

单词 burlesque
释义 bur·lesque 英bəˈlesk美bɚˈlɛskAHDbər-lĕskʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴³⁴⁵¹BNC⁷¹⁰¹³iWeb²⁵⁹⁷⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns and sometimes stripteasea composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
relating to or characteristic of a burlesque;

burlesque theater

make a parody of;

The students spoofed the teachers

GRE红宝书1)burle = burla玩笑-滑稽戏; 参考: burlyadj 魁伟的2)读: 不来死磕-不是真打-假打就是演戏-滑稽戏剧
音:芭蕾 + esque 戏剧,一种象芭蕾又不是芭蕾的戏剧→芭蕾的模仿剧;bur带刺的+lex词汇 or lesson;带刺的言论或发言;讽刺剧
burl玩笑+esque→ 玩笑话→滑稽戏; 参考: burly直率的, 粗壮的
burl滑稽模仿+esque形容词后缀,=ish→滑稽模仿的⇒转作名词和动词滑稽模仿,恶搞,取笑。GRE难词记忆burlesque→burl大笑+esque名词→让人大笑的场景→滑稽剧GRE难词记忆burl→bur→burst+l→laugh→burst intolaugh→大笑词根记忆burl+esque反缀,如grotespue古怪的发音记忆不如乐死去 ⇒滑稽戏近义词 play玩mock嘲弄parody仿作monkey猴子comedy喜剧sarcasm挖苦cartoon卡通mockery嘲弄takeoff起飞take off起飞satirize讽刺satire讽刺文skit滑稽短剧put-on做作的spoof滑稽模仿send up使上升imitation模仿distortion扭曲vaudeville杂耍lampoon讽刺文章make fun of取笑revue时事讽刺剧travesty滑稽模仿caricature讽刺画variety show杂耍spectacular壮观的pasquinade讽刺文章extravaganza豪华的演出sendup讽刺性模仿作品…charade看手势猜字谜游戏…

用作名词By taking bribes the judge made aburlesqueof his high office.那位法官受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。
He just is a second banana in thatburlesque.他只不过是那场滑稽戏里的配角。
The book read like a black comicburlesque.这本书读起来像一个黑色幽默的讽刺作品。用作形容词Theburlesqueelement weakens the serious portions of the book.书里的戏谑成分使严肃部分受到损害。
He has been unable to accept the idea that a serious style could grow out of aburlesqueintention.他不认为诙谐文章能够产生严肃的风格。用作动词He shouldn'tburlesquethe elder.他不应模仿那长者。adj.farcical
同义词 comic,mock,mockingtravestyingcaricatural,ironical,ludicrous,parodic,satiricalnoun.bawdy show;vaudeville
同义词 farce,spoof,travestycaricature,lampoon,mock,mockery,parody,pastiche,revue,satire,strip,takeoff,vaudevilleburly,lampoonery,peep show,send-up
actverb entertain by playing a role
be on,bring down the house,characterize,do a turn,dramatize,emote,enact,feign,go on,go over,ham,ham it up,impersonate,lay an egg,make debut,mime,mimic,mug,parody,perform,personate,personify,play,play act,play gig,play part,play role,portray,pretend,put it over,rehearse,represent,say one's piece,simulate,star,stooge,strut,take part,tread the boards
caricaturenoun exaggerated description in writing, drawing
burlesque,cartoon,distortion,farce,imitation,lampoon,libel,mimicry,mockery,parody,pasquinade,pastiche,put on,ridicule,satire,send-up,sham,takeoff,travesty
comedynoun funny entertainment
ball,burlesque,camp,chaffing,comic drama,comicality,comicalness,drollery,drollness,facetiousness,farce,field day,fun,fun and games,funnies,funniness,gag show,grins,high camp,high time,hilarity,hoopla,humor,humorousness,interlude,jesting,joking,laughs,light entertainment,merry-go-round,picnic,satire,schtick,send-up,sitcom,slapstick,takeoff,travesty,vaudeville,wisecracking,witticism,wittiness
copiesverb imitate
Photostats,Xeroxes,carbons,cartoons,clones,counterfeits,delineates,depicts,dittos,draws,dupes,engraves,engrosses,fakes,forges,imitates,knocks off,limns,manifolds,mimeos,mirrors,molds,paints,paraphrases,photocopies,pictures,plagiarizes,portrays,reduplicates,reflects,repeats,replicates,represents,reproduces,rewrites,sculptures,simulates,sketches,stats,traces,transcribes
copyverb imitate
act like,ape,burlesque,do,do a take-off,do like,echo,embody,emulate,epitomize,fake,follow,follow example,follow suit,go like,illustrate,incarnate,knock off,make like,mimic,mirror,mock,model,parody,parrot,personify,phony,pirate,play a role,prefigure,repeat,sham,simulate,steal,take leaf out of book,take off,travesty,typify
dramatizeverb make a performance of
act,amplify,burlesque,enact,exaggerate,execute,farcialize,give color to,ham it up,lay it on,make a production of,melodramatize,overdo,overstate,perform,play on heartstrings,play to gallery,play up,playact,present,produce,show,splash,stage,tragedize It was a double barrier he knocked down: a white man dancing like a black man, and a white man dancing almost like a woman, like a burlesque queen.
他突破了双重藩篱:他是舞技宛如黑人的白人,而且是舞技宛如女人、宛如脱衣舞后的白种男人。 ebigear

Music A light orchestral composition marked by freedom and diversity of form, often with burlesque elements.
一种轻管弦乐谱,以自由和形式的多样为标志,常含有滑稽或讽刺的因素。 poptool

