

单词 busy
释义 bus·y 英ˈbɪziː美ˈbɪziAHDbĭzʹē ★★★☆☆常初中高研牛4COCA²³⁶⁶BNC¹⁷⁹⁰iWeb¹⁸⁷⁹Economist²⁶⁹³

忙的; 专心的

with a lot of things that you must do; working or not free

繁忙的; 热闹的

with a lot of things happening


in use

vt. 使忙于

keep usually oneself busy

vi. 忙碌,奔忙

be busy

actively or fully engaged or occupied;

busy with her work

a busy man

too busy to eat lunch

overcrowded or cluttered with detail;

a busy painting

a fussy design

intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner;

an interfering old woman

bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself

busy about other people's business

crowded with or characterized by much activity;

a very busy week

a busy life

a busy street

a busy seaport

of facilities such as telephones or lavatories unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; `engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line;

her line is busy

receptionists' telephones are always engaged

the lavatory is in use

kept getting a busy signal

keep busy with;

She busies herself with her butterfly collection


❌ Is your work busy?

✔️ Are you busy with your work?


busy, active, diligent

这三个词意思比较接近,但含义不同:active侧重主动、活跃; busy侧重忙碌,没有时间; diligent侧重勤勉、用功。另外, active和diligent后多接in,而busy后多接with。


He is busy in preparing for the examination.他忙着准备考试。

a busy man 忙人

a busybody 爱管闲事的人

词源不详。可能来自PIE *bheue, 存在,生存,居住,词源同be. 即为生活而奔忙。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词the busy farming seasons农忙季节the busy hours紧张的时刻busy marketplace热闹的市场busy month旺月busy railway line繁忙的铁路线busy scene繁忙的景象busy seaport繁忙的海港busy street热闹的街道busy time紧张的时刻副词+~frightfully busy非常忙rather busy相当忙terribly busy极忙
非常记忆bus公交车〖熟词〗+y鸭〖编码〗⇒公交车上的鸭子跑来跑去真忙近义词 engageddiligentemployedhardworkingindustriousadj. active反义词 lazyindolentunemployedadj. inactive
~+ n.He is a very busy man.他是个大忙人。
I've had a busy day.我度过了忙碌的一天。
This is one of the busiest underground stations in Beijing.这是北京最忙碌的地铁站之一。
We can look around the station and watch the busy life that is going on.我们可以去逛一下车站,看看那里繁〈忙的〉景象。
He telephoned the lawyer and again got a busy signal.他给律师打电话,但还是听到占线的信号。
S+be+~I have been busy these days.我这几天一直很忙。
He is busy now and cannot see you.他现在正忙,不能接待你。
The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival.春节前商店特别热闹。
The roads are busy.这几条路的交通很繁忙。
Wait a minute, the line is busy.请等一等,电话占线。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseHe is busy about his work.他忙于工作。
Well—what have you been busy about today?喂,你今天忙什么呢?
The secretaries in the office are all busy at work.办公室里的秘书都忙着工作。
The following morning, I was up early as usual and busy at my farm.第二天早上,我像平常一样早早起来忙着干农活。
We are busy in making arrangement for Christmas.我们正忙着准备过圣诞节。
She is busy in other people's affairs.她爱管闲事。
He is busy on his book.他正忙于写书。
Today I have been busy over your book.今天我一直在读你的大作。
They were busy over the letter.他们正忙着看信。
They are busy over their task.他们正忙自己的工作。
The place was busy with passengers.那地方尽是过往旅客,非常繁忙。
She is busy with her make-up before a mirror.她坐在镜前忙着化妆。
She is always busy with her needle and thread.她总是在做针线活。
The children were busy with their homework.孩子们忙着做功课。
He's busy with his accounts.他正忙着算账。
They are now very busy with the harvest.他们现在正忙着收获。
I am rather busy with some special work at present.我目前正忙于某一特殊工作。
I am too busy with this work to think any more about it myself.这工作忙得我团团转以至于我本人想不出更多的办法来了。
Dr. Smith is too busy with his work to spare any time except on Sunday.史密斯医生忙得除了星期天外都没空。S+be+~+ v -ingHe is busy writing.他正忙着写信。
He is busy preparing for the examination.他忙着准备考试。
Sally is now busy taking care of the baby,William.萨莉现在忙着照顾婴儿威廉姆。
The teacher was busy correcting our exercise books when we called at his house.我们去老师家拜访时,他正忙着批改我们的作业。S+be+~+to- vShe is too busy to look after her child.她太忙,没有时间照料孩子。用作动词v.
S+~+ASmall boats busied to and fro.小船来来往往地穿梭。
S+~+ n./pron.To forget her trouble, she busied herself in her garden.为了忘却烦恼,她总在花园里忙碌。
A housewife busied herself in the house.家庭主妇在家中忙忙碌碌。
He busied himself with all kinds of little tasks.他忙于做各种小事。
They are busying themselves by tidying up the table.他们正忙于收拾桌子。
The bees busy themselves at making honey.蜜蜂忙于采蜜。Pbusynessn.繁忙忙碌Poverbusya.太忙的多管闲事的Pbusybodyn.爱管闲事的人好事的人Pbusyworkn.为免学生空闲而布置的作业


busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有“热衷于”的意味。busy作“繁忙的; 热闹的”解时可修饰物或事物。

busy在句中可用作定语或表语。用作表语时,其后常可接介词about, at, in, over , with引起的短语, 这些介词有时可省略,特别是当其宾语为动名词时。busy用于too…to结构时可接动词不定式。



