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词汇 Bushehr
释义 BushehrEconomist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
By making long- delayed fuel shipments to Bushehr now, Russia will weaken further the UN Security Council effort to end Iran's defiance.
如今俄罗斯将拖延已久的燃料运抵了布什尔,这将进一步削弱联合国安理会结束伊朗挑衅的努力。 ecocn

The first consignment of nuclear fuel for Bushehr from Russia under the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards finally arrived in Tehran on Monday.
布什尔核电站的第一批核燃料在国际电子能机构的监护下,已于星期一从俄罗斯运抵德黑兰。 yeeyan

With Iran so obdurate, why the changed tack over Bushehr?
伊朗如此冥顽不灵,何以俄罗斯在布什尔问题上还会改变策略? ecocn

A building housing the reactor at the Bushehr nuclear power plant in the Iranian port town of Bushehr.
一栋内有反应堆的建筑物建在伊朗港口城市布什尔的核电厂里。 yeeyan

As over Bushehr, Iran plays a long game.
至于布什尔,伊朗可以说是放长线钓大鱼。 yeeyan

As Bushehr was located in a dangerous zone that was prone to frequent and strong seismic activity, extra funds were set aside to protect the site against the dangers of an earthquake.
由于布什尔处在地震频仍的危险地带,又另行拨款防止工地受地震威胁。 yeeyan

Construction of the Bushehr plant on the Persian Gulf was begun by German builders before Iran's Islamic Revolution.
伊朗的伊斯兰革命之前,德国的建造商就开始在波斯湾建造布什尔核电站。 voanews

For Iran, however, Bushehr symbolises something altogether different: the fruits of defiance.
然而,对伊朗来说,布什尔象征着完全不同的事情:他们核挑衅的成果。 yeeyan

Holding back on the fuel for Bushehr was one bit of Russian leverage in the nuclear dispute with Iran that is now being lost.
控制着布什尔的核燃料是俄罗斯在与伊朗的核争端上的筹码之一,但如今正在丧失。 ecocn

Iran admits that some computers at its Bushehr nuclear plant were infected, but says no damage was done.
伊朗承认其布什尔核电站的一些电脑受到了感染,但是并没有受到破坏。 ecocn

Iranian officials have slammed Russia in recent weeks for delays in completing a nuclear plant at Bushehr and in delivering S-300 air defense missiles.
最近几星期来,伊朗官员猛烈指责俄罗斯拖延在布什尔的核设施建设,以及迟迟不提供 S-300防空导弹。

Iranian officials invited media coverage of the start of the fueling process at Bushehr on Tuesday.
伊朗官员星期二请媒体对布什尔核电站开始装载核燃料进行报道。 voanews

Iran's still- not- operational nuclear plant is in the southern Bushehr province.

Last month Iran passed its latest milestone with the fuelling of its first power- generating reactor, set up long ago by the Russians at Bushehr.
上个月,伊朗迈过了最新的里程碑--为早前由俄罗斯在 Bushehr建造的伊朗第一个发电反应堆添加了燃料。 ecocn

Russia wants to exclude its Bushehr nuclear reactor project in Iran though it has repeatedly delayed providing the start-up fuel; it also sells Iran lots of weapons.
俄国想排除其在伊朗的布什尔核反应堆项目尽管他一再推迟启动燃料的供应;他还买给伊朗许多武器。 ecocn

Speaking to a crowd near the nuclear power station in the city of Bushehr, Mahmoud Jafarai, a plant official, confirmed that Iran is moving ahead with nuclear enrichment.
布什尔市核电站的一名官员贾法里在核设施附近对听众发表的演说中,证实了伊朗在铀浓缩方面进行了新的扩展。 ebigear

That could be a coincidence. But if Stuxnet was aimed at Iran, one possible target is the Bushehr nuclear reactor.
这有可能是巧合,但如果 Stuxnet针对的是伊朗,攻击目标则有可能是位于布什尔的核反应堆。 ecocn

The Bushehr plant, which has been under construction for many years, is now being loaded with fuel.
已经建设了许多年的布什尔核电站目前正在装载燃料。 voanews

The Bushehr settlement is a necessary prerequisite if the trust and mutual confidence essential for fuller Russo- Iranian cooperation is to become reality.
布什尔争端的解决是为实现信任而互惠的俄伊两国关系的一个先决条件。 yeeyan

The Bushehr plant is being built by Russia.
布什尔核电站是俄罗斯建设的。 ebigear

This week Iranian officials confirmed that Stuxnet had infected computers at Bushehr, but said that no damage to major systems had been done.
本周,伊朗官员证实了 Stuxnet已经感染了布什尔的计算机,但并没有对重要系统造成损害。 ecocn

Under the pact, Russia will supply the fuel for Bushehr and then take back the spent fuel rods.

Bushehr: no need for Iran’s enriched uranium here
布什尔:此处无需伊朗浓缩铀 ecocn

Bushehr has been dogged by problems for years and its opening was recently delayed once again.
多年来,布什尔核反应堆受到诸多问题困扰,最近又被推迟开放。 ecocn

Bushehr was built by Russia, after a German firm, Siemens, abandoned the project years ago.
布什尔是在德国西门子几年前放弃该项目之后由俄罗斯建成。 yeeyan




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