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词汇 burke
释义 burke 英bɜːk美bɝkAHDbûrk

British statesman famous for his oratory; pleaded the cause of the American colonists in British Parliament and defended the parliamentary system 1729-1797United States frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West noted for her marksmanship 1852-1903
murder without leaving a trace on the bodyget rid of, silence, or suppress;

burke an issue

19世纪初,在英国发生了一起骇人听闻的凶杀案。当时,随着医学的快速发展,对供医学解剖用的尸体的需求激增。当时有个名叫威廉·伯克William Burke的爱尔兰人,移居到苏格兰的爱丁堡,居住在他同乡威廉·黑尔William Hare所经营的公寓内。1827年,公寓内一名孤寡老人去世。伯克和黑尔一道把他的尸体从棺木中偷出,卖给了一名外科大夫,发了一笔小财。随后,这两人看到了生财之道,在后来的十个月内,他们利用情妇和妻子,诱骗了至少15名过路的酒鬼、妓女等来投宿,灌醉后将他们闷死,然后把完整的尸体卖给医生。最后,他们在谋害一名妇女时失败暴露。黑尔揭发同案犯后获释,而伯克则被判处绞刑。在执行绞刑时,愤怒的围观群众纷纷大叫“burke him!”,意思是用伯克的作案手法来捂死他。从此以后,伯克凭此凶杀案而遗臭万年,甚至进入了电影,同时还为英语词汇添加了burke这一单词,表示“捂死”之义,后来又引申出“悄然平息”等意思。近义词 burk傻瓜Edmund Burke埃德蒙德·伯克…Calamity JaneCalamity Jan…
as in.bypass
同义词 circumvent,ignore,neglect,omit,sidestep,skirtcircumnavigate,detour,finesse,outflankblink at,depart from,deviate from,get around,go around,go around the barn,let go,pass around,take back road,wink atas in.hush
同义词 mufflechoke,gag,mute,muzzle,quiet,quieten,shush,silence,stifle,still,stop,suppressshut upas in.hush up
同义词 conceal,cover,cover up,keep dark,sit on,smother,squash,stifle,suppressas in.skirt
同义词 bypass,circumvent,dodge,elude,evade,ignore,sidestepcircumnavigate,detour,duck,equivocate,escape,hedge,skipsteer clear ofas in.stifle
同义词 curb,muzzle,repress,silence,smother,squelch,strangle,suffocate,suppressasphyxiate,check,choke,constipate,cork,extinguish,gag,hush,kill,muffle,spike,squash,stagnate,stop,stultify,torpedo,trammelblack out,bring to screeching halt,choke back,clamp down,clam up,cover up,crack down,dry up,hold it down,hush up,put the lid on,shut up,sit onas in.suppress
同义词 abolish,censor,conceal,contain,cover up,crack down on,crush,curb,cut off,muzzle,overcome,overthrow,put an end to,put down,quash,quell,quench,repress,silence,snuff out,stamp out,stifle,subdue,withholdannihilate,bottle,check,clamp,conquer,extinguish,interrupt,muffle,overpower,shush,smother,spike,squash,stop,tramplebeat down,bring to naught,hold back,hold down,hold in,keep in,keep secret,put kibosh on,put lid on,sit onas in.throttle
同义词 control,gag,inhibit,silence,smother,stifle,strangle,strangulate,suppress
bypassverb avoid
blink at,circumnavigate,circumvent,depart from,detour,deviate from,finesse,get around,go around,go around the barn,ignore,let go,neglect,omit,outflank,pass around,sidestep,skirt,take back road,wink at
hushverb attempt to make quiet
burke,choke,gag,muffle,mute,muzzle,quiet,quieten,shush,shut up,silence,stifle,still,stop,suppress
hush upverb keep secret
burke,conceal,cover,cover up,keep dark,sit on,smother,squash,stifle,suppress
skirtverb avoid;get around
burke,bypass,circumnavigate,circumvent,detour,dodge,duck,elude,equivocate,escape,evade,hedge,ignore,sidestep,skip,steer clear of
skirtedverb avoid;get around
bound,defined,edged,flanked,fringed,hemmed,lay along,lay alongside,margined,rimmed,surrounded,verged
stifleverb prevent, restrain
asphyxiate,black out,bring to screeching halt,burke,check,choke,choke back,clam up,clamp down,constipate,cork,cover up,crack down,curb,dry up,extinguish,gag,hold it down,hush,hush up,kill,muffle,muzzle,put the lid on,repress,shut up,silence,sit on,smother,spike,squash,squelch,stagnate,stop,strangle,stultify,suffocate,suppress,torpedo,trammel Again the narrator, Milo Burke, is a sad, cynical sack.
小说的主人公米洛•伯克是又一个集悲惨无助、愤世嫉俗之大成的人物形象。 ecocn

