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bus. 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.=business;n
n.名词 C公共汽车a thing like a big car, that carries a lot of people Noun: a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport;he always rode the bus to work the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbaran electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits;the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system a car that is old and unreliable;the fenders had fallen off that old bus Verb: send or move around by bus;The children were bussed to school ride in a busremove used dishes from the table in restaurants n.名词 我们走着去还是乘公共汽车去?❌ Shall we walk or go by a bus? ✔️ Shall we walk or go by bus? 我在公共汽车上看到了她。❌ I saw her on bus. ✔️ I saw her on the bus. 析 强调交通方式须用by bus,不用冠词。如表示具体位置则可说in/on the bus在公共汽车上。 他沿路跑去,上了一辆公共汽车。❌ He ran down the road and got into a bus. ✔️ He ran down the road and got on a bus. 析 “上公共汽车”应说get on a bus,不说get into a bus。“下公共汽车”则应说get off a bus。 n.名词 bus, coach在英式英语中, bus一般指行驶于市内的公交车; 而coach一般指行驶于郊区的长途客运班车,不过这种区别已日趋消失。在美式英语中这两个词可互换,意思上没有明显区别。 bus, automobile, car, lorry, taxi, truck这六个词都可作“汽车”解。其区别是: car和automobile意思相同,均指载人或载物的汽车。前者是一般用词,后者是正式用词; 前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语;car是车的总称,尤指私人的小轿车。bus指大型公共汽车。lorry与truck均指载货卡车。前者主要用于英式英语,后者主要用于美式英语。car在英美均可指火车车厢; truck在英国可指铁路上的敞篷货车。taxi指出租车。 car,bus,truck,lorry,coach,automobile,jeep,carriage,wagon这些名词都与“车”有关。 car多指乘坐人的小汽车或轿车。 bus一般指公共汽车或大型客车。 truck与lorry同义,指卡车或货车,为美国用词。 lorry与truck同义,指卡车或货车,用于英国。 coach原义指四轮马车,现指轿式汽车,长途公共汽车,还可指火车设有卧铺的车厢。 automobile是汽车的总称。 jeep吉普车,指一种小型轻便、适合在崎岖路面或野外使用的车子。 carriage指马车,两匹或两匹以上马拉的四轮马车。 wagon指四轮运货马车或牛车,也指铁路的无盖货车。 来自法语短语voiture omnibus为所有人提供的马车的缩写,源自拉丁语单词omnibus为所有人,for all,是omnis所有人,all的与格形式。在公共汽车出现之间,人们可以搭乘出租马车外出。这种出租马车有点像现在的出租车,但需要提前预订。1823年,一位名叫Stanislas Baudry的法国人在法国南特市郊区创办了一个蒸汽磨坊,并利用多余的热气提供公共浴场服务。为此,他提供一辆大型马车接送住在市中心的客人。在提供这种运输业务时,他发现有很多上车的客人并不是去他的浴场,而是在中途其他地点下车。受此启发,1826年,他放弃了浴场业务,专门经营这种新型的运输业务,并专门准备了两辆16座的马车。马车的出发点在一家制帽店前面,这家制帽店有个招牌,上面用拉丁语写着Omnès Omnibusall for all,其中的omnibus意思是“for all”,与他的这种公共马车性质非常契合。因此,他就把自己经营的这种公共马车称为omnibus,这就是公共汽车的前身。单词bus其实就是omnibus的简称。 用作名词 n. 动词+~board a bus上公共汽车catch a bus赶上公共汽车change buses换车dispatch buses调度公共汽车drive a bus驾驶公共汽车get off a bus下公共汽车get on a bus上公共汽车jump a bus跳上公共汽车miss the bus没赶上公共汽车,失去机会,事业失败pack into bus挤进公共汽车ride a bus乘公共汽车ride in a bus乘公共汽车take a bus乘坐公共汽车wait for a bus等公共汽车形容词+~crowded bus拥挤的公共汽车full bus满员车last bus末班公共汽车local bus每站都停的普通公共汽车next bus下一趟公共汽车regular bus班车名词+~city bus城市公共汽车cross-town bus穿越城市的公共汽车double-decker bus双层公共汽车long-distance bus长途公共汽车school bus校车sightseeing bus游览客车~+名词bus conductor公共汽车上的售票员bus line公共汽车路线bus station公共汽车站bus stop公共汽车站介词+~by bus乘公共汽车go to school by bus乘公共汽车去上学in a bus在公共汽车上on a bus在公共汽车上~+介词bus to a place开往某地的公共汽车 用作名词n.miss the bus失掉机会 lose one's chance 故事记忆肩背着 Abacus算盘身走在 Campus大学校园有事找 Us我们坐二站 Bus汽车坐三站就 Surplus剩余的坐一站要 Plus再加近义词 tramcoachomnibusmini bus 用作名词n.The bus is due in three minutes.公共汽车三分钟后就到了。 The bus stopped at an obscure little town.公共汽车停在一个不知名的小城里。 Just then a bus came by so we got on and rode home.