

单词 腰缠万贯
释义 腰缠万贯 yāo chán wàn guàn 常用成语
wallow in money繁体腰纏萬貫近义万贯家财;富埒王侯;家赀巨万反义深无长物;两手空空;囊空如洗正音“缠”,不能读作“cán”。
辨析腰缠万贯和“甲富天下”都“形容非常有钱财。”但腰缠万贯偏重于“腰缠”;一般指的是个别人较为富有;“甲富天下”偏重于“天下”;指“富有”的程度;还可指其他方面的程度。俄文толстая мошнáворочать крупным капитáлом再要讲到夜间严谨门户,不怕你腰缠万贯,落了店都是店家的干系,用不着客人自己费心。 ★清·文康《儿女英雄传》第五回传说古代赵钱孙李四公子在扬州痩西湖畔饮酒谈志向,赵某说自己有幸结识朋友,但愿能混个扬州刺史。孙某则想骑上红顶白羽的仙鹤去琼楼玉宇渡余生。李某说要腰缠十万贯,骑鹤上扬州。众人戏他性急喝不得热粥。动宾式:作定语;宾语;比喻钱财极多;中性词。南朝·梁·殷芸《商芸小说·吴蜀人》:“有客相从,各言所志,或原为扬州刺史,或原多赀财,或原骑鹤上升。其一人曰:‘腰缠十万贯,骑鹤上扬州。’欲兼三者。”解释: 贯:旧时用绳穿铜钱,一千文为一贯。南朝梁·殷芸《小说》卷六:“有客相从,各言所志。或愿为扬州刺史,或愿多赀财,或愿骑鹤上升。其一人曰:‘腰缠十万贯,骑鹤上扬州。’欲兼三者。”解释: 形容非常富有。清·蒋士铨《清容外集·营巢》:“蓦地腰缠万贯,要于平地起楼台。”
余秋雨《抱愧山西》一:“这些大城市只不过是腰缠万贯的山西商人小试身手的码头而已。”近义词 富可敌国富甲一方腰缠十万肥马轻裘家赀巨万万贯家财富埒王侯堆金叠玉
反义词 不名一钱一贫如洗家徒壁立阮囊羞涩家徒四壁一穷二白一无长物不名一文囊空如洗身无分文腰缠十万床头金尽一文不名别无长物一无所有两手空空深无长物
他腰缠万贯。He's swimming in money.
玛丽想找一个腰缠万贯的丈夫。Mary is looking for a husband with money to burn.
这所大学的创建人是位腰缠万贯的慈善家。The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist.
哦,要是他想付帐就让他付吧。自打他那做当铺老板的叔叔死后,他已经是腰缠万贯了。Oh! Let him pay the bill if he wants to, he's been in full feather ever since his uncle, the pawn broker, died.比尔•克林顿证明了即使你不是腰缠万贯的候选者也可以赢得大选。
And Bill Clinton proved that you can win the presidency without being the big money candidate. ecocn

From the richest to the poorest, inflation-adjusted incomes were lower in 2010 than they were a decade ago. ecocn

And many Chinese wives expect their husbands to be successful in their careers as they compete with neighbors and friends in terms of bigger houses and nicer cars. yeeyan

A newspaper of the time said those were the days of wildcat money. It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night. unsv

SECOND UPDATE: Some commenters have complained that the Professor defines rentiers as the very rich and so my criticism is unfair. blog.sina.com.cn

Bespoke is fine for those with deep pockets. As for the rest, we live on a small, overpopulated island with a growing head count and for many big is the only way to go. yeeyan

To Mr Bloomberg, New York is competing— especially with London—to be one of the great cities of the21st century, attracting the increasingly mobile and wealthy global elite. topsage

One unwelcome feature of the holiday period is an annual spike in petty crime, attributed to migrant workers who are under great pressure to return home flush with cash. ecocn

Mr Aso is wealthy and likes the high life. ecocn

American football and baseball players may not be more honest than their predecessors or counterparts. But at today’s prices, few can afford to tempt them. yeeyan

These same men can be found there day after day and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community.24en

More than a century later, however, it is the jet- lagged and rich who are receiving the warmest welcome at America's borders. cnesa

And if you believe you’ll never be rich, guess what? yeeyan

HE WAS the Jay Gatsby of Bangkok: rich, charming, glamorous and endlessly hospitable, but with something mysterious in his background. ecocn

He must be rolling in it.8875

I do not know anyone who is loaded, or extremely rich. Most of my friends work to earn enough money to live. ebigear

They mean that a person with a lot of money can say how he or she wants thingsdowndone. hjenglish

The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the world's fourth- largest bank, convulsed world markets and wrecked the fortunes of millionaire financiers. yeeyan

But Mr Piñera, a wealthy businessman who heads Chile’s first right-wing government since the restoration of democracy in 1990, will have to restore more than frayed nerves. ecocn

Opposite him was a tall, handsome, graceful scion of the Hyundai family, wealthy and privileged and at ease with himself. hicoo




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