

单词 藻类
释义 藻类 zǎo lèi ★★☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰²⁴ᴾᵃ⁵¹²¹
Researchers at the algae greenhouse plan to scale up the trial to a100 hectare247 acre site over the next three years. yeeyan

In this case, though, the money will be thrown at neither people nor bacteria, but algae. ecocn

Moreover, algae might be grown on arid land and brackish water, so that fuel production would not compete with food production. yeeyan

But Dr. Venter and Mr. Mendez argue that there are huge obstacles to making algae competitive as an energy source and that every tool will be needed to optimize the strains. yeeyan

Fossils found: Modern liverworts are one of the oldest known species of plant, thought to have evolved from algae. yeeyan

Plankton is essentially anything living in water that is too small to swim against the current, including krill and algae. yeeyan

The next steps will involve further screening of natural algae to find strains that are particularly efficient at using energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oils. iciba

Algae can be grown on waste land in plastic tanks called bioreactors, with little more than sun, heat and water— and the water can be salty, which leaves freshwater for food crops. yeeyan

Can you imagine a house powered not by sun, wind or coal, but by living algae? yeeyan

One of the newest methods relies on a gene that makes algae sensitive to light. yeeyan

In some places, though, iron is the limiting nutrient. Adding iron to such places should cause a bloom of planktonic algae, thus sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. yeeyan

In Japan, algae is farmed at sea where it absorbs carbon from the air. yeeyan

If algae can do it, why can't we? yeeyan

Who ate all the algae? ecocn

He does not plan to stick to bacteria, though. The other challenge, besides the minimal genome, is to repeat the trick with single-celled algae. ecocn

Right now, he explained, algae capture more light than they need and waste a lot of it as heat. yeeyan

His idea involves farming algae out at sea and then digesting it in thousands of “ giant stomachs” under the surface. yeeyan

It might be the key to boosting oil yields from algae grown in ponds and to turning plant wastes into fuel, rather than converting valuable food into biofuel, as happens now. yeeyan

A drifting soup of microscopic algae, creatures and bacteria, they are not even one group of species but bridge entire taxonomic kingdoms. yeeyan

Instead of growing its algae in sunlit ponds it keeps them in the dark and feeds them with sugar. ecocn

In the long run, Dr. Venter said, the algae should be given “ suicide genes” that would kill them if they escaped the lab or fuel production facility. yeeyan

Researchers think that humble algae, which are simple, rootless plants that normally provide food for aquatic animals, could lead be a revolutionary tool in the battle against climate change. www.voanews.com.cn

This could be a good thing, of course. More algae might mean more krill, and that might mean more whales and other large sea animals. yeeyan

Algae grow abundantly in some lakes once frozen year-round that now lose much or all of their ice during the summer. yeeyan

Storing water in a closed container works no better if the water that you place in the container is contaminated in some way with bacteria or algae. yeeyan

These diffuse the light over vertical sheets of polyester that form the platform on which the algae grow. ecocn

Discovered in 1911 by a member of Robert Scott’s ill-fated expedition team, its rusty color was at first theorized to be caused by some sort of algae growth. yeeyan




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