

单词 burials
释义 burials ˈberiəlz COCA³⁰⁰⁰⁰BNC²²¹³⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.葬;掩埋;葬礼burial的名词复数原型burial的复数 Locating in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the Wangjiang burials contain tombs mainly dated to the Tang and Song Dynasties, while some can be designated to the early phase of Six Dynasties period.
湖北秭归望江墓群是三峡库区一处以晚唐北宋为主并可早到六朝前期的墓群。 cnki

The bodies were honored in the main hall of the temple, all rites performed and burials carried out in the family plots.
尸体摆放在寺庙的正厅,然后进行所有的仪式,最后被埋葬在自家的田地中。 worldbank

Under normal circumstances, many of the dead would be given sky burials, the traditional Tibetan ritual in which vultures consume the bodies.
正常情况下,很多死者都会被天葬,这种传统的藏族仪式是让秃鹫来啄食死者的遗体。 yeeyan

Around the remains were items also typically associated with female burials instead of weapons normally found in male graves from that time period.
在遗体周围,也有一些与女性有关的典型器物,而不是当时男性墓地中常见的武器。 yeeyan

Housing- out of the site, Huikeng, burials, pits, and other offerings.
清理出房屋基址、灰坑、墓葬、祭祀坑等。 blog.sina.com.cn

In terms of the basic requirements for Muslim burials, standard practice involves placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.
根据穆斯林葬礼的基本要求,标准程序包括将尸体以头朝向圣城麦加的方式葬入坟墓。 yeeyan

Residential burials had been practiced for a long period of time , dating from the late Paleolithic to modern history in some ethnic minority groups.
居室葬俗延续的时间非常久远,从旧石器时代晚期开始出现,直至近现代的某些少数民族中仍旧流行。 cnki

Since backyard burials are forbidden in many U. S. markets and are logistically impossible for urban apartment dwellers, cremation is the only means of disposal for many.
由于美国许多地方禁止居民将动物尸体埋在后院,且大多数居住在城市公寓楼的人也找不到地方安葬宠物,所以将去世的宠物火化是许多美国人的惟一选择。 cri

The sheer number has forced them to choose cremation over traditional“sky burials, ” in which vultures eat the dead.
尸体的数量使他们不得不进行火化而不是传统的天葬,天葬中是由秃鹰来吃掉尸体。 cjdby

Their manner of burials.
他们的埋葬方式; yahoo

There were less infirmary cases than in the days of Greg Stammas, and so far as I know the moonlight burials ceased altogether, but this is not to say that Norton was not a believer in punishment.
医务室的伤患比史特马在位时少多了,也不再出现月夜埋尸的情况,但这并不表示诺顿不相信惩罚的效力。 jp345

This part of the eclipse from the Han's limitless save, pick an auspicious day, burials, four stars beliefs explained Astrology and Folk relationship.
这部分从两汉的禳救日食、择吉习俗、墓葬、星辰信仰等四个方面阐释了天文星占与民俗的关系。 fabiao

Burials are mostly the living image of how we chose to live.
墓葬大多数时候是反应了我们选择如何活着的真实写照。 yeeyan




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