

单词 bustled
释义 bus·tled 英'bʌsl美'bʌsl COCA⁵¹⁹¹⁹BNC³¹³⁰⁴
vi. 闹哄哄地忙乱,奔忙

hurry;do sth with energy


activity or excitement


a frame,pad,or bunch of material used to make a skirt stick out;liner

a rapid active commotiona framework worn at the back below the waist for giving fullness to a woman's skirt
move or cause to move energetically or busily;

The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance

bustle up赶快,急忙行动…in a bustle忙乱的hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘,忙碌…blast furnace bustle pipe高炉环状风管…bustle pipe环风管,环管,促动管…bustle main anchor环风管吊挂锚栓…bustle about忙碌without hurry or bustle不慌不忙bustle around忙碌,东奔西跑…
近义词 rush冲ado麻烦stir激起noise噪声hurry匆忙hubbub嘈杂to-do骚动…hustle催促action行为trouble困难activity活动fuss大惊小怪movement活动commotion骚动flurry一阵疾风excitement激动bustle about忙碌be on the go忙碌活跃hustle and bustle熙熙攘攘,忙碌…反义词 soothe缓和quiet安静的appease安抚compose作曲
S+~+AWorkers bustled about to make everything ready for the performance.工作人员为做好演出准备忙作一团。用作名词n.She sat at desk,watching the bustle outside the window.她坐在书桌旁,望着窗外忙碌的景象。
A bustle is used to make the dress look more beautiful.用裙撑是为了使裙子看起来更漂亮。
用作名词He hated being transplanted from his home in the country to the noise andbustleof life in the city.他很不喜欢从乡间的居所迁居到了喧闹的城市里。
It seems that he enjoys the hustle andbustleof life in the big city.看起来他似乎很喜欢大城市的热闹繁忙的生活。用作动词She is alwaysbustlingabout the house.她总是为家务忙个没完。
Shebustledthe children off to school.她催促孩子们上学去。 I bustled through the house as I got ready for my friend's visit.
我为朋友的来访忙乱地收拾整个屋子。 sparke

The project's annual conference in Buenos Aires this summer bustled with discussions about the numbers and how the movement can attract a wider class of participants.
今夏在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的年度会议上,大家激烈讨论了成员构成以及用什么方法吸引更广泛的参与者的问题。 yeeyan

The chef bustled about in the kitchen.

The streets of Hanoi bustled with evening traffic and pedestrians.
越南河内的夜晚,街道人流拥挤、车水马龙。 www.360abc.com

“ What a mess, ” said Snow White, and she bustled around and cleaned the house from top to bottom.
“什么一团乱,”雪白色的说,和她奔忙在而且周围清理了来自顶端的房子根据。 vicn

A squat pot- bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom.
一位矮矮胖胖、大腹便便的人影从阴暗处奔了出来。 u.2u4u.com.cn

British taxi driver who showed up at BBC headquarters in London to pick up a fare was mistaken for a computer expert, and bustled into a studio and given a microphone to be interviewed.
一位英国司机去伦敦 BBC总部接客人,被误认为是计算机专家,被抓进录音间,按在麦克风前面接受采访。

He bustled her out of the hot house.

Robben had bustled his way clear to cross, Shevchenko's snap-shot inside the box was blocked at source and as the bell dropped to Drogba, his effort under heavy pressure flew over.
罗本匆忙地找到空位传中,舍甫琴科在禁区内急射被原地挡开,而当门铃掉到时,他在力压之下施射结果一飞冲天。 hicoo

She bustled about trying to wait on two customers at once.

She bustled about with an assumption of authority.
这部著作是她很匆忙的设想的。 unsv

She bustled the children off to school.
她催促孩子们去上学。 tdict

She bustled her daughter off to school.

She bustled about the house.
她在房子里忙个没完。 blog.sina.com.cn

The hostess bustled about with an assumption of authority.
女主人摆出一副权威的样子忙来忙去。 hjenglish

The house bustled with people and activity.

Through the air bustled a jet- plane.
呼的一声在空中飞过一架喷气式飞机。 iciba

When Shudan bustled in preparing the official seal, Boyi and Shuqi discussed the situation in private.
就在叔旦忙着准备任官令时,伯夷及叔齐两人私下对这样的发展讨论了一番。 blog.sina.com.cn




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