

单词 致病
释义 致病 zhì bìng ★☆☆☆☆v.动词⁰·⁰⁰¹⁷ᴾᵃ⁶⁷⁰²
pathopoiesiapathopoiesisdisease producing
What is clear is that both organic and conventional foods are susceptible to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms at every point in the food chain. yeeyan

Preliminary research has shown the potential for smaller systems to remove most disease- causing organisms, except possibly viruses. yeeyan

Error catastrophe theory has led to a strategy of mutagenesis to control disease viruses. yeeyan

Feedlot and other industrial farming systems that provide the majority of supermarket meat rely on heavy antibiotic use to speed the animals' growth and prevent disease in their filthy conditions. yeeyan

But, neither this plan nor any other will actually test whether the fish anyone buys at a store is loaded with disease- causing bacteria, mercury, or anything else. yeeyan

However, if the node is removed4 weeks before infection, a high dose causes the disease while a low dose does notover the course of the314 day time period for the study. blog.sina.com.cn

The project also will focus on key secreted pathogenic proteins. yeeyan

It took years for scientists to discover the virus responsible for the disease. yeeyan

然而,并非所有的 H5和 H7亚型病毒都是高致病性的,也并非所有此类病毒都可在家禽中引起严重疾病。
However, not all viruses of the H5 and H7 subtypes are highly pathogenic and not all will cause severe disease in poultry. who

When allowed to circulate in poultry populations, the viruses can mutate, usually within a few months, into the highly pathogenic form. who

Whereas adaptive immunity is thought to be a response to specific bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, innate immunity has always been seen as the body's general response to all threats of disease. ecocn

By squatting, they say, we can achieve“ complete evacuation” of the colon, ridding our bowels of disease- causing toxins. yeeyan

Smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia. edu.sina.com.cn

在家禽中反复发生高致病性 H5N1禽流感之后,中国在过去一个月内已强化对人间病例的监测。
Surveillance for human cases in China intensified over the past month following a recurrence of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry. who

In all of these recent outbreaks, authorities have announced control measures in line with FAO and OIE recommendations for highly pathogenic avian influenza. who

这些是在这两个国家记录的高致病性 H5N1禽流感首次暴发。
These are the first outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza recorded in the two countries. who

Such dualism was there from the beginning, in the question of who discovered the AIDS- causing virus. There were two claimants. ecocn

Further testing is under way to determine the strain and whether the virus is highly pathogenic. who

Other parasite species and sub-species of the Trypanosoma genus are pathogenic to animals and cause animal trypanosomiasis in wild and domestic animal species. who




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