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词汇 burton
释义 bur·ton 英ˈbɜːtn美ˈbɝtņAHDbûrʹtn

English explorer who with John Speke was the first European to explore Lake Tanganyika 1821-1890Welsh film actor who often co-starred with Elizabeth Taylor 1925-1984a strong dark English ale常用于习语gone for a burton。二战俚语,词源存争议。Burton为英国著名啤酒品牌,可能是相互调侃喝完酒好上路。gone for a burton距死阵亡tackle burton三并滑车组burton cracking process机 柏顿裂化过程…knock for a burton失踪,丧命,阵亡,被…go for a burton阵亡
近义词 Richard Burton李察·波顿…

It's pouring with rain, so I'm afraid our picnic's gone for aburton.下起了瓢泼大雨,我们的野餐恐怕要吹了。 There is nothing sharper than a man in a suit, but get it wrong and you’ll look like a16-year-old in a Burton blazer.
没有什麽比男人穿西装更帅了,但如果穿著不当,就会让你看起来像一个16岁的孩子穿著伯顿运动休閒西装。 cri

While seemingly having a normal life, at the age of12 Burton left his parents and younger brother, Daniel, in order to live with his grandmother.
表面上一家人过着普通人的生活,可在12岁时波顿就离开了父母与弟弟丹尼尔,与祖父母们住在一起。 yeeyan

With “Ed Wood”, I'm not always interested in following the story, but I'm totally fascinated with being inside that world. Tim Burton did the best job that anyone could in taking you there.
看过了多次之后,我不再把注意力放在电影的情节上面,而是全身心地去感受电影所呈现的那个世界,在这一点上,没有人做的比蒂姆·波顿更好了。 yeeyan

“ He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world, ” Burton said.
伯顿说:“他认为特奥会是一个了不起的体育赛事,为世界各地的残障人士提供了一个展示自己的机会。” i21st

Although no longer man and wife, the two would remain steadfast friends until Burton's death in 1984.
虽然不再是夫妻,但是直到1984年伯顿去世,两人一辈子都是非常好的朋友。 ipushmail

But as newly released love letters from Burton to Taylor attest, despite20 years of hair- pulling and name- calling, he loved her until the very end of his life.
但是,如同被公开的伯顿写给泰勒最新的情书所见证的一样,尽管经历20年的拉扯和谩骂,直到他生命之末,他依然爱她。 yeeyan

Excerpts from the letters will be published for the first time in Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century by authors Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger.
信件的摘录将会第一时间在《激情爱恋》中出版。 伊丽莎白·泰勒,理查德·伯顿,以及作家萨姆·卡斯特和南希·舍恩伯格的世纪婚礼。 yeeyan

ICOS Director Paul Burton said the Taliban has a permanent presence in72 percent of the country, up from 54 percent last year.
这个理事会的主任保罗.伯顿说,塔利班已经在这个国家72%的土地上有永久性的驻地,而去年只有54%。 iciba

Mr. Burton now says he does not like the campaign finance rules, which the Supreme Court helped create, but is unwilling to cede the advantage to the Republicans.
伯顿先生说他并不喜欢这个由高等法院创造的竞选财政规则,但是他又不愿意将这一优势拱手让给共和党人。 yeeyan

Once the essays are in the hands of clients, they use them as they see fit, Burton said.
一旦论文交到客户手中,他们可以用在自己认为合适的地方,波顿说。 yeeyan

Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.
伯顿暂停讲述故事,转向我。 ebigear

Playing the male lead of Marc Antony was her two-time husband Richard Burton, a screen legend in his own right.
而出演男主角马克·安东尼的是她两度结婚的丈夫理查·波顿,他也有他自己的荧幕传奇。 yeeyan

RICHARD BURTON probably knew nothing of the small South African town of Cullinan when he bought yet another chunky diamond for Elizabeth Taylor in 1969.
理查德伯顿在1969年为伊丽莎白泰勒买下又一颗巨钻时,也许对南非小镇库里南一无所知。 ecocn

Shortly after Taylor divorced Burton(for the second time she not only went through a couple of new husbands, but also some new dog breeds, beginning with a Lhasa Apso named Elsa.
泰勒和伯顿离婚后不久,又经历了几次婚姻,这期间她也收养了一些新的狗种,其中有一只名叫“艾尔萨”的西藏犬。 yeeyan

Some designers remarked that the Burton dress, even with its roses and daffodils hand cut from two kinds of lace, is less intimidating for brides who wish to emulate it.
也有些设计师认为,伯顿的这条裙子,虽然使用上了两种蕾丝制成的玫瑰与水仙手工花纹,还是难不倒那些想要复刻它的新娘们。 yeeyan

Taylor,78, agreed to share the letters in a bid to keep Burton's memory alive.
泰勒,78岁,为了使伯顿的记忆保持永恒,她同意分享这些信件。 yeeyan

These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe.
我产生这些想法,是因为我在今天早上的报纸上看到爱德华·海德·伯顿在神户去世的消息。 kekenet

Burton says his mostly international candidates have language challenges, while others are more mature applicants or students who have not written in a long time.
波顿说,他大部分的国际申请者均存在语言方面的问题,而还有一些则是久疏笔耕的更为成年的申请者和学生。 yeeyan

Burton hopes so.
伯顿希望如此。 yeeyan

Burton says that using the essays as part of an application would be fraudulent and that he discourages it, but both men concede it's a possibility.
波顿说使用这些论文作为申请的一部分是欺骗性的,他并不鼓励这一点,但这两位均承认存在这种可能性。 yeeyan




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