

单词 Burs
释义 Burs bə:z COCA¹⁵⁹⁸⁴²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Bursar 会计员、出纳员,大学生津贴原型bur的三单 The influence on the surface smoothness of parts is small and the slow increase and decrease of welding function reduces the spark flashing and burs during welding.
工件表面洁净度影响小,利用电流缓升,缓降焊功能可以减少焊接时产生的火花飞溅和毛刺。 bwxxw

Burs are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns depending on which layers of the skin are burnt.

A mile more of chastising thorns, burs and briers that catch at our clothes.
接下来的一里路,到处都有刺人的荆条,刺果和棘木钩住我们的衣服。 wap

After the part is complete chamfer all corners and relieve all burs.
部分完成后,倒角的各个角落,减轻所有钻。 tech-domain

Be careful—the chestnut burs can prickle your fingers.

Dental rotary instruments. Part2: steel and carbide finishing burs.
牙科旋转器械。第2部分:精制碳钢钻。 chinafanyi.com

Don't forget to press tendrils, pods, burs and fruits like silly parachutes for your craft projects.
别忘了用卷须,豆荚,刺果和诸如没用的降落伞状的果实来做点花活。 iask.sina.com.cn

It took him quite some time to pick off the burs that had stuck to his coat.

Then one day I saw a hunting dog in the woods, an English setter flecked with black. His tail tangled with dock burs.
有一天我在小树林里看见一只长着黑色斑点的英国种塞特猎犬,尾巴上缠着几根酸模芒刺。 tingvoa




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