用作形容词He isbusywith some important work.他正忙于处理一些重要的事情。
He wasbusygetting ready for his journey.他正忙于准备旅行。
The shop looked out into abusystreet.这商店濒临近一条繁忙的街道。
The traffic was at its height at thebusyjunction.在繁忙的交叉路口,车辆来往正处于高峰。
I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line wasbusy.我想给库柏先生打个电话,但一直占线。用作及物动词To forget his trouble, hebusiedhimself in his garden .为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。
As the final examinations draw near, students begin tobusythemselves with reviewing.当期末考试即将来临时,同学们开始忙于复习。adj.engaged, at work
同义词 active,unavailable,workingburied,employed,engaged,engrossed,hustling,occupied,overloaded,persevering,slaving,snowed,swampedalready taken,assiduous,at it,diligent,having a full plate,having enough on one's plate,having fish to fry,having many irons in the fire,in a meeting,in conference,in someone else's possession,in the field,in the laboratory,industrious,on assignment,on duty,on the go,tied-up,up to one's ears,with a customer
反义词 idle,inactive,unoccupiedlazy,quiet,unbusy,unemployed,unengagedadj.active, on the go
同义词 bustling,full,hectic,lively,restlesshumming,hustling,popping,tiringbusy as a beaver,energetic,fussy,strenuous,tireless
反义词 idle,inactive,lazy,quiet,unbusy,unemployed,unengagedadj.nosy, impertinent
同义词 curiousforward,interfering,meddling,prying,stirringbutting in,inquisitive,intrusive,meddlesome,nebby,obtrusive,officious,pushy,snoopy,troublesome
反义词 idle,inactive,lazy,quiet,unbusy,unemployed,unengaged
activeadjective very involved in activity
aggressive,agile,alert,alive,animated,assiduous,bold,brisk,bustling,chipper,daring,dashing,determined,dexterous,diligent,dynamic,eager,energetic,engaged,enlivened,enterprising,enthusiastic,eventful,fireball,forceful,forcible,fresh,frisky,hard-working,high-spirited,hyper,industrious,intense,inventive,jumping,keen,lively,nimble,on the move,perky,persevering,purposeful,pushing,quick,rapid,ready,resolute,sharp,sprightly,spry,whiz,zealous
assiduousadjective hard-working
active,attentive,busy,constant,diligent,eager beaver,exacting,grinding,indefatigable,industrious,laborious,persevering,plugging,scrupulous,sedulous,steady,studious,unflagging,untiring,whiz,zealous
briskadjective fast-moving;active
diligentadjective persevering, hard-working
active,assiduous,attentive,busy,careful,conscientious,constant,eager,eager beaver,earnest,grind,indefatigable,industrious,laborious,occupied,operose,painstaking,persistent,persisting,pertinacious,plugging,sedulous,steadfast,studious,tireless,unflagging,unrelenting,untiring
earnestadjective very enthusiastic
elaborateadjective intricate;involved
busy,careful,complex,complicated,decorated,detailed,elegant,embellished,exact,extensive,extravagant,fancy,fussy,garnished,high-tech,highly wrought,imposing,knotty,labored,labyrinthine,luxurious,many-faceted,minute,ornamented,ornate,ostentatious,overdone,overworked,painstaking,perfected,plush,posh,precise,prodigious,refined,showy,skillful,sophisticated,studied,thorough,with all the extras,with all the options,with bells and whistles No matter how busy or tired you are, your kids deserve this time with you.
无论你有多么忙,这段和你一起的时间是你的孩子应得的。 yeeyan

What do you think of the city? It‘s very busy and crowded, I should say.
你觉得这个城市怎么样?我得说,这是个非常繁忙拥挤的城市。 hjenglish

And even then, one in five says they are so busy that they never have any time to go out and socialize.
即便如此,五分之一的被调查者称他们非常忙,以至于从来没有时间去参加社交活动。 cri

And if you don’t focus on the most important things then they are often not done at the end of the day since you kept yourself busy with other things.
假如你不把焦点放在最重要的事上,那么你经常会由于一整天都忙碌于其他的事情而到了一天结束时都还没有完成它们。 yeeyan

As busy as the lawyers are, they are only warming up.
根据律师的忙碌度来看,现在他们仅仅在热身。 ecocn

But she's as busy as before.
但她还是像以前一样忙碌。 iciba

By then with a kind smile they asked us to follow his car to through the busy traffic.
到那时他们露出友好的笑容请我们跟随他们的车通过繁忙的街道。 ebigear

Each of these communities can give you the support you need to successfully transition from a busy adult to a balanced retired adult.
这每一个团体都可以给你你想要的支持,帮助你从一个忙碌的成年人成功转变为生活平衡的退休人士。 yeeyan

I could pick you up on Saturday early morning and we could drive before it gets busy.
我可以在周六早晨早早接你,然后我们在交通变得繁忙之前驾车出行。 edu.sina.com.cn

If she were not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon.
要不是她这么忙,她就会出席今天下午的会议了。 kekenet

It's the busy time for them to harvest their fields.

She said students should practice at home what they learned in class, but she cautioned against repetitious, busy work.
她说学生在家里应该练习巩固课堂上学到的东西,但是她反对重复的和忙碌的工作。 yeeyan

So although I am extremely busy and am working very hard, the pressures are not the same.
所以尽管现在我非常忙碌工作也十分努力,但是压力不可同日而语。 yeeyan

The teacher got the children safely over the busy road.

There are two busy threads on the sending side, and only one of them gets its affinity set.
在发送端有两个繁忙的线程,并且其中仅有一个拥有其亲和力集合。 ibm

They are busy nidificating.

This is a busy main road.

You see we're very busy in the office and only one of us could come, so we tossed up for it.
您知道我们在办公室里有非常忙,我们俩只能来一个,所以就掷币来决定由谁来。 kekenet




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