正好那时过来一辆公共汽车,我们就坐上车回家了。 The bus broke down when we were ten kilometres short of the resort.当我们还差10公里到休养地时,汽车发生了故障。 Thebuses, all of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.汽车都已挤满,可是仍然被愤怒的人群包围着。 I need some change to take the bus.我需要些零钱乘公共汽车。 I decided to cycle into town instead of taking the bus.我决定骑自行车进城,而不乘公共汽车。 I missed the bus and didn't get to the office until ten o'clock.我错过了那班汽车,10点钟才到办公室。 May I point out that if we don't leave now we shall miss the bus.我想提醒大家注意,如果我们现在不走,就会赶不上公共汽车。 While waiting for the bus,I killed time by reading a novel.我在等车的时候,看小说消磨时间。 The motor factories keep pouring out millions of cars, trucks andbuses every year.这些汽车厂每年不断生产许多小汽车、卡车和公共汽车。 Tom directed him to the bus stop.汤姆指点他如何去汽车站。 The bus route was circular.这条公共汽车线路是环形的。 The bus driver is responsible for the passengers' safety.公共汽车司机对乘客的安全负责。 The argument ensued between us and the bus driver from this misunderstanding.这场争论引起了我们和汽车司机之间的唇枪舌剑。 The bus service was discontinued because nobody used it.那条公交线因没有乘客而停止营运。 The collapse of the strike enabled the company to resume normal bus services.罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车营业。 He comes to school by bus because he is too lazy to walk.他乘公共汽车上学,因为他懒得走路。 You should be careful of sticky fingers in the bus.在公共汽车上有小偷,你应小心点。 He had an awful encounter with the conductor in the bus.他在公共汽车上和售票员发生了激烈的冲突。 It's customary in China for a person to give up his seat to an old or disabled man or a pregnant woman in a crowded bus.在中国,在拥挤的公共汽车上,一个人给老人或残疾人或孕妇让座位是通常的事情。 When my daughter was working in the North, we went to visit her, but she came south in a bus.我女儿在北方工作时,我们去看她,她却乘一辆公共汽车南下了。 If you have a car, you're independent of trams andbuses.如果你有了一辆汽车,就不用依靠电车和公共汽车了。 I saw him on the bus.我在公共汽车上见到了他。 On the bus I always manage to glance at the headlines in the newspapers.在公共汽车上我总能设法简略地扫一眼报纸上的大标题。 You'd have to changebuses at least twice.你最少得换两次车。Punibus单总线Pmonobus单总线Pairbus空中客车Paerobusn.小客机Pmegabus兆位总线Pbus-back电路环接Pautobusn.公共汽车Pembusv.上公共汽车Pdebusvt.卸下vi.下车Pbusmann.公共汽车司机Ptrolleybusn.无轨电车Pbus-barwire汇流排汇流条Pbus-compatible总线兼容的Pbus-structured总线结构的Pbus-organization总线式结构Pbusboyn.餐馆里的服务员助手Pminibusn.中客车小型公共汽车Pmicrobusn.中客车小型公共汽车Pbus-oriented面向总线的总线用的Pbussingn.公共汽车接送用校车接送学生Pomnibusn.公共汽车公共马车精选集汇编a.综合性的总括的作多种用途的
bus意为“公共汽车”,指的是一种大的,能装很多人的客车,是可数名词。 bus前的介词可用by, in或on,但用by时其前不可用冠词。change buses在英语中是“换车”的意思, bus用复数形式,其前不能用冠词。“N路公共汽车”可说Bus No. N,也可说the No. N,还可说Bus N或the N bus。 在计算机术语中bus可表示“总线”“母线”。 名词55%,动词45% 用作名词The busman stopped thebus.公共汽车司机停下了车。 Thebusdriver asked the passengers to buy tickets.公共汽车司机要求乘客买票。用作名词Nor can you always usebusinterrupts.你也不可能总是用总线中断。用作不及物动词My bike to thebusstation. Then Ibusto work.我骑自行车去汽车站,然后乘早班车去上班。