As the Titanic sank in the early hours of April15,1912, Jeremiah Burke,19, from Glanmire in Cork threw the bottle containing his message into the sea.
1912年,4月15日凌晨,来自爱尔兰科克市格兰迈尔的19岁耶利米·伯克,在泰坦尼克号沉没时,将这个装有信的漂流瓶扔进了大海。 kekenet

Darren Burke and Danielle Sulikowski of the University of Newcastle in Australia asked volunteers to rate computer- generated,3D models in various facial positions.
来自澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学的达伦•伯克和丹尼尔•苏里科沃斯基做了一项实验,要求志愿者对电脑合成的3D模特各个面部姿态打分。 ebigear

Mr. Burke,41 years old, had left behind a similar job at an automotive manufacturer.
今年41岁的伯克是从一家汽车生产企业的类似职位跳槽过来的。 ebigear

The great Tory thinker Edmund Burke wrote a book about the appeal of the “ sublime” in art, arguing that a public execution will always draw a bigger crowd than a play.
伟大的保守党思想家埃德蒙伯克,在书中呼吁艺术上的崇高,争辩说当中处死总是比一场话剧吸引更多的人围观。 yeeyan

The other characters were enacted by Margaret Hamilton, Ray Bolger, Frank Morgan, Jack Haley, Billie Burke and Bert Lahr.
片中其他角色分别由玛格丽特.汉密尔顿、雷.博尔格、弗兰克.摩根、杰克.哈利、碧莉.伯克和伯特.拉罕出演。 yeeyan

Although Burke offered wise warnings, most of his contemporaries expected France to tread an“ English path” towards constitutional democracy.
虽然柏克提出了明智的警告,但是与他同时代的大多数人预期法国将踏向民主宪政体制改革的“英国之路”。 worldbank

But I believe that Edmund Burke said it best, he simply said, “Our patience will achieve more than our force.”
但我觉得埃德蒙伯克18世纪的政治家说的最棒,他简单地概括为“耐心比力量更有力。” yeeyan

Delicious looking food miniatures crafted out of polymer clay by Kim Burke.
金.伯克用软陶制作的诱人迷你食品。 yeeyan

For years, Joan Burke has had to battle the fact that homelessness, for most Americans, is an invisible scourge.
多年以来,琼.伯克不得不承认,大多数美国人认为无家可归是无形的苦难,。 yeeyan

However, Edmund Burke and Kant provided classic studies of the difference between beauty and the sublime.
然而,伯克与康德作出了美与升华的古典研究。 yeeyan

In fact, it’s because of Burke that Karle’s whole effort got under way.
事实上,正是因为伯克使得卡乐的整个努力得以开展。 yeeyan

Many visitors said they liked the new looks of the National Museum of American History, including Scott Cook from Burke, Virginia.
许多游客,包括维吉尼亚州伯克市的斯科特.库克说,他们喜欢国立美国历史博物馆的新形象。 yeeyan

Members of an ad hoc student committee wore black T-shirts with a quotation from Edmund Burke: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
学生临时组成的委员会成员穿了黑色 T恤,上面印着埃德蒙-柏克的话:“邪恶获胜,只因善者袖手旁观”。 ecocn

Perhaps Doris Burke and her graphics team will someday show us how it really turned out.
也许多莉丝•伯克和她的制图团队某一天会向我们展示真正的变化到底是什么面貌。 fortunechina

She never visited them and when Burke's Peerage falsely reported them dead, she didn't correct the error.
她从未去探访他们,而当伯克的贵族向她虚报两人已经死亡,她也不作纠正。 yeeyan

That kind of basic structure to the day helps prevent long-term psychological damage, says Burke, the Australian psychologist.
澳大利亚的心理学家伯克说,这种日常的基本生活模式能够帮助预防长期的心理伤害。 yeeyan

The note, which read “ From Titanic, goodbye all, Burke of Glanmire, Cork” has remained in the Burke family for nearly a century.
这封信被伯克家族保存了近一个世纪,信上写着:“写自泰坦尼克号船上,所有的人,再见了,来自科克格兰迈尔的伯克。” jinti

To paraphrase18th- century statesman Edmund Burke, all that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.
为了解释18世纪政治家爱蒙德·伯克的话,“被误导的运动要想成功,所需的只是好人不作为。” hjenglish

Burke found her Gap coupon right before she had planned on buying jeans anyway.
伯克在购买 Gap的优惠券前已经在计划购买牛仔裤了。 yeeyan

Burke, whose organisation provides food and shower facilities for Sacramento's Tent City residents, has mixed feelings about the national media exposure.
伯克所在的单位是向萨拉克曼多帐篷城居民提供食物和洗浴设施的机构。伯克对美国官方媒体的上述报道反应有两个。 yeeyan




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