

单词 burner
释义 burn·er 英ˈbɜːnə美ˈbɝnɚAHDbûrʹnər ★☆☆☆☆高六SCOCA¹²⁰³⁷BNC²²⁴¹²iWeb⁶⁸⁸⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

an apparatus for burning fuel or refuse;

a diesel engine is an oil burner

the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking;

the electric range had one large burner and three smaller one

词根词缀: burn烧 + -er…人gas burner煤气喷灯煤气炉灶…Bunsen burner本生灯,煤气喷灯,喷…burner reactor燃烧堆on the front burner处于一般地位…on the back burner被搁置的auxiliary burner辅助燃烧器base burner底燃火炉burner manifold喷燃器燃料管…ring burner环焰喷灯,环形焊接器…burner head喷灯头oil burner燃油炉refuse burner垃圾焚化炉pilot burner长明灯, 引火小火苗…blast burner喷灯burner gas炉气jet burner高速喷射烧嘴…atomizer burner喷射燃烧器acetylene burner乙炔灯burner nozzle喷灯嘴burner tip燃烧器喷尖
蒋争熟词记忆burn燃烧-er表示人或物⇒燃烧器;炉子;灯头;以烧制某物为业的人burn燃烧-er表示人或物⇒燃烧器;炉子;灯头;以烧制某物为业的人钱博士burn燃烧+er者⇒燃烧器,火炉近义词 lamp灯ring戒指heat热度flame火焰jet喷气式飞机gas jet煤气灯口gas ring小煤气炉incinerator焚烧装置Bunsen burner本生灯,煤气喷灯,喷灯,…

用作名词Customer can select the importedburneror home madeburner.用户可选择进口燃烧器或国产燃烧器。
The house is so hot that like aburner.这屋子热得像火炉一样。
They had to remove the ashes from theburnerfirst.他们得先把炉内的灰清除掉。noun.torch
同义词 heater,lampcooker,jet,warmergas burner,heat unit,heating element,surface element
Bunsen burnernoun laboratory gas burner
element,etna,gas jet,heating element,jet,pilot burner,pilot light
incineratornoun furnace
boiler,burner,cinerarium,cinerator,crematory,heater,heating system,oil burner,pyre
pilot lightnoun gas burner
Bunsen burner,burner,element,gas jet,heating element,jet,pilot burner An electric field pushes a flame away from a burner in a recent Harvard experiment.
在哈佛的一项近期实验中,一个电场把火焰从燃烧器上推开。 yeeyan

The investigation results of regenerative burner system and its application feature in the countries mainly of Russia and Ukraine are introduced.
重点介绍了俄罗斯和乌克兰等国在蓄热式燃烧器方面的研究成果及应用特色。 iciba

The simplicity of the experience is everything: each hut has a kitchen, log burner and refrigerator but for a bath you'll have to jump in a lake.
你能体验到一种简朴的生活:每个小屋里有厨房,柴炉和冰箱,但如果要洗澡的话,那就要跳进湖里去。 yeeyan

After years on the back pages and the back burner, the environment has emerged as one of the major issues facing the globe today, with the attendant media attention to match.
在各种边角旮旯不起眼地呆了很多年后,环境问题已经一跃成为现今世界所要面临的主要问题之一,媒体也给予了相称的关注度。 yeeyan

Another type of photo is neutral: for example, students standing around a Bunsen burner.
另一类型的照片是中性的:例如,学生们站在一盏煤气灯的周围。 yeeyan

Before the presidential campaigns were shoved to the back burner by developments in New York, the staffs of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were in the news— and not in a good way.
在总统大选就快随纽约事态进展被推到一边之前,希拉里·克林顿和巴拉克·奥巴马的工作人员们已经都上了新闻——而且还不是因为什么好事。 yeeyan

But you can’t always stay on the back burner.
但是你不能总是处在次要地位。 hjenglish

For me, one goal that's been on the back burner for years is returning to writing short fiction.
比如,多年来我排在非紧要位置的一个计划是重新开始写作短篇小说。 ebigear

In a large saucepan, combine milk, vanilla extract, and1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then remove from burner.
在一个大煮锅里,将牛奶、香草香精和1汤勺黄油或人造黄油混合,中火加热,烧开后从炉灶上取下。 yeeyan

In Canada, Australia, Japan and countries across Europe, the global economic crisis and other near-term concerns have pushed climate issues to the back burner.
在加拿大、澳大利亚、日本以及欧洲国家中,全球经济危机和近期的其他关注将气候问题推向次要地位。 yeeyan

It has been pushed on to the back burner as attention switches to the short-term need to create jobs and boost growth, that's what.
关注气候变化已经被迫停止,因为人们的注意力转移到创造就业机会,促进经济发展的短期需要上,事实就是如此。 yeeyan

It needs Russian cooperation on front- burner issues such as Iran and the war in Afghanistan.
因为,在一些当务之急的问题上,比如伊朗和阿富汗战争,它必须与俄国保持合作。 yeeyan

It's a lovely bright room with a wood burner in it which makes it super cosy in winter.
这是一个明亮的可爱房间,里面有一个烧木头的火炉,冬天的时候特别舒适。 yeeyan

Job creation has been put on the back burner, as all of Washington is afflicted with deficit fever.
由于全华盛顿都受到赤字问题的牵连,创造就业机会的计划还在准备之中。 ecocn

Simpson would also forget where he was going or whether he'd turned off a burner on the stove.
辛普森还会忘记他要去的地方,还有是否已经关了炉火等等。 yeeyan

So here we are, with the greatest challenge facing mankind on the back burner, at best, as a policy issue.
所以现在我们的状况是,把人类面临的最大的挑战搁置一旁,至多当成一个政策问题。 yeeyan

Something urgent has come up, so we put your project on the back burner temporarily.
有紧急事件发生,所以我们把你的计划暂时搁置. kekenet

The current financial crisis cannot be an excuse to put climate on the back burner, the report warns.
报告告诫说,当前的金融危机不能成为把气候问题放在次要地位的借口。 worldbank

The dials are for humans to use, and if you put them in a row, the unlucky human will have to stop and think each time about which dial matches which burner.
控制盘是为人所用的,如果你真的把它排成排,将来那个不幸的使用者每次都得停下来想想,每个控制盘是对应那个燃烧室的。 yeeyan

Under the table, a charcoal burner kept our knees warm.
在桌子底下,一个炭炉暖着我们的双膝。 edu.sina.com.cn

Wet weather was a curse and we would huddle up around a wood burner in one of the caravans.
在该诅咒的潮湿的天气里,我们就蜷缩在其中一个大蓬车里的火堆旁。 yeeyan

With the global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency, education is on everyone’s front burner.
随着全球对于面对新的紧急事件所需的长期竞争力,教育已经成为每个人的头等大事。 yeeyan




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