Rebecca Gale, who led the team of dancers from Miss Kitka's House of Burlesque, said the performance was in reasonably good taste and she didn't understand what the fuss was about.
参加演出的是凯特卡小姐滑稽房子舞蹈队,该队领队翠贝卡·吉尔表示,她们的表演没有不妥的地方,她不明白观众有什麽可大惊小怪的。 cri

A small- town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo- burlesque club run by a former dancer.
影片讲述了一个雄心勃勃、嗓音出众的小镇女孩来到洛杉矶寻梦,结果在一家滑稽表演俱乐部找到了爱情、家庭和成功的故事。 yeshj

A performance, as in a burlesque act, in which a person slowly removes clothing, usually to musical accompaniment.
一种表演,如在滑稽歌舞表演中,表演者通常随音乐节奏缓慢地脱去衣物。 odict.net

As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.
去年在多伦多一家酒吧的新年夜晚会上,当地一家剧团表演的枕头战喜剧竟然吸引一些女观众自告奋勇上台加入表演。 neworiental

But, Nabokov's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot, is not just this complicated attraction and dis- identification that he works on with Proust.

Doubts persist about the ability of the burlesque Silvio Berlusconi to carry out real reforms.
人民也一直质疑西尔唯布卢斯科尼是否有能力展开切实的改革。 renren

Four brothers from Manhattan's East Side, they ruled the world of burlesque for decades.
来自曼哈顿贫民区的四兄弟,统治了滑稽舞数十年。 yeeyan

He has played in several films, including Twilight, for which he was nominated for the Best Villain Award at the2009 Scream Awards, Burlesque, and Priest.
他曾出演过多部电影,其中有《暮色》,此片让他获得了2009年“尖叫奖”的最佳反派奖提名,《滑稽表演》,还有《圣徒》。 yeeyan

I remember how a burlesque composed by my eldest brother was once being rehearsed in my cousin's big drawing room.
我还记得我大哥写的一出滑稽戏有次是怎样在我堂兄的大客厅里排练的。 yeeyan

It would be contiguous with the theater, or with makeup, the ritual and burlesque ostentation of a sex whose own pleasure is absent.
这会比邻于手术室,或者化妆品,性的仪式和滑稽的夸耀,但是缺乏快乐。 culchina.net

It finds laughter in the burlesque of grade school dunces and the tedium of a granny's knitting needles.
它在小学顽劣的学生的模仿和祖母的针织的烦闷中找寻欢乐。 yeeyan

Live clean, think clean, and don't go to burlesque shows.

More recent writers than Irving have been unable to accept the idea that a serious style could grow out of a burlesque intention.
甚至晚于欧文的作家也不认为诙谐文章能够产生严肃的风格。 jukuu

My shows usually incorporate dance and fire retention displays, but may also involve singing, acting, traditional burlesque, and comedy.
我的演出经常是群舞和充满热情的展示,但也可能参加唱歌,演戏,传统的滑稽表演和喜剧表演。 iciba

Newly single Christina Aguilera appears on “ Ellen” Friday to promote her new film, “ Burlesque,” and she talks about the man in her life.
前不久刚离婚的克里斯汀娜·阿奎莱拉现身“艾伦”星期五节目中宣传新影片“滑稽戏”,她还谈到了生活中的男人。 yeeyan

No, it does not degrade Mr Grass as a fabulist of burlesque events, a veritable bestiary of characters: “ Cat and Mouse”, “The Flounder”, “From the Diary of a Snail”, “ Dog Years”.
不是的,这并不妨碍格拉斯成为那些荒谬的历史事件的寓言家,创作出形象丰富的动物寓言集:《猫与鼠》、《比目鱼》、《蜗牛日记》和《狗年月》。 ecocn

Or a common strategy was to show a film that was fairly tame and to follow it with a loop of burlesque footage or a cesarean operation.
或者更常规的策略就是放映一个相对平和的影片,而在其后加上滑稽表演的影片或关于剖腹产的纪录片。 kekenet

Our comic play was a burlesque of a Shakespearean tragedy.
我们的喜剧是对莎士比亚一出悲剧的讽刺性模仿。 iciba

She broke onto the New York club scene with her burlesque performances and was signed to Interscope Records by the age of20.
她曾经在纽约夜店里进行滑稽表演,20岁时同 Interscope唱片公司签约。 voa365

Sign up for that pole- dancing or burlesque workshop, or try a general cardio dance class that lets you gaze at your reflection in the mirror while you work out.
参加体操舞或者滑稽戏表演,或者试试普通的有氧舞蹈班,如果你这么做,你会对自己镜中的身影感到惊讶。 douban

The new genre is yet to be defined, but its sombre protagonists would fit better in a noir drama than in a burlesque.
虽然新的政坛大戏的风格仍有待确定,但与滑稽剧相比,其忧郁的主人公们更擅长黑色剧。 ecocn

The theme— sex workers and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS— was deadly serious, and the effort to turn it into burlesque rather heroic.
活动的主题“性工作者和 HIV艾滋病毒”极其严肃,而工作人员把活动变成嘲弄模仿现实的努力更是一种壮举。 ecocn

Then we'll be heading over to the Burlesque Showcase in the Orleans Show room at 7:30pm.
然后我们将前往滑稽展示在新奥尔良展示厅 下午7:30。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

These magazines were the most pitiful burlesque stuff that you could imagine, and I took far less trouble with them than I now would with the cheapest journalism.
这些刊物是你所能想像最叫人难堪的闹剧,而我应付这些比现在应付那肤浅浮夸的新闻行业轻松得多了。 calm-sea




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