释义 |
臨淵羨魚 lín yuān xiàn yú 基本例句语法情感出处 It is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes;one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book比喻空怀壮志,不如实实在在地付诸于行动近义临河羡鱼变体临渊羡鱼此为之数年,便可见效,十年便可有成,何不试之,而徒作臨淵羨魚之叹。 ◎明·朱之渝《答小宅生顺问六十一条》连动式;作宾语;含贬义。《淮南子·说林训》:“临河而羡鱼,不如归家结网。”《汉书·董仲书传》:“临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。” |