词汇 | 肆无忌惮 |
释义 | 肆无忌惮 辨形“惮”,不能写作“弹”。 辨析肆无忌惮和“肆意妄为”都表示“极其放肆”之意;但肆无忌惮强调“无忌”;有为所欲为之意;而“肆意妄为”强调“妄为”;指由着自己的欲望而胡乱做事。 辨形“惮”,不能写作“弹”。 辨析肆无忌惮和“肆意妄为”都表示“极其放肆”之意;但肆无忌惮强调“无忌”;有为所欲为之意;而“肆意妄为”强调“妄为”;指由着自己的欲望而胡乱做事。 法文laisser toute retenuesuivre toutes ses fantaisies 俄文разнузданныйнаглый 德文skrupellos rücksichtslos 宋·朱熹集注:“小人不知有此,则肆欲妄行,而无所忌惮矣。” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 But it has also encouraged unscrupulous and frivolous litigants, and a legal industry that caters to them. Yet, as he points out, if we don’t stop heedlessly devouring the wild fish from our oceans, one day that might be all the salmon man has left. But in many industries, new software ideas will result in the rise of new Silicon Valley-style start-ups that invade existing industries with impunity. Indeed, the commission’s chairman has said that“ unbridled” naked short-selling of financial stocks has“ not occurred”. It was not a color most women would wear, but it brought out the reckless gleam in her long straight hair and the green of her eyes. The more money is available, the more unscrupulous they become. The result will be closer scrutiny of public financing, while enabling even more rampant spending by wealthy candidates. Multinationals should help bolster the rules of the game rather than pandering to the most unscrupulous players. On the other are people who believe that Americans are getting fatter because of powerful environmental factors like cheap corn, fast food, and unscrupulous advertising. Mazzini was a dreamily unsuccessful revolutionary, Garibaldi an unscrupulous adventurer whose invasion of Sicily in1860 was illegal and Cavour an old cynic who never travelled south of Pisa. If a man permits his life to run riot and only the animal side of his nature is allowed to express itself, he is repressing his highest and best, and the qualities not used atrophy and die. He was equally unscrupulous in other ways. Meanwhile, people across the Middle East and North Africa are showing that the surest path to justice and dignity is the moral force of nonviolence, not mindless terrorism and violence. Half the excitement was the opportunity to explore other cultures; the other half was the chance to recreate that feeling of unbridled freedom. Because it means that people can carry on driving without constraint, this policy causes the government no political pain. This system tends to produce a tough, rather brutal, stupid, unscrupulous class, with a fixed idea that all enjoyment consists in undetected sinning; The IEC is also wise to the jiggery- pokery that was perpetrated last time by unscrupulous data- entry staff in the national tally centre in Kabul. The market for this special fermented tea collapsed after a buying frenzy turned into a selling spree by unscrupulous wholesalers who had driven up prices artificially. Non-governmental organisations caution against liberalisation lest Africans be taken advantage of by unscrupulous westerners. The network is playing up its unscrupulous women with glitzy marketing campaigns that blanket major cities. |
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