

单词 bury
释义 bur·y 英ˈberiː美ˈbɛriAHDbĕrʹē

vt. 埋葬; 葬

put a dead body in the ground, a tomb or the sea

vt. 掩藏

hide sb or oneself in a place

cover from sight;

Afghani women buried under their burkas

place in a grave or tomb;

Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square

The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids

My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday

place in the earth and cover with soil;

They buried the stolen goods

enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing;

The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter

embed deeply;

She sank her fingers into the soft sand

He buried his head in her lap

dismiss from the mind; stop remembering;

I tried to bury these unpleasant memories

bury, inter




bury, cache, hide, screen


hide可指故意藏匿,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏; bury指埋藏或浸没在某物中,暗示被完全掩盖; cache指藏在极其秘密和安全的地方,以防被盗; screen指用遮蔽或隔开的方法来藏匿某物或庇护某人。例如:

Where did you hide it?你把它藏到哪儿了?
The dog has buried a bone.狗藏了一根骨头。
The thieves cached the stolen money.小偷把偷来的钱藏了起来。
He admitted the crime in order to screen his wife, who was the real criminal.他为了庇护太太而认罪,她才是真正的罪犯。来源于日耳曼语*burg-保护,遮蔽,古英语byrgan。
用作动词 v.
~+名词bury body埋葬尸体bury goods埋藏货物~+副词bury deep深埋bury half半埋bury quietly静静地埋葬bury reverently隆重地安葬bury solemnly庄重地埋葬bury splendidly隆重地埋葬~+介词bury at藏身于…bury at sea海葬bury in葬于…,专心于…bury in business专心于做生意bury in memories of the past缅怀往事bury in one's book专心致力于读书bury one's face in one's hands以手掩面bury in one's hometown葬于故乡bury in one's study埋头学习bury in one's work埋头工作bury in sloth贪懒bury in the country隐居于乡下bury in the newspaper埋头看报bury in thought沉思bury under埋于…之下bury under ground埋于地下bury under snow埋于雪中bury with以…方式埋葬
bury in v.+prep.

专心于某事(; )陷入,沉浸于… give all one's attention to (sth; be lost in sth such as thought so as not to notice anything else)

bury under v.+prep.

忙于工作( be very busy with work)

非常记忆bu不+ry容易⇒埋葬尸体不容易bor-.bur-保护…近义词 hidecoverinterentombsecretconceal反义词 raisedisinter
S+~+ n./pron.After the battle, they buried the dead.战斗结束后,他们掩埋了阵亡者。
He buried his wife last week.他上周不幸丧偶。
He felt lonely after he buried his good friend.埋葬了他的好友之后,他感到很孤独。
He buried his loved dog's body.他把他那只可爱的小狗的尸体埋了。
That tall man is the priest that buried her father.那个高个子男人是为她父亲举行葬礼的牧师。
Pirates buried treasure in the ground.海盗将宝物埋藏在土里。
The dog buried the bone.狗将骨头藏了起来。
I tore you from my heart and buried you forever.我把你从心中摒弃,永远忘掉。
They agreed to bury their differences.他们同意搁置相互间的分歧。
It's time to bury our differences and be friends again.是我们摈弃分歧重归于好的时候了。
He had long ago buried the memory of the accident.他早就把那个事故忘得干干净净了。
One minor mistake by the right back was enough to bury the four years' efforts and aspirations of the team.右后卫的一次小小失误已足以使全队四年来的努力和雄心付诸东流。
All right!Let's bury the hatchet and be friends.好啦!让我们摈弃前嫌,结为朋友。
After their long argument my brothers have at last buried the hatchet.经过长时间的争论不休后,我的兄弟们终于和好了。
Will the time never come when we may honorably bury the hatchet?难道我们永远不可能有个体面地休战的时候吗?
We had been enemies a long time, but after the flood we buried the hatchet.我们已成为仇敌好长时间,但经过那场洪灾后我们又和好了。
He was buried at sea.他被海葬了。
Dead sailors are buried at sea.水手死后是海葬的。
The anger which had been buried inside me rose to the surface.埋藏在我内心的愤怒暴露了出来。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.The enemy buried him alive.敌人将他活埋了。
I couldn't understand why a man who had always been so fond of the social scene should suddenly want to bury himself alive in a one-horse village at the back of nowhere.我不理解,为什么一位原先那么喜欢社交的人竟会突然隐居到偏僻的小村庄。
They were buried alive by the enemies.他们被敌人活埋了。
They wouldn't like to be buried alive.他们不想被人活埋。
We don't have the feeling of being buried alive here because so many of our friends come to visit us.我们并没有在这里过隐居生活的感觉,因为许多朋友来看我们。Pburyingn.葬礼埋葬


bury的基本意思是“埋葬”“掩藏”,作“埋葬尸体”解时可用于人,也可用于动物; 作“掩藏”解时,指用某物如土壤、石块、树叶等遮盖或在某物中隐没下来或把该物作为隐匿处而隐藏起来。引申则可表示“搁置”或“埋头于…”等。



