词汇 | 至理名言 |
释义 | 至理名言 辨析至理名言与“金玉良言”有别:至理名言侧重于形容是真理;“金玉良言”侧重于形容是忠告。 辨析至理名言与“金玉良言”有别:至理名言侧重于形容是真理;“金玉良言”侧重于形容是忠告。 俄文золотые словáубедительное изречение 反义词 “It is impressive how pervasive is the view that the poor are sitting at the cusp of a huge opportunity to get much richer—by now it’s almost an axiom,” says Mr Banerjee. Words of wisdom will not come! Quotes are words of encouragement which can make you feel rejuvenated again, it gives you the strength to rise up against any challenge and makes you more determined. Yet, here are conservatives now, disregarding their own wisdom and subverting the rule of law in the name of the rule of law to fight bogus causes. But Mr Beattie pulls together enough evidence to make his conclusion, borrowed from Shakespeare, hard to deny: “Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie/Which we ascribe to heaven”. When troubled by the vexations and strife of the day, still the wheels of your mind and think about the wisdom and intelligence lodged in your subconscious mind, which is ready to respond to you. For someone like me who has been programming for decades, there are words of wisdom from some old friends. Stand firm, and the speculators will fold, was the wisdom of the day. Confucius's many words are wisdom. No one is accepting these studies as the last word, and there is no evidence that the White House is being dishonest. We often hear those wise old sayings handed down from generation to generation, but some of them are just plain stupid. The one common thing you will find in all religions usually written in different words but with the same meaning: do unto others what you would want others to do to you. A fine motto to live by. Today, Mr. Bernanke is the Fed’s chairman— and his2002 speech reads like famous last words. So in this holiday season, let’s remember the wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge. His teachings were received wisdom for two millennia, overturned only by the birth of modern science350 years ago. Her3 most important things to live a happy life were truly pieces of wisdom. I love inspirational quotes. They are powerful nuggets of wisdom condensed into1-2 lines. One aspect of the book which I like is the author's ability to dig up and insert relevant quotable quotes. The conventional wisdom that emotions can make you irrational has less to do with how intense your feelings are than with how much you understand them, the study showed. CONVENTIONAL wisdom has it that Italy's economy is failing, in part because it cannot produce corporations big enough to compete internationally. Reading and taking other people's word for things doesn't add much richness to our own life experience and in fact much of what we read or are told is simply not true in certain circumstances. The significant inscription found on an old key---“ If I rest, I rust”--- would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. It is among hundreds of pearls of wisdom dispensed in one of Britain's first self-help books, written to help women resist life's temptations. These four words are: This too shall pass. The old guy worked me into the ground every day and shared a lot of his homespun wisdom and country skepticism with me. At least for me the second sentence of the Auburn creed, “ I believe in work, hard work” really resonates here and has been one of my core beliefs for as long as I can remember. A WEATHERED Middle East truism holds that, while there can be no all- out Arab- Israeli war without Egypt, there can be no long-term peace without Syria. Pay attention. No, not to these words of wisdom— just pay attention to whatever you’re doing. Set up in1999 in response to widespread concern that patients in one area were being denied medicines available in another, the agency's Solomonic brief means it is never far from the news. |
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