突板或堵塞器等碎片或物体。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Coil power is the amount of power in watts needed to actuate the relay.
线圈功率是指触动继电器所需的功率量,单位为瓦。 eefocus

Debt Service is a critical business function for all12 FHL Banks that must be actuate and timely.
对于12个 FHLB来说, Debt Service是非常关键的业务功能,服务必须有效且及时。 infoq

Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools project BIRT is based on initial research work and code donated by Actuate to the Eclipse foundation.
Eclipse商业智能和报表工具项目 BIRT是以 Actuate捐赠给 Eclipse基金的初步研究工作和代码为基础的。 infoq

Frontline staff should be able to recognize emergencies, actuate the emergency response plan, and understand EMS roles, capabilities, and access.
一线人员应该具备识别急诊病例、启动应急方案的能力,并且要能正确理解在急诊医疗中的角色、能力和进入途径。 cadjy

If you are not in the sun then you can shine a flashlight on the sun sensor cells to manually actuate the dish.
如果您不是在阳光下那么您就可以发光手电筒的太阳传感器细胞手动开动的菜。 tech-domain

Just like the CH pedals these are too narrow and too flat for my tastes, they actuate in such a way as to get even narrower when moved to the limits of travel too.
象 CH踩的踏板这些是太狭窄的,并且太平为我的口味,他们开动就象变得更加狭窄,当也是移动向旅行极限。 dof

Latching relays use a pulse of current to actuate them, so they have very low thermoelectric drift.
闭锁继电器采用了一个电流脉冲进行激励,因此其热电漂移非常小。 eefocus

Legal formalism is apt to actuate an insular and inflexible understanding of law, disregarding the regularized value and meaning hidden under items and words.
法律形式主义容易导致孤立、机械地理解法律,漠视条文背后的规范价值与意义。 iciba

Like other giant companies, IBM was awash in tools in2008: Hyperion, Actuate, Arcplan, Brio, and others were in wide use.
与其他巨型公司一样, IBM在2008 年被淹没在工具的海洋中: Hyperion、 Actuate、 Arcplan、 Brio等工具广泛使用。 ibm

Making the ancient art form into fashion, not only can develop more diversified forms of fashion design, but also can actuate the painting art a long history.
将古老的艺术表现形式通过现代服装的笔触化为时尚,不仅可以使现代服装形态更为多样化,也可以使彩绘艺术源远流长。 lwtxw

Principles of motivation and rapid decision making often determine whether or not a learner will actuate known principles.
动机原理和快速决策通常能决定学习者是否能运用所学知识。 chinaret

The push button also has a plurality of plungers which extend rearwardly through an adapter to actuate an electrical switch mounted on a switch block.
该按钮还具有多个插销,这些插销向后穿过一个接合件,驱动装在开关盒上的电开关。 bogu6688

To achieve an in- focus and magnified image, the researchers actuate the hydraulics to change the curvatures of the lens and detector in a coordinated manner.
为了获取一个内焦距放大的图像,研究人员开动液压装置,改变透镜曲率,以协调方式改变检测器。 yeeyan

Twenty volunteers tested the system and most found it easy to navigate through icons on the forearm and tap fingers to actuate commands.
二十个志愿者尝试了这种新系统,大多数人发现可以轻松的用手指轻触手臂上的图标来发出命令。 yeeyan

Waterflow indicator used to sound alarm, light signal, actuate relays or starter switches for motors, pumps, etc. , when low occurs.
流量指示器用于声音报警,灯光报警,当流量发生时启动电机、泵等继电器或起动器开关。 h6688




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