用作及物动词Even if you kill me, even if youburyme, I should rise again.即使你杀了我
The funeral is tomorrow and they willburythe body after the church service.葬礼明天举行,他们会在教堂仪式后埋葬遗体。
He likes toburyhimself in the country.他喜欢隐居乡间。
She had learnt toburyher feelings.她已经学会了感情不外露。
You will have toburyyourself in your studies if you want to pass the exam.如果你想通过考试,就得专心致志地学习。
He was sitting with his headburiedin a book.他坐着埋头看书。
Justburythe hatchet and go have a drink together!别吵了,一起去喝一杯吧!
She willed herself toburyher past.她努力使自己忘记过去。verb.lay to rest after death
同义词 deposit,entomb,plantembalm,enshrine,inhume,inter,mummifyconsign to grave,cover up,ensepulcher,hold last rites for,hold services for,inearth,inurn,lay out,put away,put six feet under,sepulcher,sepulture,tomb
反义词 dig out,disinter,exhume,resurrectverb.conceal, cover
同义词 hide,plant,stashcache,ensconce,enshroud,occult,screen,secrete,shroudcover-up,stow away
反义词 reveal,uncoverdig out,disinterverb.plant in ground
同义词 embed,sink,submergeengulf,implantdrive in
反义词 dig out,disinterverb.engross oneself
同义词 absorb,concentrate,engage,immerse,interest,occupy,rivetthrow oneself into
blanketverb cover
blanketedverb cover
blanketingverb cover
cacheverb hide a supply of something
accumulate,bury,conceal,cover,ditch,duck,ensconce,lay away,maintain,park,plant,put away,put in the hole,save,screen,secrete,squirrel,squirrel away,stash,stash away,store
concealverb hide;keep secret
beard,burrow,bury,cache,camouflage,cloak,couch,cover,cover up,disguise,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,harbor,hide,hole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,lurk,mask,masquerade,obscure,plant,put in a hole,put up a smokescreen,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,stash,stay out of sight,stow,tuck away,veil,wrap
concealingverb hide, disguise
bearding,burrowing,burying,caching,camouflaging,cloaking,couching,covering,covering up,dissembling,ditching,ducking,ensconcing,enshrouding,harboring,holing up,keeping dark,keeping secret,lurking,lying low,masking,masquerading,obscuring,planting,putting in a hole,screening,secreting,sheltering,skulking,slinking,sneaking,stashing,staying out of sight,stowing,tucking away,veiling,wrapping Over the centuries, and amid enough tears to fill an ocean, many of us have had to bury our loved ones.
几个世纪以来,在这段时间之中的泪水已足够填满一个海洋,我们中的许多人曾经不得不埋葬我们的亲人。 yeeyan

“ We cannot simply bury the past and then expect to find true peace,” he said.
主教说:「我们不能简单地埋葬了过去,然后期望会找到真正和平。」 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Bury it in the ground,” one angel replied.
“把它埋在地下。”一个天使答道。 ebigear

For most applications, you want to bury the differences between global and local elements, as well as between element and attributes.
对于多数应用程序而言,都希望隐藏全局元素和本地元素以及元素和属性之间的区别。 ibm

His parents cannot bury him in the family tomb until he is found a suitable dead wife, so in the meantime the body is put in a cave.
直到他找到一个合适的死去的妻子前,他的父母不能把他埋进家族墓地,所以同时尸体会被放进山洞里。 yeeyan

How come no one knew he was here and why did they bury him so quickly? This is all fake— a drama, and a crude one.
怎么会没人知道他在这儿,为什么他们这么快就把他埋了?都是假的——就是一场戏,还是漏洞百出的。 yeeyan

I carry thee to the place where I shall bury thee with mine own hands.
我来把你带到地头,到那里我要用自己的双手把你掩埋。 yeeyan

I tell my children: if I die, they should bury me where my blood was spilled.
我嘱咐我的孩子们:如果我死了,就把我埋在洒有我鲜血的土地下。 ecocn

If the current estimates are off by similar orders of magnitude, we would be enacting a new entitlement that could bury future generations under mountains of debt and taxes.
如果目前的估计是由类似数量级得出,我们将通过的新的政府补助计划,会将后代埋葬在债务和赋税的大山之下。 yeeyan

I'll not lie there by myself: they may bury me twelve feet deep, and throw the church down over me, but I won't rest till you are with me.
我不要一个人躺在那儿:他们也不许要把我埋到一丈二尺深的地里,把教堂压在我身上,可是我不会安息,除非你跟我在一起。 putclub

Indeed, if and when they do have to bury Detroit, I hope that all the current and past representatives and senators from Michigan have to serve as pallbearers.
实际上,如果有朝一日底特律终将被买葬,那么在入葬之际,我倒希望所有现任与前任的参议员与代表们来为这具灵柩送葬。 yeeyan

She was going to bury it in that pretty box.
她本来打算用那个漂亮的盒子把她埋葬。 ebigear

The disease tends to infect healthcare workers or family members who bury the dead.
这个疾病还会影响到医务工作者或是帮着埋葬死者的家属。 yeeyan

Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog’s body away, for us to bury it as well.
接着他朝前走了两步,手上仍然握着枪,将那条狗的尸体踢到一边,我们把它也给埋了。 yeeyan

WE CAN bury her, burn her, or dump her.
我们可以把她埋掉,烧掉,或者抛掉。 ecocn

We can bury it out of sight.
我们能将其埋葬于视野之外。 infoq

We will bury you.
我们将会埋葬你。 yeeyan

You are a mighty prince among us. Bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs.
你在我们中间是一位尊大的王子,只管在我们最好的坟地里埋葬你的死人; ebigear

Bury the old world and build a new one.




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