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词汇 burrow
释义 bur·row 英ˈbɜːrəʊ, ˈbʌrəʊ美ˈbɝro, ˈbʌroAHDbûrʹō, bŭrʹō ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMT宝八COCA¹⁸⁴⁰⁸BNC¹⁷²¹⁰iWeb¹⁷⁵⁵⁷
vt. & vi. 挖掘洞穴;挖洞

make sth by digging

vi. 搜寻




a hole made by an animal, usually for shelter
move through by or as by digging;

burrow through the forest

词源同bury, 保护,埋藏。burrow system潜穴系统rabbit burrow兔子洞burrow a shaft through snow在积雪中开隧道…mole burrow动物穴
GRE难词记忆burrow→borrow v.借,借入→借钱如挖洞,挖东墙补西墙非常记忆bur芒刺+row排⇒兔子洞穴外的芒刺长了一排又一排GRE难词记忆burrow 音“扒肉”→兔子挖洞是为了扒肉吃borrowv.借,借入⇒借钱如挖洞,挖东墙补西墙GRE红宝书bury + row 埋在一行挖好的洞联想记忆用犁furrow来翻寻burrow联想记忆用犁furrow来挖burrow地近义词 dig挖hole洞den兽穴seek寻求hunt狩猎earth地球couch长椅ditch沟渠tunnel隧道search搜寻sett小方石nestle依偎cuddle怀抱grub动蛆channel频道snuggle依偎excavate挖掘warren养兔场scrabble爬寻hideaway隐匿处investigate调查gouge用圆凿子挖lair野兽的巢穴…underground地下的
S+~+ARats had burrowed into the bank of the river.老鼠在河岸上打洞。
They were burrowing for a book in the library.他们在图书馆搜寻一本书。
S+ ~+n./pron.They burrowed a hole under a tree.他们在一棵树下挖了一个洞。用作名词n.The rabbits hid in the burrows.兔子躲在地洞中。
用作名词The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nestingburrowwith their beaks.理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。用作及物动词Youburrowand rankle in his heart!你挖掘并折磨他的心灵!
Burrow beneath laudatory headlines on business and political leaders, and it becomes clear that the strategy works.挖掘赞誉标题背后的商政要人,这个策略已变得有效。用作不及物动词Nobody comes to visit me, although a mouse didburrowinto my cabin once.没有人来拜访我,不过确实有一只耗子曾挖洞来过我的小木屋。
The footing corals start to anchor down on the loose rocks, and the subterranean spongesburrowunderneath.基脚珊瑚开始向下扎根到松散的岩石中,而身处地下的海绵会在底下挖洞。noun.hole dug by animal
同义词 couch,den,hovel,lair,retreat,shelter,tunnelverb.dig a hole
同义词 delveexcavate,tunnel,underminehollow out,scoop out
boreverb drill hole
afflicted,annoyed,bent one's ear,bothered,burned out,cloyed,discomforted,dragged,exhausted,fatigued,irked,irritated,jaded,palled,pestered,put to sleep,sent to sleep,talked one's ear off,tired,troubled,turned one off,vexed,was tedious,wearied,wore,wore out,worried
cellnoun small room, container
concealverb hide;keep secret
beard,burrow,bury,cache,camouflage,cloak,couch,cover,cover up,disguise,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,harbor,hide,hole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,lurk,mask,masquerade,obscure,plant,put in a hole,put up a smokescreen,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,stash,stay out of sight,stow,tuck away,veil,wrap
concealingverb hide, disguise
bearding,burrowing,burying,caching,camouflaging,cloaking,couching,covering,covering up,dissembling,ditching,ducking,ensconcing,enshrouding,harboring,holing up,keeping dark,keeping secret,lurking,lying low,masking,masquerading,obscuring,planting,putting in a hole,screening,secreting,sheltering,skulking,slinking,sneaking,stashing,staying out of sight,stowing,tucking away,veiling,wrapping
concealsverb hide, disguise
beards,buries,burrows,caches,camouflages,cloaks,couches,covers,covers up,dissembles,ditches,ducks,ensconces,enshrouds,harbors,holes up,keeps dark,keeps secret,lies low,lurks,masks,masquerades,obscures,plants,puts in a hole,screens,secretes,shelters,skulks,slinks,sneaks,stashes,stays out of sight,stows,tucks away,veils,wraps
cuddleverb hold fondly, closely
bundle,burrow,caress,clasp,cosset,curl up,dandle,embrace,enfold,fondle,huddle,hug,kiss,love,nestle,nuzzle,pet,snug,snuggle,touch A black- tailed prairie dog perks up outside his burrow in South Dakota.
在南达科他州的草原上,一只黑尾巴的土拨鼠昂首站在洞穴外面。 yeeyan

