释义 |
苦工 kǔ gōng 基本例句 toilswinkdrudgeryfaghack worksloggingdrudgepeon 经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working. 辛苦工作了四个小时后,他觉得非常饿。He felt very hungry after four-hours' hard work. 那是叫人受不了的苦工。It's too much of a fag. 夏天过得十分缓慢,而奴隶们却辛苦地做着苦工。The summer dragged its slow length along, while the slaves toiled at their hard tasks. 他一直辛苦工作直到年过八十。He toiled on till he was past eighty. |