

单词 Burrell
释义 Bur·rell 英bəˈrel美bəˈrɛlAHDbə-rĕlʹ 
At an earlier hearing in August, Burrell denied three charges of theft from Diana, Prince Charles and Prince William.
早在8月份的一次听证会上,伯勒尔否认了关于他偷窃戴安娜、查尔斯王子和威廉王子财物的三个指控。 fzfanyi

Cheryl Burrell is curriculum director for the public schools on the reservation of the Winnebago Indian tribe in Nebraska.
谢里尔•伯勒尔在内布拉斯加是在温尼贝戈印第安人部落的预定的公立学校的课程主管。 ebigear

London’s Victoria and Albert Museum and the Burrell Collection in Glasgow also have two fragments from a slightly later date.
伦敦的维多利亚和艾尔伯特博物馆,格拉斯哥的伯勒尔收藏馆内也有两张稍微后期的地毯碎片。 ecocn

Nathan Burrell says it is not a profitable business yet, but the farmers are hopeful.
布森,布尔说这还不是一个很有利润的商业。但是农民对此充满了希望。 hjenglish

Often, the waitress would balk but Burrell was sometimes charming enough to eventually convince her to comply.
有时候,他会得到服务员的推诿,但是有时候服务员被他的个人魅力吸引,就会遵从他的要求。 yeeyan

So Burrell immediately started growing his own moustache.
所以博瑞尔马上开始留起了胡子。 yeeyan

Until last year, for example, the Johnson Middle School“ had a nightclub on every floor”, says Clarence Burrell, a youth adviser at the school.
例如去年以前,约翰逊中学“教学楼每层都有一个夜总会”,该校年轻学业顾问 Clarence Burrell说。 ecocn.org

Burrell' s trial has attracted huge international media interest showing that more than five year' s since her death, interest in the Princess shows no sign of abating.
伯勒尔一案吸引了国际媒体的极大关注, 这表明英格兰攻瑰虽巳凋落5年有余,但人们对她的关注还是没有任何减退的迹象。 fzfanyi

Burrell started thinking about what it would take to get promoted.
博瑞尔开始思考怎么才能被升职。 yeeyan

Burrell who has lived in Japan for seven years and who had lived with roommates in Canada.




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