They have been superseded by bombs that burrow into the ground and then explode.
后来钻到地底然后引爆的炸弹取代了这种炸弹。 yeeyan

As it had no door handles either, her eight-year-old, Floyd, would have to climb in through the back window and burrow through the rubbish to release the doors.
由于车门没有把手,她八岁的女儿弗劳埃德只能从后窗爬进车里,还要清开车里的垃圾才能把车门打开。 yeeyan

During the dry season, a crab will plug its burrow entrance with leaves to keep the space humid— and disappear for up to two or three months.

For instance, although scientists know snakes can burrow more efficiently without arms and legs, exactly how they lost their limbs remains a mystery.
例如,科学家知道没有四肢的蛇钻洞更有效率,但是它们的四肢究竟是如何退化的,依然是个谜。 yeeyan

For the same reason, filter feeders, like clams and worms, burrow underground in most regions.
同样的道理,类似蛤和虫这样的滤食动物在大部分区域都埋在地下。 yeeyan

Hamas too will think much harder next time it is tempted to burrow under the border to kidnap Israeli soldiers, or to pop its rockets off at Ashkelon or Beersheba.
下次,当哈马斯试图挖掘边界地道来绑架以色列士兵,或是朝阿什科龙或比尔夏巴发射火箭炮时,它也将忖度再三。 yeeyan

I sometimes might use another animal's burrow instead of digging my own.
有时我会用其他动物的洞穴而不是自己挖。 eol

I come out of my burrow only at night to find food.
我只在夜间从洞穴中出来寻找食物。 eol

I make my home in a den, or burrow, which is a hole in the ground lined with leaves.
我以洞穴为家,它是用叶子填充在土地上的洞。 eol

Imagine you are poking a stick into an animal’s burrow.
大家不妨设想一下这样的情景:将一根枝条插进动物的洞穴里。 yeeyan

It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.
这是一个阳光灿烂的晴朗日子,森林里一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。 hjenglish

It's clear that if you don't forgive that person who injured you or your family, that person will burrow a hole in your soul. Obviously, that's not healthy.
不可否认,如果你不能原谅曾经伤害你或者你的家人的人,那就已经在你的心里留下了阴影,这是不健康的心理表现。 yeeyan

The crabs burrow in a variety of habitats, including coastal terraces, dense rain forests, and even domestic gardens, according to the website.
红蟹会在各式各样的栖息地中挖洞,海岸阶地,浓密的雨林,甚至家庭花园中都能发现它们的踪迹。 yeeyan

The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow.
小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。 kekenet

They both disappear into the rabbit's burrow. After a few minutes, the rabbit returns, alone, to his typewriter and resumes typing.
它们一起消失在兔子的洞穴里,几分钟后只有兔子独自出来了。它回到打字机前继续敲打。 hjenglish

This diabolical agent had the Divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.
这个恶魔的代理人获得神圣的特许,在一段时问里,钻入牧师的内心,阴谋破坏他的灵魂。 hjenglish

To get the deeper truth we need to burrow deeper into the hobbit hole and The Oxford English Dictionary is the place to do that.
为了获得进一步的事实,我们需要更加深入地挖进霍比特人的洞穴,而《牛津英语词典》正是一个挖掘之处。 yeeyan

Typical desert creatures such as scorpions and snakes are also on display, as well as animals that live in water like frogs, and otters that burrow under rocks and logs.
诸如蝎子和蛇之类的典型沙漠生物、青蛙等住在水里的动物、在岩石和圆木下挖掘隧道的水獭也在参展之列。 hjenglish

You can burrow down by a particular type of spending or you can go through all the different regions and compare them.
你可以根据特别的消费种类来查找也可以找出不同的地区的数据来做比较。 hjenglish




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