verb.transport 同义词 integrate automobilenoun land vehicle;car auto,bucket of bolts,bug,buggy,clunker,compact,convertible,crate,four-wheeler,gas guzzler,go-cart,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,lemon,limousine,motor car,oil burner,passenger car,pickup truck,ride,sedan,sports car,station wagon,subcompact,taxi,transportation,truck,tub,van,wheels,wreck carnoun vehicle driven on streets auto,automobile,bucket,buggy,bus,clunker,compact,convertible,conveyance,coupe,gas guzzler,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,jeep,junker,limousine,machine,motor,motorcar,pickup,ride,roadster,sedan,station wagon,subcompact,touring car,truck,van,wagon,wheels,wreck carsnoun vehicle driven on streets automobiles,autos,buckets,buggies,buses,clunkers,compacts,convertibles,conveyances,coupes,gas guzzlers,hardtops,hatchbacks,heaps,jalopies,jeeps,junkers,limousines,machines,motorcars,motors,pickups,rides,roadsters,sedans,station wagons,subcompacts,touring cars,trucks,vans,wagons,wheels,wrecks coachnoun carriage bus,car,chaise,charabanc,fourwheeler,gocart,perambulator,stage,tallyho,train,vehicle,victoria coachesnoun carriage buses,cars,chaises,charabancs,fourwheelers,gocarts,perambulators,stages,tallyhos,trains,vehicles,victorias motor vehiclenoun roadster powered by engine auto,automobile,bus,car,motorcar,motorized vehicle,truck,van,voiture As she walked to the bus stop, she sensed someone behind her. 巴拉米走到公共汽车站的时候,感觉到有人跟在她身后。 yeeyan Does the bus pass the Beihai Park? 这汽车经过北海公园吗?《新英汉大辞典》 How would you like to go to the following places, by boat, by air or by bus? 你愿意以什么方式到下面的位置,坐船,乘飞机或坐公共汽车? ebigear Neither I knew the exact number of hospitals in Wuhu, nor what bus I could take from this hospital to that. 我不知道芜湖有多少个医院。也不知道从这个医院到那个医院可以坐几路公共汽车。 yeeyan The truck pranged the other bus. 卡车与另一辆公共汽车相撞。《21世纪大英汉词典》 A stranger accosted him on the bus. 一位陌生人在公共汽车上同他搭讪。《21世纪大英汉词典》 A bus whirled on the road. 一辆公共汽车在公路上奔驰。《21世纪大英汉词典》 All the people were killed when a bus plunged off a mountain road. 一辆公共汽车从山路翻下,所有人员全部遇难。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Can I go by bus? 我坐公共汽车能到吗? ebigear Do you go to school by bus or by bike? 你去学校是乘巴士还是骑单车呢? kekenet He was pickpocketed on a crowded bus. 在拥挤的汽车里他的钱让人偷走了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 He pothered all evening over the bus schedule. 他为公共汽车时刻表心烦了整个晚上。《21世纪大英汉词典》 He jumped on the crowded bus. 他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。《21世纪大英汉词典》 How do I know the bus bound for Tianmu? 我怎么知道那辆公共汽车是往天母的呢? kekenet I was lucky enough to catch the last bus. 我真幸运赶上了最后一班公共汽车。《新英汉大辞典》 Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity. 在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。《新英汉大辞典》 Then we went by bus to Rome. 然后我们就坐公车去了罗马。 hjenglish There will soon be a new bus route circuiting the old city. 围绕着这座古城不久将有一条新的公共汽车环行线。《21世纪大英汉词典》 There's a bus overset on the road. 路面上有一辆倾覆的公共汽车。《21世纪大英汉词典》 This early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train. 从村里发出的这趟早班公共汽车正好与8:30的火车衔接上。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Two people in the bus were killed but the train passengers got off with slight cuts. 公共汽车中的两名乘客被撞死,而火车中的旅客仅轻微受伤。《21世纪大英汉词典》 We handed the old father down the bus. 我们把老爷爷搀下了公共汽车。《21世纪大英汉词典》 We queued up for the bus. 我们排队等候公共汽车。 xieqi We take you over by bus. 我们用巴士接你过去。 ebigear We were just in time for the bus. 我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车。《新英汉大辞典》 Bus travel, however, is an adventure in itself. 然而乘汽车旅行本身就是一种探险。 yeeyan |