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词汇 bust
释义 bust 英bʌst美bʌstAHDbŭst ★★☆☆☆高四六GIMST宝6八COCA⁹⁴¹⁸BNC¹⁶²⁸⁸iWeb⁸⁰⁰⁸Economist³⁴⁵¹

vt. & vi. 爆裂,坏掉

burst; break down

vt. & vi. 打破,打碎

break; smash

a complete failure;

the play was a dismal flop

the chest of a womana sculpture of the head and shoulders of a personan occasion for excessive eating or drinking;

they went on a bust that lasted three days

lacking funds;

`skint' is a British slang term

ruin completely;

He busted my radio!

search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on;

The police raided the crack house

separate or cause to separate abruptly;

The rope snapped

tear the paper

go to pieces;

The lawn mower finally broke

The gears wore out

The old chair finally fell apart completely

break open or apart suddenly and forcefully;

The dam burst

bust来自两个不同来源,第一个来自拉丁语bustum,本意是“坟墓、火葬用的柴堆”。古代意大利的伊特鲁里亚人相信逝者死后会在来世超生,并保留生前的习惯。因此人死后被火化,骨灰被放置在一个人形骨灰瓮中,包括一个盛放骨灰的瓶身和一个人头形状的盖子。整个骨灰瓮被安放在布置得像生前居所的坟墓里,生前使用的一系列物品也一同陪葬。受这种丧葬习俗的影响,拉丁语bustum也被用来表示这种人形骨灰瓮,后来被用来表示人的“上半身雕像”。19世纪后还衍生出“胸部”之意。第二个bust是单词burst爆炸的变体形式,字母r脱落了,从本意“爆炸”引申出“爆裂、破产、经济萧条、搜查”等多种含义。bust up破裂破坏baby bust生育低谷期bust a gut拚命努力bust a move离开go bust失败access bust signal选址猝发信号…bust shot放大拍摄boom and bust经济萧条和经济繁?,…economic bust经济崩溃bust loose脱离, 离开bust-up吵架boom-and-bust繁荣与萧条,一时性繁…go a bustgo on the bustgo on the bust纵酒取乐bust out逃出go on a bust纵酒取乐
bust up v.+adv.

使终止; 破坏 cause sth to end; disrupt sth

bust upThe couple bust up after an argument.那对夫妻经过一场争吵就离异了。bust sth ⇔ upIt was money troubles that busted up their marriage.是金钱纠纷使他们的婚姻破裂了。GRE红宝书从bus外看里边的人: 半身像
同burst 胀破; 胸部;robust健壮,胸部肌肉丰满
GRE难词记忆bust→best a.最好的→这是他最好的一座半身象非常记忆must一定⇒你一定会破产的联想记忆半身像bust落满了灰尘dustbesta.最好的⇒这是他最好的一座半身象近义词 break
S+~+AThe balloonbusted.气球爆破了。
S+~+ n./pron.He dropped his watch on the pavement and bust it.他把手表掉在人行道上摔坏了。Pbust-this传输失败Pbusteda.被抓现行的Pblockbustern.巨型炸弹Pbustlinga.熙熙攘攘的忙乱的Pbroncobustern.驯养野马的牛仔Ptrustbustern.要求解散托拉斯的人Pgangbuster取缔流氓组织的执法人员Pbust-upn.失败破产争吵殴斗吵闹破裂Pbustlen.喧闹裙撑vi.奔忙喧闹vt.使忙碌催促Pbustern.庞然大物非凡的人闹饮驯马人小家伙小鬼炸弹巨型炸弹

用作名词I worked up a lump of clay into abustof my mother.我把一块粘土制作成我母亲的半身像。
What is yourbustsize, madam?小姐, 您胸围的尺寸是多少?
The police was engaged in abustof the drug dealer.警方正在搜捕那个毒贩子。
The movie was a totalbust.这部电影非常失败。用作动词Ibustedmy leg playing basketball.我打篮球的时候弄伤了腿。
Thievesbustedthe lock and damaged the door.小偷们打碎了门锁,破坏了屋门。
He's beenbustedfor drug trafficking.他因毒品买卖而被警方逮捕。
He wasbustedfor being absent without leave.他因擅离职守而被降级.
It was his drinking thatbustedup their marriage.是他的酗酒行为破坏了他们的婚姻。用作形容词His company wentbust.他的公司破产了。
My favorite cup isbust.我最心爱的杯子打碎了。noun.chest of human
同义词 bosom,breast,chest,front
反义词 backexonerationnoun.arrest for illegal action
同义词 seizureapprehension,arrest,capture,cop,detention,nab,pickup,pinch,raid,search
反义词 letting go,releaseexonerationverb.ruin, impoverish
同义词 break,crash,fail,pauperizebecome insolvent,fold up,go bankrupt,go into Chapter 11
反义词 aid,exonerate,fix,help,let go,mendverb.arrest for illegal action
同义词 apprehend,detain,pinchcatch,collar,cop,nab,raid,searchpick up,pull in,run-in
反义词 free,release,let go,loseaid,exonerate,fix,help,mendverb.physically break
同义词 burst,fracturefold,rupture
反义词 aid,exonerate,fix,help,let go,mend
apprehendverb catch and arrest
bag,capture,collar,cop,grab,nab,nail,place under arrest,run-in,seize,take in,take into custody,take prisoner
arrestnoun taking into custody
accommodation,apprehension,appropriation,bag,booby trap,bust,captivity,capture,collar,commitment,confinement,constraint,crimp,detention,drop,fall,gaff,glom,grab,heat,hook,imprisonment,incarceration,jailing,mitt,nab,nail,nick,nip,pick up,pickle,pinch,preventive custody,protective custody,pull,pull in,restraining,run-insequesteringsnare,sweep
arrestverb take into authorized custody
apprehend,bag,book,brace,bust,capture,catch,collar,detain,drop,gaff,get,glom,grab,hook,imprison,incarcerate,jail,kick,nab,nail,net,nick,pick up,pinch,pull,pull in,put the arm on,put the cuffs on,round up,roust,run-in,secure,seize,sidetrack,snag,tab,tag,take in,take prisoner,toss in jail
assailverb attack, usually with words
abuse,assault,bash,berate,beset,blast,blister,bust,charge,come at,criticize,encounter,have at,impugn,invade,lambaste,lay into,malign,maltreat,molest,revile,set upon,trash,vilify,work over
attackverb assault physically
advance,aggress,ambush,assail,assault,bash,bat,bean,beat,beset,besiege,biff,blast,boff,bombard,boot,bop,brain,bust,charge,chop down,clip,clock,club,combat,cook,harm,hit,hurt,infiltrate,invade,jump,kick,knock block off,knock cold,knock for a loop,larrup,lay siege to,light into,molest,mug,overwhelm,pounce upon,punch,raid,rush,set upon,slog,soak,stab,storm,strike,take the offensive,turn on,wallop,whop
attacksverb assault physically
advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops The economy lurched between boom and bust, culminating in near- bankruptcy in2001.
经济在繁荣与破产之间逡巡不前,在2001年几近崩溃。 ecocn

