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词汇 自始至终
释义 自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng 常用成语
from start to finishfrom the egg to the applefrom first to lastfrom beginning to endthroughsempreall the waythroughout繁体自始至終近义从头到尾;始终如一不渝反义有始无终;有头无尾;虎头蛇尾辨析自始至终和“始终如一”;都有“一直不改变”的意思。但自始至终只表示从“开始到结束”;“始终如一”偏重于“始终不改变”。辨析自始至终和“始终如一”;都有“一直不改变”的意思。但自始至终只表示从“开始到结束”;“始终如一”偏重于“始终不改变”。日文始はじめから終おわりまで
法文depuis le commencement jusqu'à la findu début à la fin
俄文от начáла до концá
德文von Anfang bis Ende die ganze Zeit hindurch
拉丁文ab ovo usque ad mala自始至终,秀莲唱得很拘谨,好像并不想取悦听众。 ★老舍《鼓书艺人》五联合式:作定语;状语;表示始终如一;中性词。宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷二十:“先皇帝与汴军校战,自始至终,马数才万。今有铁马三万五千,不能使九州混一,是吾养卒练士将帅之不至也。”解释: 从开始到末了。表示一贯如此。《宋书·江夏文献王义恭传》:“义恭性嗜不恒,日时移变,自始至终,屡迁第宅。”
老舍《四世同堂》九八:“她自始至终是反对战争的。她早就知道,肆意侵略的人到头来准自食其果。”近义词 从头至尾始终不渝彻头彻尾坚持到底一如既往从头到尾善始善终有始有终自始自终始终如一
反义词 朝三暮四有头无尾朝四暮三虎头蛇尾有始无终翻云覆雨
他会上发言从来不切中要点,而自始至终都是谈得不着边际。He never came to the point, but talked round the subject throughout the meeting.
王子自始至终忠贞不渝。The prince remained loyal throughout.
那会议自始至终十分无聊。The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish.
自始至终,那件事我都知道。I've known that all along.自始至终,大学毕业生的工资几乎没有动。
Throughout the aughts, incomes for college graduates barely budged. yeeyan

Throughout, Robbins quotes a shocking number of articles I've written, which makes me feel very, very loved. yeeyan

Throughout we must ensure consistent and equal treatment across member countries through predictable and transparent decision making and actions. worldbank

Throughout this explosive community love- fest, a minor detail has been omitted in all the excitement: how on earth do we built an inspiring, engaging, and enjoyable community in our own walk of life? yeeyan

The goal throughout has been to represent the source in canonical form while preserving as much information from the front end as possible. infoq

Most speeches go badly, even if one manages to stay upright throughout. iciba

Food prices have remained stable throughout China despite the devastation of the8- magnitude earthquake that jolted Sichuan province on May 12, official figures show. yeeyan

He adds that throughout his political career, he has felt that the upper house should be not simply reformed but abolished. ecocn

He remained defiant throughout, refusing to recognise the legitimacy of the court and walking out after only a brief attendance. ecocn

它自始至终都使用 Automobile类型的对象。
Throughout, it uses objects of type Automobile. ibm

She was fascinated by his own political journey, which had been inspired throughout by a revulsion against Nazism. yeeyan

Throughout my Presidency, I will work in close cooperation and full coordination with all Member States and regional groups. putclub

Feel free to use another name, but be careful to use that name consistently throughout your project. ibm

The other events of Jehoshaphat's reign, from beginning to end, are written in the annals of Jehu son of Hanani, which are recorded in the book of the kings of Israel. ebigear

Throughout the reception, it was permeated with warm and friendly atmosphere.

Throughout this period, her research and writing has focused on the physiologic properties of rodent circadian clocks and the significance of internal timing in the ecology of wild rodents. yeeyan

“What I have always seen in Europe is that the right wing favours the power of money and could not care less about the citizens, ” the visitor to France declared. ecocn

Like American parents, Chinese parents hope their child succeeds, but what they really want is for their cute and dependent child to be always so. yeeyan

The other events of his reign and all his ways, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. ebigear




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