

单词 businessmen
释义 businessmen 英'bɪznəsmen美'bɪznəsmen COCA⁹⁹⁸⁰BNC⁶⁴⁵¹Economist³¹³⁸

the body of individuals who manage businesses近义词 business community工商业界,企业界…
用作名词The twobusinessmenclinched the deal quickly.这两个生意人很快就敲定了这桩买卖。
Her experience biased her againstbusinessmen.她的经历使她对生意人有偏见。as in.businessperson
同义词 baron,businesswoman,capitalist,dealer,employer,entrepreneur,executive,financier,industrialist,manager,merchandiser,merchant,operator,storekeeper,suit,trafficker,tycoonbig wheel,big-time operator,career person,franchiser,gray flannel suit,organization person,small potatoes,the bacon,tradesperson,wheeler-dealer,working woman
反义词 customer
businesspeoplenoun professional working person
barons,big wheels,big-time operators,businesswomen,capitalists,career persons,dealers,employers,entrepreneurs,executives,financiers,franchisers,gray flannel suits,industrialists,managers,merchandisers,merchants,operators,organization persons,small potatoes,storekeepers,suits,the bacons,tradespersons,traffickers,tycoons,wheeler-dealers,working womans
businesspersonnoun professional working person
baron,big wheel,big-time operator,businessman,businesswoman,capitalist,career person,dealer,employer,entrepreneur,executive,financier,franchiser,gray flannel suit,industrialist,manager,merchandiser,merchant,operator,organization person,small potatoes,storekeeper,suit,the bacon,tradesperson,trafficker,tycoon,wheeler-dealer,working woman And, to judge from two recent conferences, when Indian businessmen or experts get together, they do so not to praise the country’s business environment but to bury it in withering criticism.
从最近两次会议来看,每当印度商人或专家聚在一起时,他们似乎不愿意赞扬本国的商业环境鼓励其进步,反而更愿意对其批评指责。 ecocn

And a large chunk of those purported benefits rest on the assumption that businessmen are unproductive while in transit, which seems questionable in an age of laptops and mobile broadband.
那些传说中的利益中很大一部分取决于一种假设:那些商人在运输途中完全不盈利,这似乎又与当今这样一个移动信息时代相矛盾。 ecocn

By a useful though hardly unexpected coincidence, all the businessmen were male and all were white, so there were no confounding variables of race or sex.
有益的巧合但不出乎意料,所有的这些商人都是白种男人,因此,没有干扰性的种族和性别的变量。 ecocn

But competition from businessmen from India and China is now growing.
但是,来自印度和中国的商人的竞争日益剧烈。 ecocn

But he still arouses worries among businessmen and democrats that he would try to nudge Peru in a more authoritarian, populist direction.
但是他仍引起商人和民主人士的疑虑,他可能试图将秘鲁推向一个更威权、更民粹的方向。 ecocn

But Moxley says he and the fake businessmen got the “ red- carpet treatment” at the opening ceremony for the factory.
但莫克斯利说他和其他冒牌商人在工厂的开幕剪彩那天得到了“红地毯待遇”。 kekenet

But why should I care for businessmen or engineers?
但我何必为商人、工程师们操心? yeeyan

But businessmen and some diplomats have for the past two years asked when the house of cards would tumble.
但在过去两年里有一些商人和政客询问过什么时候这个风雨飘摇的银行会破产。 ecocn

Dozens of businessmen unable to pay off loans have fled the area and are now missing.
几十名商人因为无法偿还借贷,已经从当地逃离,现在仍下落不明。 yeeyan

Government officials, businessmen and people on the street all use the term.
政府官员、生意人和大街上的行人们全都使用这个称谓。 yeeyan

He lobbied on behalf of businessmen.

If they are businessmen, people accuse them of tax evasion.
如果他们是商人,人们就会告他们逃税。 yeeyan

Polls suggest that Russian businessmen fear bureaucrats more than criminals, and dread the police most of all.
民意调查提出俄罗斯的商人畏惧官僚官员胜于罪犯,并且最恐惧警察。 ecocn

Such a class of businessmen selling to the “ lower strata” of the population did not exist in precapitalistic ages.
在前资本主义时期,这样一个销售商品给“较低阶层”民众的商人阶层还不存在。 yeeyan

This affects not only cowboys and farmers, but small businessmen too.
这影响到的不仅是牛仔和农民,还有小本商人。 ecocn

We are journalists, not businessmen.
我们是记者,不是商人。 yeeyan

What is clear to the public, though, is that bankers and businessmen earn fortunes in good times and shout for help from the taxpayer in bad times.
甚且,社会大众摆明著认为,这些银行家和生意人都趁著好景气大赚其钱,坏景气时居然有脸呼叫纳税人的金援。 yeeyan

You see, we are civilized businessmen.
你看,我们是文明的生意人。 yeeyan

Businessmen grumble that they cannot raise money to invest in the state, whereas before they spirited their capital out of it.
商人们嘟囔着说他们筹不到钱到这里投资,然而以前他们只会从该地抽逃资本的。 ecocn




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