

单词 buttock
释义 but·tock 英ˈbʌtək美ˈbʌtəkAHDbŭtʹək ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA⁵³⁴³¹BNC⁵⁸⁸⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump来自butt, 撞,屁股。-ock, 小词后缀,常含贬义。cross-buttock拦腰抛掷point of buttock臀角left buttock carbuncle上马痈furunculosis of buttock坐板疮buttock machine立槽割煤机contact dermatitis of buttock马桶癣buttock line船体纵剖线full buttock过背
butt屁股+ock日耳曼语中的指小名词后缀,罕见→屁股蛋⇒半边臀部。近义词 cheek面颊

用作名词I discovered a lump on mybuttockyesterday, What shall I do?我昨天发现臀部有个硬块,该怎么办呢?
I see. Put one hand over the shoulder, and the other on thebuttock, right?我明白了。放一只手在肩膀上,然后另一只在半边屁股上,对吗?
When embrace her, I can feel her plumpbuttock.当拥抱她的时候,我可以感觉到她丰润的臀部。
The sciatic nerve is actually a cluster of nerves that run from the lower back in thebuttockarea down the back of the leg坐骨神经实际上是从臀部尾脊骨到腿后的一组神经群。noun.bottom
同义词 backside,butt,cheek,derriere,rear end,rumpbehind,fanny,keister,rear,seat
反义词 front
tushnoun bottom
backside,behind,breech,bum,butt,buttocks,derriere,fanny,fundament,posterior,rear,rump,seat,tailtushie A New Zealand man is recovering from surgery after being shot in the buttock by his dog, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Tuesday.
据英国《每日电讯报》13日报道,新西兰一条宠物狗开枪击中男主人臀部,该男子做完手术后情况已经稳定。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In a transformation chronicled by America's People magazine, she had work done on almost every part of her body, ranging from neck liposuction to a buttock augmentation.

The back- leg buttock muscles extend and externally rotate the hip.
后腿臀部肌肉伸展并扭转臀部表层。 blog.sina.com.cn

The tenderness of the delicate American buttock is causing more environmental devastation than the country's love of gas- guzzling cars, fast food or McMansions, according to green campaigners.
环保人士表示,美国爱惜自己娇嫩屁股所做的比之他们爱开高油耗汽车,吃快餐,或者住大房子对环境造成的破坏更大。 yeeyan

The back section of the buttock on the outside may be sensitive to the touch.
这块肌肉在臀部后面外侧的部分,可以很容易就摸到。 yeeyan

Across the Internet, chat rooms, Web sites and blogs have sprung up discussing buttock injections.
互联网上,聊天室里,网站和博客上都涌现出关于臀部注射的讨论。 ebigear

From there he’ll cup your buttock and slowly move to enter you, controlling the depth of penetration.
于是他会托住你的双臀向你进入,控制进入你的深度。 yeeyan

Granulomatous skin eruptions were present on her right buttock, right thigh, right ear, right lateral chest.
于右臀部至右大腿后上方、右耳廓及右胸部呈现肉芽肿性皮损。 cnki

If your buttock is round, plump and burly, it will reflect your slim waist; meanwhile, your legs will be significantly increased slender effect.
如果你的臀部丰挺、结实,就自然会彰显出你腰部纤细条,与此同时,也会为你的腿部增加明显的修长效果。 ebigear

Often, these injuries in the hip or buttock tend to cascade from lower- back strain or injury.
通常而言,这类在髋部和臀部的问题容易导致从整个腰背部扩展到臀部的瀑布状的肌肉紧张或损伤。 yeeyan

Ramona was sleeping far over on one side of the bed, her right buttock off the edge.
瑞摩娜远远地靠在床的一边睡觉,她的右半个屁股露出床缘了。 tianyablog

Relax your belly, waist, buttock.
腹部腰部臀部放松。 hushichuguo

Strengthen absorption effect, obviously prevent reversed flow of pee, keep buttock dry and healthy and make baby feel happy.
加强吸收效果和防止尿尿回渗更显著,让宝宝屁股保持干爽健康,更愉快。 bbs.redmama.com.cn

You might feel pain in your lower back on one side, in the lower buttock, or down one leg, possibly all the way down to the foot.
也许你感到一侧的腰背部疼痛,也许是臀部下部疼,或者藤在一条腿的下面,也有可能整条腿都疼。 yeeyan

Buttock doesn't want to replace waist with itself, nor did nostril to replace mouth.
屁股也就不会跟腰去争位置,鼻孔也不会跟嘴巴去抢美食。 blog.sina.com.cn

Buttock implants, according to regional data gathered by the ASPS, are more popular in the South Atlantic region than any other part of the country.
根据 ASPS整理的地区数据,臀部植入在南亚特兰大地区比全国其他地区更加流行。 yeeyan




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