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词汇 buried hill
释义 buried hill短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺²
The geological model of W6-1 buried hill reservoir is re- evaluated by integrating log data, mud logging information, well testing information and other geological information.
综合分析了多种测井、岩心、录井、试井和其它地质信息,重新评价了涠6-1古潜山油气藏的地质模式。 dictall

The zones characterized by both local thermal fluid karst and surface karst under the outcropped anticlinal axes control the distribution of pores in Ordovician reservoirs in Qianmiqiao buried hill.
局限的热液岩溶和裸露的背斜轴部之下地表岩溶的混合带,对千米桥潜山奥陶系孔隙分布具有重要控制作用。 cnki

The main structure of Futai oilfield is composed of the Lower Paleozoic Chegu20 buried hill and the overlying Eogene Che3 nose-like structure.
富台油气田的主体构造由下古生界车古20潜山和其上覆的下第三系车3鼻状构造两部分组成。 chemyq

The near disposition of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock is favorable for oil and gas accumulation in buried hill traps.
潜山储层与上覆烃源岩和盖层之间的就近配置利于油气进入潜山圈闭而成藏。 cnki

Fractured reservoir is an important reservoir type in Shengli oil province, mainly including buried hill reservoir, igneous reservoir and lake carbonate reservoir.
裂缝性油藏是胜利油区重要的油藏类型之一,主要包括古潜山油藏、火成岩油藏及湖相碳酸盐岩油藏等。 cnki

Gas injection mechanism in buried hill reservoir has been studied through analyzing the impact of gas on oil PVT.
通过分析天然气对原油高压物性的影响,研究了古潜山油藏的注气机理。 chemyq

However, for fissure cavern buried hill reservoirs, the study of reserves may be different due to different regional geology and reservoir characteristics.
但是,同样是缝洞型古潜山油藏,由于具有不同的区域地质条件、不同的油藏特征,其储量研究也各有特点。 cnki

In recent years, Proterozoic and Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs have been explored and developed in Liaohe Oilfield, but it is a problem to interpret these fracture- cavity reservoirs.
近年来,辽河油田元古界、太古界古潜山油气藏得到了比较好的勘探与开发,但对这些缝洞性储层的解释一直是一个难题。 cnki

Interpretation and evaluation for individual well reservoir in buried hill of Leng124 metamorphic rock was satisfactory.
从而对冷124变质岩潜山单井储层进行了解释与评价,取得了满意效果。 cnki

It is a NNE- strike low buried-hill draping structural belt on the Mesozoic buried hill at the last phase of Yanshan movement.
是在燕山运动末期、在中生代潜山背景上发育起来的北北东走向的下第三系低潜山披覆构造带。 cnki

It is thought that Mesozoic volcanics exist extensively in this area and have the probability of forming buried hill reservoirs.
结果认为,该区广泛存在中生界火山岩并有形成古潜山油气藏的可能。 chemyq

Purpose To solve the problems of lithology identification in buried hill and stratigraphic correlation.
目的解决其潜山带岩性识别难度大.地层对比困难的问题。 chemyq

Qianmiqiao buried hill gas reservoir is a complex fracture aquifer gas condensate reservoir.
千米桥潜山凝析气藏属于裂缝性有水凝析气藏,是一个典型的复杂气藏。 cnki

Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield.
齐家古潜山油藏是辽河地区最早从太古界混合花岗岩中取得高产工业油流的古潜山油藏之一。 cnki

The method was effective for quantitative prediction in the buried hill carbonate reservoirs.
该方法在碳酸盐岩潜山油藏储层定量预测方面是行之有效的。 cnki

These buried hill reservoirs with large reserves and high yields take mostly proved oil- gas reserves of Jizhong depression.
这些古潜山油气藏储量大、产量高,占冀中坳陷探明油气储量的绝大部分。 cnki

This method has been used to predict dense pore- fractured zone in limestone reservoir in ZX buried hill area, and brought good prediction effect and economic benefit.
在 ZX古潜山地区,用此法对灰岩储层孔隙一裂缝发育带进行了预测,获得了很好的地质效果和经济效益。 cnki

This paper presents a reverse cement squeezing technique which sets the liner in the non major buried hill reservoir and then cements the liner utilizing the lost circulation in buried/span> hill interval.
文中介绍了将尾管坐入潜山非主力油层,再利用潜山地层漏失进行反挤水泥固井。 cnki

Through geochemical analysis, with consideration of geological conditions, this paper analyzes gas geochemical characteristics of east buried hill of Qianmiqiao, and probes gas reservoir genesis.
通过地化分析,结合地质条件等,对千米桥东潜山天然气地球化学特征进行了剖析,并对其气藏的形成进行了探索。 cnki

Buried hill reservoirs in the Jiyang depression have complex types and are widespread, and structural fractures are the main oil accumulation space of buried hill reservoirs.
济阳坳陷潜山油藏类型复杂,构造裂缝是油藏的主要储集空间。 cnki




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