

单词 businesspeople
释义 businesspeople 英'bɪznəsp'iːpl美'bɪznəsp'iːpl 高COCA³³³⁷¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁷⁶⁶⁴
people who transact business especially business executives近义词 business people商人们

用作名词The fresh, brisk ambience of the lobby stimulates conversation among thebusinesspeopleand employees who meet here.新鲜的,活跃的氛围中交谈大厅刺激之间的商人和雇员谁在这里举行会议。
Many economists andbusinesspeopleassume that, as so often, Mr Berlusconi's provocative rhetoric masks a subtler purpose.许多经济学家与商人估计,贝卢斯科尼挑衅性的言论背后往往隐藏着一个微妙的目的。noun.professional working person
同义词 baron,businessman,businesswoman,capitalist,dealer,employer,entrepreneur,executive,financier,industrialist,manager,merchandiser,merchant,operator,storekeeper,suit,trafficker,tycoonbig wheel,big-time operator,career person,franchiser,gray flannel suit,organization person,small potatoes,the bacon,tradesperson,wheeler-dealer,working woman
反义词 customer Bringing businesspeople into politics can also produce corruption and cronyism.
商人从政也容易带来腐败和任人唯亲。 ecocn

First, one can listen to what businesspeople say.
首先,你可以去听听工商界人士怎么说。 yeeyan

From his early meetings he learned that the bankers wanted the businesspeople to keep better financial records.
从他早期的会面中,他了解到银行家们希望商人们能够保持更好的金融记录。 hjenglish

He had children running up and down New York state completing internships with politicians, businesspeople, newscasters, and all sorts of other accomplished people.
他让孩子们在整个纽约州跟着政治家、商人、新闻主播以及所有其他功成名就者实习。 bsxlm.com

If governments address those worries, businesspeople may start spending.
如果各国政府可以解决这些疑虑,商人可能就会开始支出。 ecocn

Journalists, businesspeople and aid workers based abroad regularly interact with the local population.
在外国居住的记者、商人、援助人员经常要与当地的居民接触。 yeeyan

Ken took me to a dinner with high-powered New York businesspeople, including Bob Rubin, whose tightly reasoned arguments for a new economic policy made a lasting impression on me.
肯带我参加了地位显赫的纽约商人的宴会,出席者中有的勃.鲁宾,他对新经济政策缜密有理的论点给我留下了持久的印象。 yeeyan

Many economists and businesspeople assume that, as so often, Mr Berlusconi’s provocative rhetoric masks a subtler purpose.
许多经济学家与商人估计,贝卢斯科尼挑衅性的言论背后往往隐藏着一个微妙的目的。 ecocn

None of this has happened because businesspeople have suddenly become more immoral.
这些都没有发生,因为这些人突然变得不那么道德了。 yeeyan

Obama fatigue. I talked to numerous businesspeople and others in Europe who had lost the awe they had—briefly—that we had elected an African-American, and a cool global guy at that.
奥巴马软化我和欧洲许多实业家及其他人谈话,他们已经失去了曾经暂时拥有的敬畏——我们选出了一位非裔美国人,而且是很酷的全球人物。 yeeyan

Senior police and officials and powerful businesspeople were among the 1,500 people detained in the huge crackdown.
此次打黑行动共涉及1500人,其中不乏警察、高级官员和商界精英。 yeeyan

Some foreign businesspeople complain that market- opening measures initiated in the1990s and early 2000s have run out of steam.
一些外国企业家抱怨说,在1990年代和2000年代初开启的市场开放举措已经失去动力。 yeeyan

Some Italian businesspeople are relieved to see the government drop its protectionist attitude.
一些意大利商人们很高兴看到政府放弃保护主义的态度。 ecocn

Thanks to Wall Street’s leading role in causing the economic downturn, bashing wealthy businesspeople is back in fashion.
由于华尔街成为导致经济衰退的首犯,对富裕商人的抨击再度兴起。 ecocn

That view is often echoed by Western businesspeople.
这种观点经常能得到西方商人的附合。 ecocn

With less than four months to the election, many businesspeople are undecided.
离大选只有四个月了,许多商人都还没决定投谁。 ecocn

You might also have thought the economic crisis had increased hostility to highly paid businesspeople.
你可能也会认为,金融危机让人对那些高收入的商人更加敌视。 ecocn




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