The previous boom brought double-digit growth and reckless lending, followed by a construction bust and a 14% fall in GDP.
之前的繁荣带来两位数增长和不计后果的借贷,随后就出现结构破产和 GDP下降14%。 ecocn

And that does not consider whether the garment fits in the hips and bust.
这还不考虑这件衣服的臀围和胸围是否合适。 yeeyan

Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth.

Booms and bust will not disappear; hence the crucial importance of bolstering capital, the buffer that banks depend on to absorb losses.
繁荣和萧条还会存在,因此支持经济发展的推动资本仍然很重要,这使银行得以缓冲,承受损失。 yeeyan

But he may be wrong to oppose any kind of debt restructuring for Greece, which is patently bust.
但是,他反对希腊任何债务调整的行为也许是错的,希腊显然已经破产。 ecocn

But imbalances are easier to identify after a bust than during a boom.
但预算失衡在萧条过后本来就比在繁荣时期更容易识别。 ecocn

But the lessons from Japan are important for all countries, such as America, Britain and parts of Europe, that have suffered a big asset bust.
但是日本的教训对于所有的国家都是有很重要意义的,例如美国、英国以及部分欧洲国家,它们都经历过资产破产。 putclub

But the result will just be another bubble and another bust.
但其结果只会是泡沫的再一次吹起与破灭。 ecocn

For US policymakers, Japan is the case study in what not to do when a credit bubble is followed by a real estate bust.
对于美国的决策者来说,当他们面临由不动产破产引发的信用危机时,日本是一个教训,让我们学习那些事情是不能做的。 yeeyan

In short, the boom- bust- cycle phenomenon is somehow linked to the modern world. But what is the link?
总之,繁荣与萧条周期现象,在某种程度上与现代世界有关。但是,这联系是什么呢? yeeyan

Its membership of the euro has helped to protect it during the bust, but could become painful if both the dollar and the pound keep depreciating.
其欧元成员国的身份有助于在银行破产期间保护爱尔兰,但如果美元和英镑继续贬值的话爱尔兰可能会很痛苦。 ecocn

One panellist even drew a parallel with Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that went from best to bust in short order20 years ago.
一个研究小组甚至画了一幅同德崇证劵,一个在过去20年里从最好走到最破产的投资银行的平行对比。 yeeyan

She accepts that her smaller bust may be a factor.
她承认她的胸部较小也是一个因素。 yeeyan

She has a beautiful bust.

Supportive brassiere-like structures on the inside of another garment, such as a swimsuit or tank top, which provide support for the bust without the need for a separate bra.
它在结构上仍然支持乳罩式样,但内置于另一服装之后,比如游泳衣和背心。如果不需要单独的乳罩来支持胸部,就可以选择这一款式。 yeeyan

The firm went bust—and the flow of cheaper workers from eastern Europe, which Sweden was one of only three EU countries to accept openly in 2004, dried up.
这家公司后来破产了,来自东欧的廉价劳动力源流也枯竭了,瑞典曾是2004年公开对此予以认可的三个欧盟国家之一。 ecocn

The boom and bust nature of economics is one of the most puzzling aspects of the modern world.
在当今世界,经济繁荣和萧条的本质是什么,这是个最令人困惑的问题。 yeeyan

The priority in Brussels is for smooth management over the next six months, not bust- ups over press freedom.
布鲁塞尔在接下来的六个月的首要任务是平稳管理,而不是让新闻自由破裂。 ecocn

The bust of Winston Churchill was replaced by one of Martin Luther King Jr.
那个温斯顿·丘吉尔的半身像也被一个马丁·路德·金像赶跑了。 yeeyan

This time is indeed different, though not because the boom- and- bust cycle has miraculously disappeared.
这次确实不同——尽管不是因为“繁荣与萧条”的循环奇迹般地消失了。 ecocn

We can thus conclude that the gold standard, if not abused, is not conducive to boom- bust cycles.
我们可以得出这样的结论金本位如果不被滥用,不会产生繁荣和萧条周期。 yeeyan

What caused the boom and bust?
是什么导致了它的繁荣和萧条? yeeyan

Yet, the project may not be a complete bust.
目前看来,这个项目并不一定完全破产了。 yeeyan

You don't want to have China develop asset bubbles and go through boom and bust cycles.
你不要去要求中国发展泡沫资产和经历着周期性的繁荣与萧条。 yeeyan




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